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Tunisian Terrorist: we bombed mosques to blame the Syrian army!

me i support Syrian people

All of that is staged and obviously made up.

The child-murdering terror regime of Al-Asshead have been behind a lot of propaganda that fair to say had no truth on earth. Likewise dozens of former news anchors on Syrian STATE television have defected and told all about the propaganda they were feeding the populace on a daily basis.

There is no substantial reason to believe anything that was told by this cartoon character that cannot even be identified. Looks staged as well and the answers are comical.
good, then you would respect the Syrian people demands, which is to respect the Syrian sovereignty and stop arming the F$A terrorists...
and i blame the Syrian regime for this war
Bashar turn the 2011 revolution to a sectarian war
and to me AL-Assad family sold Golan
so i support Syrian people who are in refugee camps
afraid from AL-Assad Barrel Bombs
and i blame the Syrian regime for this war
Bashar turn the 2011 revolution to a sectarian war
and to me AL-Assad family sold Golan
so i support Syrian people who are in refugee camps
afraid from AL-Assad Barrel Bombs
al humdulilah, you know what's happening. :)
and i blame the Syrian regime for this war
Bashar turn the 2011 revolution to a sectarian war
and to me AL-Assad family sold Golan
so i support Syrian people who are in refugee camps
afraid from AL-Assad Barrel Bombs
compare Syria before 2011 and after "freedom" came , there were not Syrian refugees, we took refugees in and never put them in camps... and this is not Alasad fault, every good leader would do the same when terrorism attacks the country... Alasad sold Golan? you people have been saying that for years, but you don't know that Alasad was not in power 1967.... ignorance at its best, and also don't forget that Egypt left Syria alone when Egypt after they got Sinai..

you are the sectarian one btw... supporting terrorists F$A like the one the other Tunisians talked about in the video... you refuse to support peace, and you support bloodshed.
compare Syria before 2011 and after "freedom" came , there were not Syrian refugees, we took refugees in and never put them in camps... and this is not Alasad fault, every good leader would do the same when terrorism attacks the country... Alasad sold Golan? you people have been saying that for years, but you don't know that Alasad was not in power 1967.... ignorance at its best, and also don't forget that Egypt left Syria alone when Egypt after they got Sinai..

you are the sectarian one btw... supporting terrorists F$A like the one the other Tunisians talked about in the video... you refuse to support peace, and you support bloodshed.
me i don't support any side i support only the people who are they in Turkish and Jordanian camps
when i say that i meant his father

AL-Assad family sold Golan
and fighting terror is not by bombing cities
i know how it stared so i blame Al-Assad
and don't blame us for Egyptian army act ( to me if they continue to ‎ al-Quds ) but they stop after they got Sinai
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me i don't support any side i support only the people who are they in Turkish and Jordanian camps
when i say that i meant his father

AL-Assad family sold Golan
and fighting terror is not by bombing cities
i know how it stared so i blame Al-Assad
and don't blame us for Egyptian army act ( to me if they continue to ‎ al-Quds ) but they stop after they got Sinai
like I said Hafiz Alasad was not in power in 1967... and in 1973, Egypt stopped the war in the southern front (Sinai) thus it put all the pressure on the Syrian side..

and there wouldn't be a single refugee if it wasn't for the F$A terrorists..
like I said Hafiz Alasad was not in power in 1967... and in 1973, Egypt stopped the war in the southern front (Sinai) thus it put all the pressure on the Syrian side..

and there wouldn't be a single refugee if it wasn't for the F$A terrorists..

so why your beloved leaders don't take it back
( in Tunisia we kicked the french out from Tunisia because France planned expand the airbase in Bizerte so we use that as reason for war but we lost the battle but in the end french army was out )

i think they don't tack it back because Israel give them money
so why your beloved leaders don't take it back
( in Tunisia we kicked the french out from Tunisia because France planned expand the airbase in Bizerte so we use that as reason for war but we lost the battle but in the end french army was out )

i think they don't tack it back because Israel give them money
take it back? how? it would be Syria vs the world, the "Arab" world would be on the Israeli side... go check out it the UN resolution regarding Golan... and the disengagement zone...
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