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Iran nuclear deal reached

Peace in middle east is the holy grail that many recent presidents spent their time and money after. It might not be their national priority, but strangely lot of their presidents are drawn towards this seemingly unsolvable issue.

Peace in the Middle East will remain elusive as US democracy is too corrupt. You throw the money in & the President will speak your language. This has been happening in Middle East for long time now. The Zionists controls American politics and Congress. Thats why no President has succeeded because Americans see the issue from Zionists point of view.

On the ground this agenda is contentious, debatable & unrealistic.
Peace in the Middle East will remain elusive as US democracy is too corrupt. You throw the money in & the President will speak your language. This has been happening in Middle East for long time now. The Zionists controls American politics and Congress. Thats why no President has succeeded because Americans see the issue from Zionists point of view.

On the ground this agenda is contentious, debatable & unrealistic.
both israel and KSA have got enermous clout in USA. KSA is silent on deal because their opposition must have been taken care of. They wont allow it without extracting something.
Israel made a lot of noise but silent now. Its unlikely that US will do anything unilaterally there.
Iran nuclear deal: Key points

24 November 2013 Last updated at 16:24 GMT

World powers and Iran have signed a deal on Iran's nuclear programme following intense talks in Geneva.

Both sides committed to a series of steps which will last for six months, while a more conclusive deal is negotiated.

Here are the key points of what the two sides agreed:

What Iran will do

- Halt enrichment of uranium above 5% purity

- "Neutralise" its stockpile of near-20%-enriched uranium, either by diluting it to less than 5% or converting it to a form which cannot be further enriched

- Not install any more centrifuges (the machines used to enrich uranium)

- Leave half to three-quarters of centrifuges installed in Natanz and Fordo enrichment facilities inoperable

- Not build any more enrichment facilities

- Not increase its stockpile of 3.5% low-enriched uranium

- Halt work on the construction of its heavy-water reactor at Arak, not attempt to produce plutonium there

- Provide daily access to Natanz and Fordo sites to IAEA inspectors and access to other facilities, mines and mills

- Provide "long-sought" information on the Arak reactor and other data

What the P5+1 will do

- Provide "limited, temporary, targeted, and reversible [sanctions] relief"

- Not impose further nuclear-related sanctions if Iran meets its commitments

- Suspend certain sanctions on trade in gold and precious metals, Iran's automotive sector, and its petrochemical exports

- Licence safety-related repairs and inspections inside Iran for certain Iranian airlines

- Transfer $4.2bn to Iran in instalments from sales of its oil


And again:

Iran nuclear deal: Key points

24 November 2013 Last updated at 16:24 GMT

World powers and Iran have signed a deal on Iran's nuclear programme following intense talks in Geneva.

Both sides committed to a series of steps which will last for six months, while a more conclusive deal is negotiated.

Here are the key points of what the two sides agreed:

What Iran will do

- Halt enrichment of uranium above 5% purity

- "Neutralise" its stockpile of near-20%-enriched uranium, either by diluting it to less than 5% or converting it to a form which cannot be further enriched

- Not install any more centrifuges (the machines used to enrich uranium)

- Leave half to three-quarters of centrifuges installed in Natanz and Fordo enrichment facilities inoperable

- Not build any more enrichment facilities

- Not increase its stockpile of 3.5% low-enriched uranium

- Halt work on the construction of its heavy-water reactor at Arak, not attempt to produce plutonium there

- Provide daily access to Natanz and Fordo sites to IAEA inspectors and access to other facilities, mines and mills

- Provide "long-sought" information on the Arak reactor and other data

What the P5+1 will do

- Provide "limited, temporary, targeted, and reversible [sanctions] relief"

- Not impose further nuclear-related sanctions if Iran meets its commitments

- Suspend certain sanctions on trade in gold and precious metals, Iran's automotive sector, and its petrochemical exports

- Licence safety-related repairs and inspections inside Iran for certain Iranian airlines

- Transfer $4.2bn to Iran in instalments from sales of its oil

Merkel would not cover her hair when visiting Iran. She is the leader of our nation and as far as i know, Iran does allow in that case to not cover her hair. She did not cover herself when she visited Saudi Arabia and she would not when visiting Iran. Such a visit would be too important for such small issues i think. There are more important things to talk about.

Iran needs new airplanes and it needs them fast. Iran did a great deal to hold its old airplanes alive for that long. But it is important to renew the fleet of Iran Air. Iran Air could get contracts with germany. We can deliver new Airbus. Even A380 is Iran Air demands those, to replace its old 747.
Merkel would not cover her hair when visiting Iran. She is the leader of our nation and as far as i know, Iran does allow in that case to not cover her hair. She did not cover herself when she visited Saudi Arabia and she would not when visiting Iran. Such a visit would be too important for such small issues i think. There are more important things to talk about.

Iran needs new airplanes and it needs them fast. Iran did a great deal to hold its old airplanes alive for that long. But it is important to renew the fleet of Iran Air. Iran Air could get contracts with germany. We can deliver new Airbus. Even A380 is Iran Air demands those, to replace its old 747.
Hey bro I like Germans beacuse we commen race :wave:
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