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Iran seeks suicide bombings against Saudi Arabia

Oppssssssssss bad choice by the Zoroastrians

@Jana, that was really uncalled for. So should Pakistanis be described as Hindus or Buddhists now? I usually i

Sir It was in context of Saudia-Iran conflict which is more related to ancient Zoroastrians and Arabs thingy and not a Muslim vs non Muslim conflict.

I am sure you would have knowledge of this deep rooted conflict between the two
I didn't want to hurt you... I just raised concern coz, you share boundary with Iran... One of you is shiatte country other is sunni...

I dint hurt me at all. though it was just unnecessarily dragging Pakistan into this by YOU :)

But again i would say more than shia sunni thing we being Pakistan would side with those who are in our own national interests. Iran had sided with our enemies in the past and still does so, so i am sure we have a clear choice if we were dragged into it though we will try to remain neutral as much and for as long as we can.

The same situation will be faced by India too
Dont drag us into it. India is also an ally of Iran so where do you stand ?? will you side with Iran or Saudia ?

As far as we are concerned we will side with that country which is good for our own national interests. and so far Iran had been supporting Bharat aka India against Pakistan till time India back stabbed Iran.

But when comes the moment of truth,even India will not stand by Iran, Because of India's major interests with saudi arabia
Sir It was in context of Saudia-Iran conflict which is more related to ancient Zoroastrians and Arabs thingy and not a Muslim vs non Muslim conflict.

I am sure you would have knowledge of this deep rooted conflict between the two
be honest Jana you answer a post that has nothing to do with history

here the link is Mesbah Yazdi group
you know the hojatieh?
they are shias not zoroastrians at all. they hate zoroastrians. they hate Jews. they hate christians. they hate sunnis. they hate shias who don't agree with them. they name us "out of Islam" because we protest.
Ahmadinejad is a member of this sect.
Khamenei when he got the leadership gave a position to this Mesbah Yazdi fake ayatollah. Khomeiny never liked Mesbah Yazdi.
Khamenei gave him the position of spiritual formation of the basiji.

So maybe now people can understand why us, Iranians, we are fed up of these crazy people?

Instead of bombing us, would it be better find another solution to kick their ?

it was time with better respect: Khatami for exemple from his good relations in Lebanon (not Hezbollah i mean the government) to KSA

whatever don't worry there are just a few ones who follow Mesbah Yazdi and they are just good to kill Iranian citizens
or in Qom i could often see them insult the grand ayatollahs
because yeah these guys hate the "normal" religious people. these guys are fanatics . they are a danger for sure.

if they go KSA and you kill them , i give you a medal.
Tell me one thing about the link you posted, is it a news site?
the fact he doesn't know persian he didn't understand what is inside the link
the blog is very much transforming into an Iranian threat

this is a group website, nothing to do with a news website
this group is an extremist group
in the same group they ask to kill the Iranians who are in the streets to protest
the fact he doesn't know persian he didn't understand what is inside the link
the blog is very much transforming into an Iranian threat

this is a group website, nothing to do with a news website
this group is an extremist group
in the same group they ask to kill the Iranians who are in the streets to protest

You got me right, that's what i was trying to explain.
why Zoroastrians? we are not real muslims? you as well you are going to enter this?

you didn't get this guy Nishan is doign a propaganda job here anti shia anti Iran?

the source is Mesbah Yazdi group: a dangerous sectarian guy
he doesn't represent Iran at all

It is like you say that Ben Laden is the speech of the KSA king LOL

I will overlook any personal abuse me, because I think that when a person loses all logical means he turns to the use of improper words. . any way . . her is the Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi statement That supports the hard-line posit of what you call "dangerous sectarian guy" :

Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi stressed that Iran will not stand idly on the intervention of Saudi Arabia in Bahrain

It is published in all news sites in the world . . still not convinced ??
be honest Jana you answer a post that has nothing to do with history

here the link is Mesbah Yazdi group
you know the hojatieh?
they are shias not zoroastrians at all. they hate zoroastrians. they hate Jews. they hate christians. they hate sunnis. they hate shias who don't agree with them. they name us "out of Islam" because we protest.

in other words they are takfiris and kharijis who are always violent.

Ahmadinejad is a member of this sect.
Khamenei when he got the leadership gave a position to this Mesbah Yazdi fake ayatollah. Khomeiny never liked Mesbah Yazdi.
Khamenei gave him the position of spiritual formation of the basiji.

How nejad is elected and by whom ? look at Khamenei. thats what i was pointing out Mesbah will get attention and support since he speaks against Saudia.

So maybe now people can understand why us, Iranians, we are fed up of these crazy people?

Instead of bombing us, would it be better find another solution to kick their ?

it was time with better respect: Khatami for exemple from his good relations in Lebanon (not Hezbollah i mean the government) to KSA

whatever don't worry there are just a few ones who follow Mesbah Yazdi and they are just good to kill Iranian citizens
or in Qom i could often see them insult the grand ayatollahs
because yeah these guys hate the "normal" religious people. these guys are fanatics . they are a danger for sure.

if they go KSA and you kill them , i give you a medal.

Yes a mutual solution must be find out about this issue. its so much deep rooted and one wonders why cant Iranian and Saudians can live in peace with each others?

Due to the two countries other Muslim countries are affecting negatively.

Bombing is not the option for sure.
But when comes the moment of truth,even India will not stand by Iran, Because of India's major interests with saudi arabia

Yes that is true because everyone guards own interests . For us its more complex because we will face ire of Iran if we do not support Iran and being a bordering country we are already in mess due to many things
. . .Just see Nishan's own post. He himself is bragging Saudi has many fundamentalist Jihadi groups. . .

This perversion of the word, my friend . . i said (Do you expect that Saudi Arabia will not respond ? . . Saudi Arabia has the fundamentalist Salafi jihadist groups "whatever you name it" waiting for Just a signal from the saudi state to act against Iran and transform the lives of Iranians in to hell) . . This is understood only one way . . (If Iran . . Saudi Arabia will) . . there is a condition
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