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For Pakistan, Siding With the Saudis on Syria Is a Bad Idea

By many concerns, siding with Saudi Arabia in our interests when Iranian are playing key role in destabilizing Balochistan and we always should hold positive enhanced relations with KSA.

Saudi money and indoctrination has destroyed more of Pakistan than Iran can do through alleged destabilization in Baluchistan.
Which hateful comment? Can u please elaborate?

daily blaming them Zionist, calling even names like bastards etc. you know the daily shit... or ask Saudi members.... who show great deal of restraint against the usual BS.

@Yzd Khalifa @al-Hasani tell him what hate full comments you tackle here on daily basis.

Saudi money and indoctrination has destroyed more of Pakistan than Iran can do through alleged destabilization in Baluchistan.

This is our problem, you can blame the donor or could you?
While we take more IMF money than from ME, which normally comes in shape of investments and infrastructure development, how such projects could possibly spoil any one! are you spoiled?
KSA is one of those countries where I'd last want to go before I die; it is too suffocating for me. However, I wouldn't go so far as to blame them for funding 'Wahabbism' in Pakistan. I think the Muslims of the Subcontinent are uniquely irrational and emotional lot even amongst global Muslims. But I digress.

Iran is far, far more important to Pakistan as a long term friend than KSA could ever be. Even Afghanistan is. A neighbor is an extremely important country. A prosperous and peaceful neighbor gives the 'peace dividends' in far larger amounts than a few billions of soft loans and grants by a remote, however well-meaning friend.

Even if KSA grants Pakistan $10 as 'free money' that is peanuts for KSA to dole out. And by alienating Iran, Pakistan's hundreds of miles of borders with Iran will also become like those facing India and Afghanistan.

Once again--I am hoping against hope there is no strategic change in Pakistan's stance in the Syrian conflict.
You know I meant $10 BBBBILION!
It will end up in pockets of Zardari and tribe... whats the point in changing pockets than!
They all know, what Yousaf Reza gilani would do, what Zardari's sister would do, what Hamid Saeed Kazmi etc. would do with all that money.
Nawaz Sharif is a long time Saudi agent, with ties to sectarian terrorist groups. Under him, it would not be surprising if Pakistan takes an anti Assad position, and even facilitates weapons to the militants.

Don't be so sure about Nawaz Sharif.
He whupped up SUNNI sectarian outfits in the 90's pretty badly when they got too bold. It is true that his' is a center-right govt. and that elements of his party are beholden to some right wing groups (particularly those against India's role in Kashmir). But make no mistake: Nawaz Sharif is businessman. He represents the mercantile society. He wants peace in Pakistan to advance his class' interests.

Nawaz Sharif certainly feels he owes something to the royal family of KSA; to what extent he will go to placate the royal family is not an easy question to answer.

Anyway, we shall see what will actually come out of this so-called new Syria policy.
daily blaming them Zionist, calling even names like bastards etc. you know the daily shit... or ask Saudi members.... who show great deal of restraint against the usual BS.

@Yzd Khalifa @al-Hasani tell him what hate full comments you tackle here on daily basis.

This is our problem, you can blame the donor or could you?
While we take more IMF money than from ME, which normally comes in shape of investments and infrastructure development, how such projects could possibly spoil any one! are you spoiled?

Yes I m spoiled! We have serious problem. We keep asking for money be it financial donors or some countries we accept influence from as we take money from them. As an individual I find it extremely disgusting. And we are addicted to easy money. Unless we have a government which is sincere in making effort to increase local resources, we are going to be a universal beggar.

This is taking it off topic. On topic. I dont want Pakistan to take sides in Syrian conflict. Its an artificial conflict fueled by Arab fiefdoms to promote their interests. What if foreign funded terrorists start invading Pakistani cities? Whose side will you take?

The net loser of this conflict are the Muslims. Muslims themselves are not powerful enough to take advantage. But enemies in the region definitely will. Weakening Syria or any other mid east country indirectly strengthens Israel.

I hope this is not a 'hateful' comment for you.
Bashar Al Assad is a murderous thug killing his citizens in the name of Religion and I totally support removal of this murderous low life from Power.
Bashar Al Assad is a murderous thug killing his citizens in the name of Religion and I totally support removal of this murderous low life from Power.
good to know, when you carry the Syrian passport your opinion will become worthy to us Syrians :coffee:..
Pakistan must help Saudi arabia if they need it, because Saudia has many times helped Pakistan during difficult times in the history of pakistan.
Sure Saudi help you so much with wahabit kamikazes
They put you in deep troubles for attacking Iran, and how do they pay you? With many thanks for fighting their war

Bashar Al Assad is a murderous thug killing his citizens in the name of Religion and I totally support removal of this murderous low life from Power.
When zionist internationalist Al Qaeda are syrians?

be neutral ...best for pak
Don't be neutral, JEW NATO needs to be attacked together to be aboe to defeat them
Be against Saudi or you will be next as everybody
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Bashar Al Assad is a murderous thug killing his citizens in the name of Religion and I totally support removal of this murderous low life from Power.
Here you went wrong in flow of emotions, Syrian issue is Geo-stratagic more than religious when religion used for destabilization when atrocities has been done totally to exaggerate issue. People unknown to the meanings of 21st century western fabrication of democracy followed wrong path & redirected to the way they should be.
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