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Iran has military advantage over US and allies in Middle East

We have gone through this topic before as well.
And how did that end?(because i remember too).

All what i am contenting is that Iran and US work in tandem and use proxy warfare as a tool to complement each others designs for the region.
Iran and America do not work in tandem. They have some coinciding interests which you have just used post hoc fallacy to link together but arent related(at least not intentionally).
But your country Pakistan GAVE US rights to fly drones over Pakistan during Obama's era because US was targeting Pakistani govt's enemies also, and US drones were also killing civilians, but your govt was playing dumb in front of Pakistani public saying the strikes were not authorized, but we all know they were. You gave US a drone base IN YOUR COUNTRY, which was used to unlawfully kill Pakistanis(terrorist or no terrorist doesnt matter, because they never faced a court, which is their international human right).

How can your govt work with US but you point finger at Iran? ISNT your country currently allowing its territory be used to replenish NATO Forces in neighboring Afghanistan? BUT YOU're here hypocritically claiming Iran and US are in bed when its Pakistan US in bed, in front of our eyes. The most Iran has are secret negotiations.

Not to mention everywhere Iran has went in the middle east, Israel picks up the soft power as beneficial owner of the chaos that Iran brings.
Iran went to Lebanon- were is Israel's "soft power"? Most Lebanese still hate Israel.

Iran went to Yemen- were is Israel's "soft power"?

Iran went to Syria- were is Israel's "soft power"?

Iran went to Iraq- were is Israel's "soft power"?

BRO! i have no problem with you, i have problems with your hypocrisy and lies towards Iran. THis other guy @BATMAN also believes many of these conspiracy theories. we will debunk them, one at a time.

With Iranian proxy of Northern Alliance in control of Afghanistan?
This isnt year 2000 or year 2001 before taliban fell. Northern alliance isnt Iran's "proxy " these days(actually see the attached pic to know which groups are real proxies vs fake proxies of Iran's). Iran works with any groups, including the taliban.

But Taliban ARE Pakistan's proxy. can you argue against that? once again, ur a black pot calling black kettle black...smh

That simply proves how Iran and US work in tandem to take out countries for their shared vision of the region.
LMAO. US is making(or trying) to make Iran broke, while Iran is preventing US from politically controlling sensitive ME countries and ur going to tell me they have "shared vision " of the region? boy you dunno when to stop trolling!

Last person to be charged of terrorism in Pakistan was an Indian in active service operating from Chahbahar.
and? where were you when your govt was supporting Jundollah on behalf of GCC + US govt? pls go sit down bro. dont be a hypocrite.

Does not explain how ISIS got free travel pass from Syria to Afghanistan.
OK, lets assume you are correct Iran colluded with ISIS by "transporting" or translocating ISIS from Iraq+ syria to Afghanistan,

Can you explain why ISIS would then commit such a serious and deadly attack in Tehran the way they did in 2017? (I mean, even US govt has told wikipedia to remove that incident from Wikipedia).

Because your logic is that Iran and ISIS are working together. If they were working together then explain to me why ISIS would attack(Tehran) its ally(Iran)??? i want you to make that make sense to me pls.

And what did you do for Syria? Oh that's right, nothing. LOL
ask him what a muslim country like Pakistan with 200M people and a NUCLEAR WEAPON did for Palestinians or Uighurs. he will ask you "who are those".

this man is just ready to argue today. i like the energy, i dislike the lies.


  • which grps are Iran's true allies vs partners.pdf
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Simply spectacular to have a picture of Bashar Assad next to a picture of Quaid-e-Azam.

That's where Pakistan foreign policy is so wrong.
Pakistan has suffered from such policies and will suffer more in coming days.
Last time I checked iranian in Pakistan are not even 10000 and the same is the number of Pakistan nationals in iran .

Afghanistan - Yes that is what i am saying, you always help the Americans and help Israel gain in middle east while propagating the opposite. Be true to what you are, hashashins or mercenaries out for fast cash.
You provide logistic . you provide air and land passage . you provide bases . you provide intelligence.
We help to defuse a single incident n harat to save civillian life's
Then You dare come here and talk about supporting USA invasion of Afghanistan's.

Pakistan - Indian operational base in Chahbahar poses a direct encirclement threat to Pakistan.
Indian there are not a threat for you as they don't operate shit .
What is a threat for you is that you fear people choose Chabahar over Gwadar just because of security . let spill something for you we didn't copy you on this port its you who copied us as Chabahar project is older than Gwadar

That's where Pakistan foreign policy is so wrong.
Pakistan has suffered from such policies and will suffer more in coming days.
So you like Pakistan soldiers in Yemen and Syria . that's interesting .i wonder if you also willing to offer the service of yourself and your family for such operations .
That's where Pakistan foreign policy is so wrong.
Pakistan has suffered from such policies and will suffer more in coming days.

so sayeth the follower of the RAW agent mullah fazul without providing any concrete, scientific and mathematical examples of Pakistan's Syria policy and how it has caused any suffering.

what's really awesome is a pathetic cretin like you will NEVER influence Pakistan's foreign policy and the Pakistan School of Damascus will remain open for years to come.
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Don't even see the point of this thread. Fact is: U.S isn't suffering from the current sanctions/isolation of Iran from international community/companies worldwide, Iran is the one whose economy is suffering from such sanctions. The U.S doesn't feel any pressure from the current status quo at all to be honest. The only hope is that after Trump a more reasonable U.S president will take power and lift sanctions on Iran. Apart from that there is no pressure for the US to change course.
Don't even see the point of this thread. Fact is: U.S isn't suffering from the current sanctions/isolation of Iran from international community/companies worldwide, Iran is the one whose economy is suffering from such sanctions. The U.S doesn't feel any pressure from the current status quo at all to be honest. The only hope is that after Trump a more reasonable U.S president will take power and lift sanctions on Iran. Apart from that there is no pressure for the US to change course.
In response to sanctions, Iran will withdraw from the nuclear deal and start enriching uranium with more advanced centrifuges and will build a bomb and an ICBM----so this should pressure Washington to do something. Better for US to return to the nuclear deal.

Iran will solidify control of Iraq and Syria and then will start working to destabilize Saudi Arabia- put simply after Iran dominates Iraq and Syria- next step is to knock down Saudi Arabia which is oil rich and matters to the world.

Obama knew how to at least contain Iranian nuclear ambitions. Trump is a stupid and inexperienced businessman who thinks his stick and carrots policy will work.
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The only hope is that after Trump a more reasonable U.S president will take power and lift sanctions on Iran. Apart from that there is no pressure for the US to change course.
The first thing you've written that I agree with! :enjoy:

But I don't agree with there being no pressure on the US. You are right in that this current situation is far more urgent for Iran than the US, but as Iran continues to expand its enrichment rate this will reduce its break out time and Israel and KSA will start raising the alarm for the US to do something, so there will be pressure in that sense. In essence, the more Iran expands its nuclear programme, the more of a failure Trump's policy on Iran will be.
In response to sanctions, Iran will withdraw from the nuclear deal and start enriching uranium with more advanced centrifuges and will build a bomb and an ICBM----so this should pressure Washington to do something. Better for US to return to the nuclear deal.
Iran would have been build the bomb by now if that's what they really intended to do i guess. Moreover Iran was already doing the above things you mentioned way before Obama signed the nuclear deal with the P5 and Iran. So nothing new there even if they resume it. At most it will alarm regional powers like KSA(with it's gulf allies) and even countries like Turkey(in case Iran developed a nuclear bomb itself). This will only create more tension/and heightened proxy wars going on in the region. I don't see how that affects the US per se. If anything it will help the US sell more weapons and solidify their military presence in the region.

Iran will solidify control of Iraq and Syria and then will start working to destabilize Saudi Arabia- put simply after Iran dominates Iraq and Syria- next step is to knock down Saudi Arabia which is oil rich and matters to the world.
LOL You are naive if you think Iran would stop doing all this in case the nuclear deal was not interrupted by Trump. Iran will never allow it's proxies in the region to collapse or abandon them just because of a nuclear deal or lifting of sanctions. If anyone on here thinks so, then i will say they are naive and don't understand how crucial these proxies is to the regime in Tehran and their military/ideological establishment. So Trump tearing apart the deal or not doesn't have any effect on Iran's foreign policy or use of proxies in the region or even it's sectarian proxy fight with KSA for supremacy in the region. So they are mutually exclusive and not related.

Obama knew how to at least contain Iranian nuclear ambitions. Trump is a stupid and inexperienced businessman who thinks his stick and carrots policy will work.

In your opinion what are Iran's nuclear ambitions? Is it to build the Bomb or just have enough nuclear materials/capacity to do so? I don't think it's the former to be honest. I think even the US knows this, but they just want to curtail the country's nuclear program and deprive them of the means to do so in case they want to.
Moreover in the hypothetical situation where Iran was to build the Bomb, then do you think they will have a monopoly of this in the Middle east? lol Many regional powers will feel threatened by this or want parity with them as well and will also build their own by hook or by crook. This includes KSA, Turkey, Egypt etc. This will justify them building their own bomb to counter them. So this will also negate the building of such a weapon after all this hardships.

I believe the solution to this conflict is much more complicated than a simple nuclear deal. It involves lot's of other actors/elements in the region from Palestinian conflict to the civil geo political war in Syria(involving Turkey, U.S and other western powers, Russia, KSA, Iran and its Shia's Militias/proxies to the KSA/Iran etc), KSA vs Iranian sectarian regional battle for supremacy in the region etc. All of these are intertwined and related and needs to be addressed for a consistent solid nuclear deal to be signed and agreed upon by all sides.
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I believe the solution to this conflict is much more complicated than a simple nuclear deal. It involves lot's of other actors/elements in the region from Palestinian conflict to the civil geo political war in Syria(involving Turkey, U.S and other western powers, Russia, KSA, Iran and its Shia's Militias/proxies to the KSA/Iran etc), KSA vs Iranian sectarian regional battle for supremacy in the region etc. All of these are intertwined and related and needs to be addressed for a consistent solid nuclear deal to be signed and agreed upon by all sides.

Good post here. Another factor mentioned in the US media and Trump is that a future deal must include Iran's missiles, which is a non-starter for Iran in any future negotiations (if they were to manifest).
Old video from 2011....right before the start of Syrian civil war (which was designed to weaken Iran in the region) and US withdrawal from Iraq....it explains how Iran will go after Saudi Arabia when Iran stabilizes its influence in Iraq.
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Old video from 2011....right before the start of Syrian civil war and US withdrawal from Iraq....it explains how Iran will go after Saudi Arabia when Iran stabilises its influence in Iraq.

Iran will probably never 'stabilize' its influence in Iraq because of many factors: Iraqi nationalism which is the strongest and US presence with its Vatican-size embassy. But Iranian influence will always remain in Iraq, it was there during Saddam, it was there during US invasion/occupation. Iran has been influencing Iraq for 3,000 years, more or less.
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