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Iran Moves 35 Years Ahead by Reverse Engineering US RQ-170

Dude, in metallurgy even China and Israel suffer a lot. It's not just the "recipe", it's the small things, the timings, the mix. It's got more to do with art then any given formula. 50% knowledge + 40% art + 10% tinkering and the time and resources to do it all over again.

Again, how can Iran reverse engineer something it has no excess to? you got the parts but you dont have the recipe.
Dude, in metallurgy even China and Israel suffer a lot. It's not just the "recipe", it's the small things, the timings, the mix. It's got more to do with art then any given formula. 50% knowledge + 40% art + 10% tinkering and the time and resources to do it all over again.

So we can't do this !?
None of us can. Period. Not even a handful of nations can at the moment, most techs related to high performance jet engines is something with the big boys only, US of A, Russia and small part with France.

What you need to focus on at the moment is something as simple as manufacture of "maraging steel", it will aid you a lot in your endeavor of enriching uranium. At the moment you are stuck with P1 type machines. And P there stands for Pakistan, we used them back in early 70's and got rid of them, somehow you ended up with a few dozen copies I guess. :sarcastic:

So we can't do this !?
Base on your logic, F-22 & F-4 using the same technology in the engines !

Spoken like a person who is ignorant of knowledge. The F-4 uses a turbojet.. while the F-22 has a Turbofan.
But yes.. A Turbofan is still a Turbofan. And you did not answer the question.. what is the normal engine for such an aircraft.

Apparently the TF-34 can fit inside the aircraft. The drone is supposedly 1.5m at its deepest point which leaves enough room for a TF-34 with its diameter of 1m to fit inside according to estimates by sweetman and others. Although it would be a tight fit.
@Esc8781 The FJ-44 has a fairly low bypass ratio which does not seem to suit the noise level claims made by the iranians. Although it might be so as well as certain derivatives of the FJ-44 with higher BP ratios.
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This is too much to say that Iran has reverse engineered and moves 35 yrs ahead (although it has braved sactions exceptionally well) its like what our FEKU aka Modi does here :rofl: in India
None of us can. Period. Not even a handful of nations can at the moment, most techs related to high performance jet engines is something with the big boys only, US of A, Russia and small part with France.

What you need to focus on at the moment is something as simple as manufacture of "maraging steel", it will aid you a lot in your endeavor of enriching uranium. At the moment you are stuck with P1 type machines. And P there stands for Pakistan, we used them back in early 70's and got rid of them, somehow you ended up with a few dozen copies I guess. :sarcastic:

So, what if we do the job !?
A strange but valid question. The day you do it, and it's verified by any mainstream scientific journal, within lets say..... thirty years... @Oscar can give me a perma ban. :sarcastic:

So, what if we do the job !?
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Spoken like a person who is ignorant of knowledge. The F-4 uses a turbojet.. while the F-22 has a Turbofan.
But yes.. A Turbofan is still a Turbofan. And you did not answer the question.. what is the normal engine for such an aircraft.

Apparently the TF-34 can fit inside the aircraft. The drone is supposedly 1.5m at its deepest point which leaves enough room for a TF-34 with its diameter of 1m to fit inside according to estimates by sweetman and others. Although it would be a tight fit.
@Esc8781 The FJ-44 has a fairly low bypass ratio which does not seem to suit the noise level claims made by the iranians. Although it might be so as well as certain derivatives of the FJ-44 with higher BP ratios.

OK ... we will see each other soon !

More pictures from the stuff coming in couple of months & then we will discuss about people's credibly :)
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Spoken like a person who is ignorant of knowledge. The F-4 uses a turbojet.. while the F-22 has a Turbofan.
But yes.. A Turbofan is still a Turbofan. And you did not answer the question.. what is the normal engine for such an aircraft.

Apparently the TF-34 can fit inside the aircraft. The drone is supposedly 1.5m at its deepest point which leaves enough room for a TF-34 with its diameter of 1m to fit inside according to estimates by sweetman and others. Although it would be a tight fit.
@Esc8781 The FJ-44 has a fairly low bypass ratio which does not seem to suit the noise level claims made by the iranians. Although it might be so as well as certain derivatives of the FJ-44 with higher BP ratios.

You might want to start by elucidating the turbofan cycle and then explain how the over-all design hasn't changed, the materials have and certain component designs have (multi circular arc designs).:coffee:

I am sure you'll be through with it by the time you go bald and Hype is in his grave. All the best.:tup:
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It's Exactly What I'm trying to say

And exactly what im trying to convey :) they need flyby-wire to maintain their directional headings, autorotation is steady out of control, if Global Hawk can autorotate with its thin wings and fuselage then RQ-170 definitely can with its winglike stracture to autorotate with lower speeds and crash land with relative structural integrity.

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A strange but valid question. The day you do it, and it's verified by any mainstream scientific journal, within lets say..... thirty years... @Oscar can give me a perma ban. :sarcastic:

"35 years" is about engine, which is inside of drone & invisible !

I am talking about the drone in the blue sky !

You bet !?
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US still has goodies 100 years ahead of Iran

100 years is too much, i'd say USA is still 50 years ahead of Iran on some platforms.

Even we won't feel ashamed of admitting that USA is still 30-40 years ahead of us on the aircraft carrier.
Dude, making a wing, integrating it with a basic RC package and sticking a Sony video camera does not make a "drone". Once you are done with the hardware (500,000 different sub assemblies), the core software alone takes decades to write. Let's not forget the data link, the assets in space, the weapons package, the sensor suites etc etc etc etc etc..... this is a never ending list. Why do you think that no one other than the US of A has succeeded till now? The French, the Brits, the Ruskies and the Chinese are all working day and night for the better part of last decade to come up with something even close, yet they are 5 generations behind them? Think with an open mind, there must be something logical as a reason.

"35 years" is about engine, which is inside of drone & invisible !

I am talking about the drone in the blue sky !

You bet !?
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