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Iran seeks suicide bombings against Saudi Arabia

But they are the biggest Villains . Looks what their funds do to our country .

yeah . . those Villains Look what their funds do to your country :

Saudi Arabia has quietly bypassed the United States as the
single largest aid donor in real terms so far. Riyadh’s commitment to
helping the victims of Pakistan’s devastating floods has crossed
US$140 million

The Saudis have also outdone themselves. The Saudi military and air
force set up a back-to-back air bridge between Saudi Arabia and
Pakistan, sending thirty large cargo planes carrying hundreds of tons
of relief goods
. The air bridge continues to operate.

With more than $120 million sent in cash, the first 3-day
international telethon to raise funds, and 30 major air relief
shipments to land in Pakistan
in what is the largest air bridge in
support of flood victims
, Saudi response was better than any other

I am sure that the people of Pakistan Values very much the saudi efforts because the people of Pakistan are not ungrateful, on the contrary of you . . offcourse
Only if the Iranians can convince the US and/or Israel to side with them. Otherwise their 'goose is cooked' in case of a war with the Arabs, who already have far better technological capabilities, and will likely gain the support of some other 'major powers' in a war with Iran.

With all the military technology on the side of the Arabs, this is not going to be a repeat of the Iran-Iraq war. Iran's major means of inflicting damage will be its missile systems, and those (along with its air defences and nuclear infrastructure) are likely going to be targeted first. Iran has a lot of interest in keeping this war 'covert and waged through proxies'.

Seriously it will be a miracle worthy of Moses for Iran to get the US and Israel to support them against the Saudis.

It looks like the Saudis have drawn a line in the sand, literally. The ignored Irans meddling in Syria and Lebanon and limited competing interests in Iraq to Iraq.
Bahrain it seems is the tipping point, Iran can accept that the Saudis arent letting Iran take control there or they can escalate the conflict. Considering the billions the Saudis have been spending recently on upgrading the military it would seem that they regard it as a posibility that Ahmadinejad is stupid enough to try something.

Problem is Iran has been doing a better job of making enemies than it has of making friends. Alowing for the ability of the Saudis to ignore the UN things could go very baldy very quickly.
As concerns Jana's use of the word Zoroastrian, isn't it Abii himself who has been saying millions of Iranians are only Shias because they are forced to be, and if possible, they would convert to Bahaiism or Zoroastrianism?
yeah . . those Villains Look what their funds do to your country :

Saudi Arabia has quietly bypassed the United States as the
single largest aid donor in real terms so far. Riyadh’s commitment to
helping the victims of Pakistan’s devastating floods has crossed
US$140 million

The Saudis have also outdone themselves. The Saudi military and air
force set up a back-to-back air bridge between Saudi Arabia and
Pakistan, sending thirty large cargo planes carrying hundreds of tons
of relief goods
. The air bridge continues to operate.

With more than $120 million sent in cash, the first 3-day
international telethon to raise funds, and 30 major air relief
shipments to land in Pakistan
in what is the largest air bridge in
support of flood victims
, Saudi response was better than any other

I am sure that the people of Pakistan Values very much the saudi efforts because the people of Pakistan are not ungrateful, on the contrary of you . . offcourse
it is a good generosity from a very rich country
but i just correct one part: USA was the main donator for Pakistan: from US state to the US citizens
they gave for more than 300 millions USD
yeah . . those Villains Look what their funds do to your country :

Saudi Arabia has quietly bypassed the United States as the
single largest aid donor in real terms so far. Riyadh’s commitment to
helping the victims of Pakistan’s devastating floods has crossed
US$140 million

The Saudis have also outdone themselves. The Saudi military and air
force set up a back-to-back air bridge between Saudi Arabia and
Pakistan, sending thirty large cargo planes carrying hundreds of tons
of relief goods
. The air bridge continues to operate.

With more than $120 million sent in cash, the first 3-day
international telethon to raise funds, and 30 major air relief
shipments to land in Pakistan
in what is the largest air bridge in
support of flood victims
, Saudi response was better than any other

I am sure that the people of Pakistan Values very much the saudi efforts because the people of Pakistan are not ungrateful, on the contrary of you . . offcourse
You think Iranians give a f.uck about that desert land called Saudi ?
This perversion of the word, my friend . . i said (Do you expect that Saudi Arabia will not respond ? . . Saudi Arabia has the fundamentalist Salafi jihadist groups "whatever you name it" waiting for Just a signal from the saudi state to act against Iran and transform the lives of Iranians in to hell) . . This is understood only one way . . (If Iran . . Saudi Arabia will) . . there is a condition

Do you think Jihadi groups wait for your Grammer classes on If and then ?

Botton line - Dont fight, we need cheap oil.
Oppssssssssss bad choice by the Zoroastrians as it is going to rebound in the long run and above all its Iran that is interfering in Bahrain by arming anti-Govt elements in Bahrain on the basis of their sect whereas the same people are a threat to Saudia and creating problems in their bordering areas.

Iran is playing a double role one wonders if US decides to attack Iran why other Muslim countries should side with Iran when Iran itself is not sincere to any Muslim country
US will NEVER attack iran,,,, it is just a "ٹوپى ڈرامه"...
Ahmadi Nijaad was born a jew,,, his parents converted when they moved from a small jewish town to big city,,, & I presume under the necessity of situation,,, such r called "Crypto-jews"
The Dajjal would be followed by seventy thousand Jews of Isfahan wearing Persian shawls. (Muslim 7034)

The Dajjal will be followed by seventy thousand of my people wearing dark cloaks. (Miskhat al Masabih from sharh as sunna)
I think that is a weak reason to stop someone from getting advancement in defence field, military equipment.

Iran is more close to India but India is against a nuclear Iran. why?

Relations between India and Iran have soured particularly after Iran made remarks on Kashmir.
I hope both nations will work to restore their relations. India and Iran have been friends since time immemorial.
Relations between India and Iran have soured particularly after Iran made remarks on Kashmir.
I hope both nations will work to restore their relations. India and Iran have been friends since time immemorial.

So why India oppose nuclear Iran ??
congratulations...iran is the first islamic nation with balls to hit out at uncle sam.......israel will take care of them...the iranians are better off than those saudi hypocrites,.............any day better

Who openly declares terrorism???

Who knows,wat will they do after they get nukes?????

Bro, because of the action of some extremist element, can you term the whole country as Extremist?
I wonder why few Iranians are being so defensive about this.
Honestly, if I was an Iranian, i would rather support such groups, instead of acting like a apologist.
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