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Iran mulls plan to move capital from Tehran

take a look at your own comment then see a map and find Semnan on it.It got all the features you issued yourself:D

What is your favored city by the way?
take a look at your own comment then see a map and find Semnan on it.It got all the features you issued yourself:D

What is your favored city by the way?

water resources = less than 0.2 billion cm^3 is available.
Not located on any South-North main road.
It has lots of Bahais as far as I know which is A$$-hurt for mullahs to live with all of them. :lol::lol::lol:
too far from South and West borders.

Tehran is the most logical option, there was some reasons that this city got chosen to be the capital by a genius like Agha Mohammad Khan.:lol::lol::lol: PS. he was a bit too harsh, but he was a genius too.

The bottom line is: "They need to fix the capital's issue, and stop talking crap and digressing people's thoughts ;) "
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The mismanagement which has led Tehran to what we witness nowadays, undoubtedly would turn any probable city for the new capital to the same crap, by this view the other cities would end up with the same problems. the current issue is rooted in lack of courage to meet the problem nothing else.
Do not take it serious guys. this is the result of a parliament consisting of a bunch of retards like; rasaee, koochakzade, bazrpash, .....
you know what, this is their big move to solve the problems of a capital, wow, the ocean of stupidity has no shore, I am not just talking about those names, but also those retards voting for them.
water resources = less than 0.2 billion cm^3 is available.
Not located on any South-North main road.
It has lots of Bahais as far as I know which is A$$-hurt for mullahs to live with all of them. :lol::lol::lol:
too far from South and West borders.

Tehran is the most logical option, there was some reasons that this city got chosen to be the capital by a genius like Agha Mohammad Khan.:lol::lol::lol: PS. he was a bit too harsh, but he was a genius too.

The bottom line is: "They need to fix the capital's issue, and stop talking crap and digressing people's thoughts ;) "
-You missed the water pipelines that is going to transfer water from to Caspian sea to Semnan. right?
-The whole city is not that big,just forget about its tiny Bahais minority.
-Close distance from Tehran.
-Nice climate.
-Located very close to Shomal:yahoo:
-No air pollution issue.
-You missed the water pipelines that is going to transfer water from to Caspian sea to Semnan. right?
-The whole city is not that big,just forget about its tiny Bahais minority.
-Close distance from Tehran.
-Nice climate.
-Located very close to Shomal:yahoo:
-No air pollution issue.

Are you from Semnan? unless I can't understand your intention to write this post :lol:
1. Anyway, if you are not joking, in which I am sure 99% sure you are joking, this is my response:
Waters of Caspian Sea are saline. you need to purify it, which would be very expensive. even in this case, you are adding tons of saline water to a fragile environment which it would screw it.
2. Again, it has hundreds of kms distance from Tehran. if you want to connect it to the South-North axis by a connecting road to Tehran, why don'y you even bother to change the capital from Tehran?:crazy:
3. distance of Tehran to Caspian is the same as the distance of Semnan to Caspian.
4. it is already an industrialized city, and has already issues from being close to the Dasht e Kavir.
5. about Bahaiis, actually that's one of their main cities:lol::lol::lol: let ask mullahs about their opinion to live close to Bahaiis.:cheesy:
I will say one thing though, regarding pollution in Tehran: I have seen pictures of the subway/metro in Tehran, and it looks decent. Very clean etc... I don't know about the prices, but it seems the infrastructure is there for people to use their cars less.

I don't know how the infrastructure is regarding bike lanes in Tehran, but that would also be a nice possibility. It also results in good overall health (assuming the air is clean).

People perhaps need help to change their mentalities (with help from government).
Brilliant Idea, Pakistan should start shifting its capital too, somewhere in the middle of its territorial geography.
Brilliant Idea, Pakistan should start shifting its capital too, somewhere in the middle of its territorial geography.

Is your avatar Imran Khan?
Can you explain a bit about him? I am curios to know about his ideas. :-)
Is your avatar Imran Khan?
Can you explain a bit about him? I am curios to know about his ideas. :-)

Yes, thats Imran Khan. his ideas are pro-peace, pro-Pakistani and above all serving the nation, not as a ruler of the country but as a servant of the country.

former Cricketer, he is a philanthropist, founder of Asia's first Free Cancer Hospital SKMCH and Chancellor of Bradford University of England, runs a technical education college Namal college, and the leader of second largest popular party by vote, Pakistan movement for justice, currently his party is governing one province of Pakistan, namely Khyber Pukhtonkhuwa, has introduced reforms in the current system through legislation such as Right to service act, right to information, human rights directorate, many legislation such as conflict of interest are in the pipeline, his party has passed Local bodies bill by which devolution of power is concentrated in this layer of the government that is at village level..has introduced election process reforms to ensure free and fair elections, its currently underway, has depoliticized the police and introduced women department in police etc etc.

in short he is up to serve Pakistan well ! :)

and yes he lives by the scared code given in Quran; Iyyaka na budu wa iyyaka nastaeen.

believes in ideology of Jinnah and Poet Iqbal.
believes in ideology of Jinnah and Poet Iqbal.
Thanks dude, seems a nice guy.
may I ask, by whom is he supported inside and outside of the country? I mean parties or countries?
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Yes, thats Imran Khan. his ideas are pro-peace, pro-Pakistani and above all serving the nation, not as a ruler of the country but as a servant of the country.

former Cricketer, he is a philanthropist, founder of Asia's first Free Cancer Hospital SKMCH and Chancellor of Bradford University of England, runs a technical education college Namal college, and the leader of second largest popular party by vote, Pakistan movement for justice, currently his party is governing one province of Pakistan, namely Khyber Pukhtonkhuwa, has introduced reforms in the current system through legislation such as Right to service act, right to information, human rights directorate, many legislation such as conflict of interest are in the pipeline, his party has passed Local bodies bill by which devolution of power is concentrated in this layer of the government that is at village level..has introduced election process reforms to ensure free and fair elections, its currently underway, has depoliticized the police and introduced women department in police etc etc.

in short he is up to serve Pakistan well ! :)

and yes he lives by the scared code given in Quran; Iyyaka na budu wa iyyaka nastaeen.

believes in ideology of Jinnah and Poet Iqbal.

Thank you very much for elaboration. ;)
I have heard that his support is mainly from the people of the western part of the country, like North western frontier, Khaybar pakhtunkha, and Baluchistan. why is he more favored in the western parts than Punjab and sind?
is he considered as a secular or not?
How much of his ideas are close to Bhutto? especially as far as military generals and giving power to democratic elected governments are concerned.
Thanks dude, seem a nice guy.
may I ask, by whom is he supported inside and outside of the country? I mean parties or countries?

mainly by middle class and lower class. he is not liked by the elite, as he is creating a sort of rebellion against them, instigating and provoking people to stand up to them and demand rights.
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