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Iran military denies reports of U.S. drone shot down

If america sends any more drones Iran should hit the bases of America

They should, because if history teaches us anything...it's that the Americans won't fire back.

Well, they have just blown to pieces one your killer toys, now what are you going to do about it?

A) Perhaps in Bangladesh they don't understand the whole principle of "un-manned drones"

B) We took thier navy and several oil rigs some years back...a fair trade.
Luckily we just have 1 or 2 attacks per year, it shows how incapable you are of even starting real trouble for Iran. Oh and thanks for admitting that you support terror groups.

Your right, it was nothing, who's gonna miss 500,000 Iranians.
Why would Iran lie? Don't tell me that they told this to raise the morale of Iranians... Iran and USA aren't in war. I'm pretty sure when the drone was hit, it self - destroyed.
Why would Iran lie? Don't tell me that they told this to raise the morale of Iranians... Iran and USA aren't in war. I'm pretty sure when the drone was hit, it self - destroyed.

Should show it off if they ever have shot it down.
Luckily we just have 1 or 2 attacks per year, it shows how incapable you are of even starting real trouble for Iran. Oh and thanks for admitting that you support terror groups.

Well its not fair for Iran to be the only one to support terrorists groups right?:cheers:
Who are you trying to fool lol?
we know your probably crying over that drone.

Whos fooling who? A drone that they claim to shoot down almost in the center of Iran? Did they really shoot it down? Maybe they should have done their research in claiming shoot downs. Like near the Iraq-Iran border. That I would believe.
Well its not fair for Iran to be the only one to support terrorists groups right?:cheers:


we should keep a tab

300 in Leb in 83
gonna round it and say 2500 in Iraq
add another 200 for the random stuff
prolly a lot I'm missing

total: 3000 americans killed by our proxies
not a bad number

you need to get the leash. Your proxies are hosing you down without showing any results.
Pakistan has balls more then any but Pakistan has its own policies, priorities, strategic interests & btw in Pakistan drones are used to hit militants (with approval of political & military) but not for surveillance of military assets so we have case different than Iran.

Its not matter of having Balls or no ball... US-Iran relation is different then US-Pakistan relation... Iran can and must kill the US drone as they enter Iranian territory, No one breach sovereignty of a country...

Whereas Pakistan can not and must not... America Drone take off from Pakistan airbases, they are killing some bad guys (which pakistan agreed), they choose their target on ISI command... So targetting American drone is as good as targeting pakistani drones...

Pakistani can bring down indian drones (as they did once)
A) Perhaps in Bangladesh they don't understand the whole principle of "un-manned drones"

B) We took thier navy and several oil rigs some years back...a fair trade.

Did I say that your killing toy was manned? BTW we know that you stole from Iran a few years back and justifiably the Iranians call you the great satan.
As soon as i read that i instantly knew this news story was fake.

Any state owned media organization can not be trusted. Just the typical anti-american nonsense drummed up to try to rally the iran people against the U.S.

pso you mean you dont believe the osama killed narrative of the americans???
Of course not because it didn't happen. It is no different then other claims by Iran of shooting down drones. Then reporting they will show pictures of the wreckage which never happens. These reports are meant for Iranian fan boys to bolster their moral. Iran is famous for reporting false information. And their fan base swallows it hook, line, and sinker every time without any proof.

Show me wreckage of an identifiable drone and I will change my tune.

mr thomas, any picture of dead osama??, oohh NOT!!!
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