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Iran seeks suicide bombings against Saudi Arabia

oh look, my post got deleted because I gave the reality of the failed state that is Pakistan!
Calling us Iranian names because of a poster and one man, when your entire country is filled with suicide bombers.
oh look, my post got deleted because I gave the reality of the failed state that is Pakistan!
Calling us Iranian names because of a poster and one man, when your entire country is filled with suicide bombers.

:) hold your horses despite all the issues atleast our people have the will to fight the dictatorship and tyrants . you guys are just blindly following nutjob Nejad .
I wonder why few Iranians are being so defensive about this.
Honestly, if I was an Iranian, i would rather support such groups, instead of acting like a apologist.

:blink: you would have support suicide bomber groups ??? any reason ?
congratulations...iran is the first islamic nation with balls to hit out at uncle sam.......israel will take care of them...the iranians are better off than those saudi hypocrites,.............any day better

Israel will take care of whom ???
When did Iran have "balls to hit out at Uncle Sam"? Iran has done nothing to Uncle Sam and nor will they ever try to do anything to Uncle Sam.
Of all the known extremist/ terrorist groups, How many are Sunni (including wahabi sunni) backed and how many are Shia backed.

A look into this matter will give answer to a lot of mis-conceptions.

People should not just form opinion based on propaganda/ censored media/ Autocrat's mouthpieces. Intelligent people forms their own opinion after judging all facts and figures.
oh look, my post got deleted because I gave the reality of the failed state that is Pakistan!
Calling us Iranian names because of a poster and one man, when your entire country is filled with suicide bombers.
iran= big mouth which bark on anyone go near to him
. . . iranians are better off than those saudi hypocrites,.............any day better

at what bases ?

Bro, because of the action of some extremist element, can you term the whole country as Extremist?

I think that a large number of Iranians do not agree to this, But the Iranian dictatorship regime , supporte these terrorist acts

. . if I was an Iranian, i would rather support such groups . . .

How do you feel if these operations were against the people of your country ?????
You think Iranians give a f.uck about that desert land called Saudi ?

You boy, Leave that subject aside, Because it is bigger than your level of intellectual . . read about the Iranian earthquake of Bam and see what that desert land called Saudi done to help your people when your country failed to save the people there . .
When did Iran have "balls to hit out at Uncle Sam"? Iran has done nothing to Uncle Sam and nor will they ever try to do anything to Uncle Sam.

This is a fact can not be denied by any sane person
Iran: Stabilizing force or global terrorist?? You decide!

Saudi ambassidor views on Iran

Morocco cuts releations with Iran

Iran to help Syria supress demostrations

Senegal cuts ties with Iran

BBC News - Senegal recalls Tehran ambassador over arms shipment

Nigeria cuts ties with iran
Jerusalem Issue Briefs-An Iranian Intelligence Failure: Arms Ship in Nigeria Reveals Iran?s Penetration of West Africa

Gambia cuts ties with Iran
Gambia Cuts Ties with Iran over Nigeria

Morocco cuts relations with Iran
BBC NEWS | Africa | Morocco cuts relations with Iran

In 1939, diplomatic relations between Egypt and Iran were upgraded to ambassadorial level, and Youssef Zulficar Pasha was appointed as Egypt's first ambassador in Tehran. In the same year, Princess Fawzia of Egypt, the sister of King Farouk I, married Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the then crown prince (later shah) of Iran. However, relations between the two countries collapsed with the sudden eruption of the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1978–79. When the Shah fell, Egypt was bound to disapprove of his replacement, Ruhollah Khomeini, who returned the sentiment in full measure. Furthermore, in 1979, Anwar Sadat infuriated the new Iranian government by welcoming Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the exiled Shah of Iran, for a short, but indefinite, stay.[13] In 1979, Iran officially cut all ties with Egypt.[14] This move was a response to the 1978 Camp David Accords, as well as Egypt's support for Iraq in the Iraq–Iran War.[15] In 1981, Iran symbolically dedicated a street to Khaled Islambouli, Sadat's assassin.[15]
While trade relations slowly improved during the 1990s,[15] Khaled al-Islambouli was honored for a second time in 2001 "with a huge new mural" in Tehran.[13] Two years later, in late 2003, Iranian President Mohammad Khatami met with the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Geneva. Khatami openly invited Mubarak to Iran, but Mubarak refused to make such a trip or normalize relations until all "public tributes" to Islambouli were "erased". In early 2004, Iran agreed to change the offending street name to Muhammad al-Durrah, a 12-year-old Palestinian boy who was killed by the IDF in the opening days of the Second Intifada.[15]
In 2010, leaked diplomatic cables revealed that Mubarak expressed animosity toward Iran in private meetings, saying the Iranian leaders are "big, fat liars", and that Iran's backing of terrorism is "well-known".[16] According to one American report, Mubarak views Iran as the primary long-term challenge facing Egypt, and an Egyptian official said that Iran is running agents inside Egypt in an effort to subvert the Egyptian regime.[17]
[15] [13] Note: This is no different than how they have a shrine and rituals dedicated to Abo LuLu magian (LA) the assassin of Khalifa Hazrat Umar Ibn Khattab (RA)
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I have not heard Iranians blowing themselves up around the world. I don't think it will happen in future either. Where every they are, Iranians are peaceful and successful. I have great respect for them.
Abo LoLo..first example of suicide mission by Iranian / Persian.
After stabbing the Khalifa and 13-14 people behind him during Fajr prayer...Abo LoLo stabbed himself to death our of fear of reprisal if captured.

Then you must not have heard about IRGC or Hezbollah "fidayeen"

You are talking about what happened in 8th century?
Muslim killing Muslim (in the name of religion) what could be worst than it??? Thats too a country supporting it...

Where does pakistan stand?? (Pakistan is Iran's neighbor, Any such suicidal policy can avert pakistan interest in future)

That is an interesting news...where are these Maulanas and Ullemas who propagates Muslim brotherhood while shouting on the streets of Pakistan against India...
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