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Iran nuclear deal reached

I heard it was 42, either way lifting the sanctions will bring far more in the future. This great for us too, now could start selling civilian passenger jets, and military hardware with no fear of violating the sanctions.

Iran will finally get S-300, maybe S-400 who knows:lol:

Iran needs new airplanes and it needs them fast. Iran did a great deal to hold its old airplanes alive for that long. But it is important to renew the fleet of Iran Air. Iran Air could get contracts with germany. We can deliver new Airbus. Even A380 is Iran Air demands those, to replace its old 747.

Lol, everbody trying to sell their stuff. :cheesy:



Anyway on the subject.

Turkey welcomes nuke deal, repeats its readiness to endorse it

Turkey has welcomed the deal reached between P5+1 countries and Iran over the latter’s nuclear program and reiterated its endorsement of the process, recalling its earlier efforts for a diplomatic solution to the question.

“I welcome today’s agreement on Iran’s nuclear program. I have been advocating a solution through diplomacy and we hosted many diplomatic efforts in Turkey to this end,” Turkish President Abdullah Gül said through his twitter account on Nov. 24. “This is a major step forward. I hope it’ll be sealed with a final agreement soon. I congratulate all parties for their constructive engagement.”

The Foreign Ministry also welcomed the deal and congratulated Iran and P5+1 countries, recalling that the deal reached in Geneva was the first concrete development with regard to the nuclear problem since the Tehran Declaration initiated by Turkish and Brazilian mediation in 2010. “By all means, the said deal constitutes the very beginning of the process and short-term confidence building measures,” it read.

Efforts carried out in 2010 by Turkey and Brazil for a diplomatic solution remained futile as the United States did not endorse the move although it earlier gave a green light to both countries to initiate what they called “the swap deal.”

Ankara called on parties to carry on their constructive approaches to move the process forward with hopes that this issue will be fully resolved diplomatically in a way to satisfy relevant parties. “Turkey, which made every effort to keep the diplomatic process alive for the solution of the problem, is ready to provide every kind of support,” it stressed.

The ministry repeated that Turkey would continue to defend countries’ rights to peaceful use of nuclear energy on the condition of full compliance with the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty (NPT) and to endorse endeavors to clear the Middle East of all kinds of weapons of mass destruction.
HH Easing sanctions to Turkey’s advantage

In a statement hours before the deal was reached, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said it was Turkey who wanted the deal more than any other country. “This deal would help defuse the tension in our region and establish a new workforce in the international arena,” he added.

Turkey’s economic relations with Iran have suffered due to sanctions imposed on its oil-rich neighbor. With the easing of these sanctions, Ankara believes the two countries could increase the trade volume and pave the way for fresh energy projects.

Davutoğlu to go to Iran

In the meantime, Davutoğlu will travel to Tehran tomorrow to attend the Economic Cooperation Organization, set for Nov. 26 and 27. Davutoğlu is expected to meet with his Iranian counterpart Javad Zarif on the sidelines of the meeting.

POLITICS - Turkey welcomes nuke deal, repeats its readiness to endorse it
Though i'm a supporter of Israel, i think this deal is a step in the right direction.

The people who deserve the most praise for this are actually the people of Iran. Without their election of Hassan Rouhani i don't think this deal would be possible.
Unfortunately the Israelis didn't voted for a new leader in their elections, so they are stuck with Netanyahu who is more & more isolating the country, even from it's closest allies.

The most bizarre thing is that it could lead to some informal Israeli-Saudi cooperation/alliance against Iran.
And again:

Iran nuclear deal: Key points

24 November 2013 Last updated at 16:24 GMT

World powers and Iran have signed a deal on Iran's nuclear programme following intense talks in Geneva.

Both sides committed to a series of steps which will last for six months, while a more conclusive deal is negotiated.

Here are the key points of what the two sides agreed:

What Iran will do

- Halt enrichment of uranium above 5% purity

- "Neutralise" its stockpile of near-20%-enriched uranium, either by diluting it to less than 5% or converting it to a form which cannot be further enriched

- Not install any more centrifuges (the machines used to enrich uranium)

- Leave half to three-quarters of centrifuges installed in Natanz and Fordo enrichment facilities inoperable

- Not build any more enrichment facilities

- Not increase its stockpile of 3.5% low-enriched uranium

- Halt work on the construction of its heavy-water reactor at Arak, not attempt to produce plutonium there

- Provide daily access to Natanz and Fordo sites to IAEA inspectors and access to other facilities, mines and mills

- Provide "long-sought" information on the Arak reactor and other data

What the P5+1 will do

- Provide "limited, temporary, targeted, and reversible [sanctions] relief"

- Not impose further nuclear-related sanctions if Iran meets its commitments

- Suspend certain sanctions on trade in gold and precious metals, Iran's automotive sector, and its petrochemical exports

- Licence safety-related repairs and inspections inside Iran for certain Iranian airlines

- Transfer $4.2bn to Iran in instalments from sales of its oil

not even in your dreams, BS Broadcast corporation(BBC).

this is the deal
Iran nuclear deal: Key points

24 November 2013 Last updated at 16:24 GMT

World powers and Iran have signed a deal on Iran's nuclear programme following intense talks in Geneva.

Both sides committed to a series of steps which will last for six months, while a more conclusive deal is negotiated.

Here are the key points of what the two sides agreed:

What Iran will do

- Halt enrichment of uranium above 5% purity

- "Neutralise" its stockpile of near-20%-enriched uranium, either by diluting it to less than 5% or converting it to a form which cannot be further enriched

- Not install any more centrifuges (the machines used to enrich uranium)

- Leave half to three-quarters of centrifuges installed in Natanz and Fordo enrichment facilities inoperable

- Not build any more enrichment facilities

- Not increase its stockpile of 3.5% low-enriched uranium

- Halt work on the construction of its heavy-water reactor at Arak, not attempt to produce plutonium there

- Provide daily access to Natanz and Fordo sites to IAEA inspectors and access to other facilities, mines and mills

- Provide "long-sought" information on the Arak reactor and other data

What the P5+1 will do

- Provide "limited, temporary, targeted, and reversible [sanctions] relief"

- Not impose further nuclear-related sanctions if Iran meets its commitments

- Suspend certain sanctions on trade in gold and precious metals, Iran's automotive sector, and its petrochemical exports

- Licence safety-related repairs and inspections inside Iran for certain Iranian airlines

- Transfer $4.2bn to Iran in instalments from sales of its oil

same answer for liars and their fans:
this is the deal
The only problem in the world is israhell.If there no israhell we and us were close friends and there wasnt any war in the world

@SOHEIL Who is this guy on blue scarf, big teeths and nose ?
USA simply cannot do a deal without KSA consent. There must be some backroom negotiation and goodies for KSA.

I was thinking about this. The Saudis and Israel threw a hissy fit over this.

There must be something.

When it comes to Iran we are neutral. When it comes to drones or US occupation, all out ball-less leaders scurry around and hide behind excuses. Such is the leadership quality of the mafia we call politicians of our status quo parties.

I tell you. Our mainstream politicians are not happy with this development. The ruling party has its moral compass alingned with Saudi Arabia. This thaw brings lots of opportunities for Pakistan too. But we need genuine leaders to maximise our gain not dacoit type politicians.

Isn't this good for pakistan in terms of the Iran pipeline.
I was thinking about this. The Saudis and Israel threw a hissy fit over this.

There must be something.

Isn't this good for pakistan in terms of the Iran pipeline.
it wont help pakistan... unless zardari comes back from dead... :)
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