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Iran has military advantage over US and allies in Middle East

Iraq: Saddam sent its jet fighters to Iran to keep them safe from the US air strikes. That means that Saddam and Iraqi pilots disagree with you about Iran's alliance with the US.

Afghanistan: We helped the US overthrow the Taliban in Herat uprisin because we don't like the Saudi-funded Al-Qaeda group. One more reason to see why Iran and Taliban cannot be friends.

Pakistan: I don't even know those people you mentioned. But considering the fact that your country is a safe haven for terrorists (as I said in the past) and you have been doing Saudi Arabia's dirty job in supporting Balochi terrorist groups in Iran, and you have been hosting them for decades, if they've done it, then good job.

Bahrain: Saudi Arabia massacred Bahraini protestors by bringing in tanks and crushing peaceful demonstrations after the Arab spring. Arab spring was a domino effect throughout Arab countries and had nothing to do with Iran.

Yemen: Same story as in Bahrain. And your mercenaries are helping Saudi to commit a genocide against civilians in Yemen.

Iraq did not have an airforce to send to Iran for safekeeping and from Mahdi militia to Barzani militia, the opposite is true for Iran.

Afghanistan - Yes that is what i am saying, you always help the Americans and help Israel gain in middle east while propagating the opposite. Be true to what you are, hashashins or mercenaries out for fast cash.

Pakistan - Indian operational base in Chahbahar poses a direct encirclement threat to Pakistan. Terrorist Kulbashan Yadev had an Iranian ID when he was caught spying on Naval bases for future attacks which continue still. FYI Pakistan hosts the most number of Iranian refugees in the entire world.

Bahrain and Yemen - You can cook up a thousand reasons but exporting civil wars to your neighbours is not a good long term policy which will bounce back at you.

Again, this is a baseless claim and unlike Pakistan who has no soft power or long term strategy in the region (which is why you're so mad now) and its only hope is to destabilize Afghanistan because Afghanistan's growth is a threat to Pakistan's development, Iran's foreign policy is more focused on our Western neighbors than our Eastern neighbors.

And the Talibans are your friends and you're quite proud of supporting them on PDF. One of the reasons that the US drones striked you and continues to violate your sovereignty is your well-documented support for Al-Qaeda and Taliban.

You are now only mimicking the US propaganda hence proving how Iran and US are nothing but brothers in arms in the middle east.
Iraq did not have an airforce to send to Iran for safekeeping and from Mahdi militia to Barzani militia, the opposite is true for Iran.

Afghanistan - Yes that is what i am saying, you always help the Americans and help Israel gain in middle east while propagating the opposite. Be true to what you are, hashashins or mercenaries out for fast cash.

Pakistan - Indian operational base in Chahbahar poses a direct encirclement threat to Pakistan. Terrorist Kulbashan Yadev had an Iranian ID when he was caught spying on Naval bases for future attacks which continue still. FYI Pakistan hosts the most number of Iranian refugees in the entire world.

Bahrain and Yemen - You can cook up a thousand reasons but exporting civil wars to your neighbours is not a good long term policy which will bounce back at you.

You are now only mimicking the US propaganda hence proving how Iran and US are nothing but brothers in arms in the middle east.

Iraq didn't have an Air Force? LOL. How did we end up having Mig-23s, Mig-29s, Sukhoi-25s and Mirage F-1s then?

Pakistan supported Balochi separatist groups under Saudi Arabia's directions long before Chabahar had been developed and long before Indians operated there. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. And just because you don't like the cooperation between two countries that doesn't justify using terrorism as a means of sabotage to protect your interests. In fact, you idiot just admitted that Pakistan is involved in state-sponsored terrorism.

Anyway, I'm not going to waste my time on a troll whose name is "Retired Troll". That's all that you are.
Iraq did not have an airforce to send to Iran for safekeeping
LMFAO stop embarrassing yourself.

In 1990 Iraq had the largest airforce in the entire region. Dozens of their jets and pilots fled to Iran ahead of the Persian Gulf War. The rest were buried or destroyed by the US in 1991 and 2003.

Bahrain and Yemen - You can cook up a thousand reasons but exporting civil wars to your neighbours is not a good long term policy which will bounce back at you.
LOL when you have no response to having your points totally deconstructed for everyone to see you resort to vague BS nonsense.

You are now only mimicking the US propaganda hence proving how Iran and US are nothing but brothers in arms in the middle east.
Iranian breathes air
Retired Troll: see you breathe the same air as Americans, this proves you are brothers in arms and always work together.

LOL take your meds and have a day off from embarrassing yourself here in front of everyone.
Iraq didn't have an Air Force? LOL. How did we end up having Mig-23s, Mig-29s, Sukhoi-25s and Mirage F-1s then?

Pakistan supported Balochi separatist groups under Saudi Arabia's directions long before Chabahar had been developed and long before Indians operated there. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. And just because you don't like the cooperation between two countries that doesn't justify using terrorism as a means of sabotage to protect your interests. In fact, you idiot just admitted that Pakistan is involved in state-sponsored terrorism.

Anyway, I'm not going to waste my time on a troll whose name is "Retired Troll". That's all that you are.

Cashing on America's oil for food programme maybe? I am pretty sure Saddam was never very pro Iran having started that big war with Iran.

Most of the Baloch separatist enjoy Iranian perks and get their money from the smuggling at the border. Recently an Iranian drone was shot down by Pakistan as it tried and enter Pakistani territory. When India tried her hand at invading on 26th February, it was Iranian General Soleimani who was cheerleading the efforts before knowing his place in the pecking order.

Thank you for participating in the thread. Please find appropriate thread for your jingoism. Thanks
Cashing on America's oil for food programme maybe?
This guy thinks Iraq sent its jets to Iran before the US invaded as part of the "oil for food programme".


The clue is in the name: OIL for food...


If I were a Pakistani reading your nonsense obsessive sectarian posts I would be embarrassed to be associated with someone that stupid...
It is true. Who do you think tops the list then? Britain or US? Or France?
n 1990 Iraq had the largest airforce in the entire region. Dozens of their jets and pilots fled to Iran ahead of the Persian Gulf War. The rest were buried or destroyed by the US in 1991 and 2003.

Sure. and what happened to Iraq after that is just history

Even now Syria is being destroyed because the Persian ego could not handle the intact Arabian heritage and had to destroy it. Israel again became the beneficial owner by gaining in Syria and Iraq.

This guy thinks Iraq sent its jets to Iran before the US invaded as part of the "oil for food programme".


The clue is in the name: OIL for food...


If I were a Pakistani reading your nonsense obsessive sectarian posts I would be embarrassed to be associated with someone that stupid...

You can educate the forum otherwise.
LOL when you have no response to having your points totally deconstructed for everyone to see you resort to vague BS nonsense.

This is why Retired Troll's post are so entertaining.

it was Iranian General Soleimani who was cheerleading the efforts before knowing his place in the pecking order.

A person who lives in the safety of Canada while leaching off their social services is not fit to polish the shoe of Soleimani.
Cashing on America's oil for food programme maybe? I am pretty sure Saddam was never very pro Iran having started that big war with Iran.

Most of the Baloch separatist enjoy Iranian perks and get their money from the smuggling at the border. Recently an Iranian drone was shot down by Pakistan as it tried and enter Pakistani territory. When India tried her hand at invading on 26th February, it was Iranian General Soleimani who was cheerleading the efforts before knowing his place in the pecking order.

Thank you for participating in the thread. Please find appropriate thread for your jingoism. Thanks
Saddam wasn't pro-Iran, but considering the fact all of his Arab and Muslim "brothers" had turned against him and supported the US after the invasion of Kuwait, he found nowhere to send his jet fighters to to keep them from being bombed by the USAF. Hence, he sent them to Iran: the only country that wasn't supporting the US.

You are embarrassing yourself but I admit that you're entertaining. So, do visit here once in a while. We don't mind a new jester like BATMAN here.
Saddam wasn't pro-Iran, but considering the fact all of his Arab and Muslim "brothers" had turned against him and supported the US after the invasion of Kuwait, he found nowhere to send his jet fighters to to keep them from being bombed by the USAF. Hence, he sent them to Iran: the only country that wasn't supporting the US.
He couldn't have picked a worse example of how Iran and the USA are secretly working together if he tried... But he's so dumb that he probably still isn't even capable of realising this.

It is true. Who do you think tops the list then? Britain or US? Or France?
Doesn't matter what I think, please show us your evidence for your assertion that Pakistan hosts the most Iranian refugees in the world.

We are waiting, don't disappoint us. We are sure you have very strong evidence to make such a claim because you would not just make bullshit up! :D
Even now Syria is being destroyed because the Persian ego could not handle the intact Arabian heritage and had to destroy it. Israel again became the beneficial owner by gaining in Syria and Iraq.

Pakistan has an international school in Damascus. The war in Syria did not shut it down:


According to Ambassador Kamal,

“For Pakistan, it has been the most important thing to provide world class education in times of extreme war – education is a fundamental right which should not be indulged with politics and sanctions. We are making sure we carry on the legacy of this school, but diversify in such a manner that it benefits the people of Syria.”

He goes on to say the Syrians are the most remarkable and positive people he has encountered in his career.






Simply spectacular to have a picture of Bashar Assad next to a picture of Quaid-e-Azam.
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