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Iran only hope against Israel: Tunisian president


Nov 11, 2016
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Tunisia’s president has called Iran the only source of hope in confronting Israel and hailed the Islamic Republic's sacrifices in the war against terrorists in Syria.

Beji Caid Essebsi made the remarks in a meeting with visiting Iranian Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Reza Salehi Amiri at the presidential Carthage Palace in Tunis, IRNA news agency reported.

“The Zionist regime [of Israel] is the Islamic Republic’s only enemy in the region. Therefore, we hope that all Muslim and Arab countries would stand by Iran,” Essebi said, according to IRNA.

Essebi called Iran a great country with a rich cultural heritage, saying it has a role to play in the Middle East despite efforts by certain sides to push the Islamic Republic into a Shia-Sunni strife.

“Unfortunately, the Zionist regime and its sponsors were trying to isolate Iran, but, by God’s grace, the Islamic Republic succeeded to return to the political scene of the region,” he added.

Since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Tehran has invariably stood by the Palestinian people against Israel which considers Iran as the biggest existential threat.

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Amiri departed for Algeria and Tunisia on Monday at the invitation of his counterparts from those countries to sign a number of bilateral cultural agreements.


Iranian Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Reza Salehi Amiri (L) meets with Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi in Tunis, March 31, 2017
Essebi said he “respected” those Iranians who have lost their lives in the battle against foreign-backed terrorists in Syria, while providing advisory support to the Syrian army.

Amiri said had it not been for Iran’s contribution to the regional anti-terror battle, terrorists would have now reached Damascus and the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, adding that the Iranian assistance had thus prevented “the virus of terrorism from afflicting all the countries” of the region.

The Takfiri terror group of Daesh, he said, is waging a “proxy warfare” in Syria “to destroy the Muslim world.” Amiri condemned foreign-sourced terrorism, saying more than 100 terror outfits have been arrested in Iran, all of whom have confessed to being armed by regional countries.

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He also lauded the “seriousness” of the Tunisian government in confronting terrorism which is a challenge to the North African country.

According to Tunisian officials, around 3,000 citizens of the country have joined Daesh's ranks in Libya, Syria and Iraq. The United Nations says the figure could be as high as 5,000.

Tunisia’s president has called Iran the only source of hope in confronting Israel and hailed the Islamic Republic's sacrifices in the war against terrorists in Syria.

Beji Caid Essebsi made the remarks in a meeting with visiting Iranian Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Reza Salehi Amiri at the presidential Carthage Palace in Tunis, IRNA news agency reported.

“The Zionist regime [of Israel] is the Islamic Republic’s only enemy in the region. Therefore, we hope that all Muslim and Arab countries would stand by Iran,” Essebi said, according to IRNA.

Essebi called Iran a great country with a rich cultural heritage, saying it has a role to play in the Middle East despite efforts by certain sides to push the Islamic Republic into a Shia-Sunni strife.

“Unfortunately, the Zionist regime and its sponsors were trying to isolate Iran, but, by God’s grace, the Islamic Republic succeeded to return to the political scene of the region,” he added.

Since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Tehran has invariably stood by the Palestinian people against Israel which considers Iran as the biggest existential threat.

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Amiri departed for Algeria and Tunisia on Monday at the invitation of his counterparts from those countries to sign a number of bilateral cultural agreements.


Iranian Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Reza Salehi Amiri (L) meets with Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi in Tunis, March 31, 2017
Essebi said he “respected” those Iranians who have lost their lives in the battle against foreign-backed terrorists in Syria, while providing advisory support to the Syrian army.

Amiri said had it not been for Iran’s contribution to the regional anti-terror battle, terrorists would have now reached Damascus and the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, adding that the Iranian assistance had thus prevented “the virus of terrorism from afflicting all the countries” of the region.

The Takfiri terror group of Daesh, he said, is waging a “proxy warfare” in Syria “to destroy the Muslim world.” Amiri condemned foreign-sourced terrorism, saying more than 100 terror outfits have been arrested in Iran, all of whom have confessed to being armed by regional countries.

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He also lauded the “seriousness” of the Tunisian government in confronting terrorism which is a challenge to the North African country.

According to Tunisian officials, around 3,000 citizens of the country have joined Daesh's ranks in Libya, Syria and Iraq. The United Nations says the figure could be as high as 5,000.
I heard he later denied it. Lol
divide and conquer...

the age old imperialist tactic of dividing local people against each other.... picking and supporting a (winning) side. and having that faction be reliant on you for their power, survival and status...

the white man successfully used this tactic to easily enslave both Africa and india for centuries....

now we are seeing that same playbook in the middleeast today against the muslims...

this really heated up around 2005-2006 if you remember.. at that time the US was in serious trouble in Iraq.. the entire islamist (especially sunni jihadis) cause was fighting an insurgency against American occupiers...

the US was taking heavy casualties daily, the public were really fed up, Bush was tanking, and their military was getting demoralised.. the US was in serious trouble at that junction... Enter a new band of Al Qaeda leaders, whos entire new goal became an all out war against shias...

overnight the war went from Islamism vs the americans, to shia's vs. sunnis.. with murican strategically picking sides... easing pressure on them, and giving them a face saving way out....

Now that same playbook is being used in the region....

Biggest winner in this is going to be Zionist Israel... an artificial state where some polish dude with a grandmother who may or may not have been a jew on paper.. Has the "right of return" to come to lands inhabited for centuries by muslim arabs.. take them over forcibly, kick that arab out.. and kill and slaughter his family and call them terrorists if they resist...

the artificial imperialist project state would fail if muslims united against her.... muslims are over 1.2b~ people and hold a huge chunk of the worlds crucial energy supplies, and completely surround Israel... Strategically, Israel is hopeless long term...

UNLESS, she can pit the muslims against each other, ANd try to portray islam as a violent/barbaric religion in the west to get their support. (help out your fellow civilized jews against these barbaric muslims!!!!!)

a dual strategy that's working wonders today..

is it any coincidence that Israel decided to make peace with Egypt immidiatly after irans revolution where a game changing geopolitical event had taken place. where a strong US puppet suddenly turned into an anti-US/anti-Israel state...

instead of muslims (arabs) seizing that opportunity... some made peace with Israel, some joined together to attack iran.... while Israel wished both sides "good luck" and the west just laughed......

Muslims need to smarten up if they want to stop being slaves of the white man...
I heard he later denied it. Lol

Yes, the transcript by journalist show that nowhere he said that... So the escuses found by diplomats is that Iranians officials "got" wrong translation...

Weird... Why? simple, the Iranian diplomat and the one with him, mostly, speak Tunisian dialect...

I think they never believed that their words will be taken that seriously in Tunisia and that , the president would have not denied it...
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