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Iran has military advantage over US and allies in Middle East

The world ended for Iranians in 1979. Now they live in the age of Ahura Mazda the infallible Imam of the Persians.

ISIS got transported from Syria to Afghanistan via Iran.
The world ended for Pakistan before it even started. And Ahuramazda is by far better than a bunch of terrorists whose name is synonymous to terror, fanaticism and honor killings in the UK, Europe and the US. And a country that is constantly bombed by the US as "a safe haven for terrorists".

LOL. ISIS got transported via Iran? LOL The brainfarts of a terrorist. ISIS was created by your beloved Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey with the supports of Israel, Europe and the US to oust the legitimate president of Syria, President Bashar Al-Assad. All of those countries hire you guys as servants and mercenaries. Thousands of Pakistanis have joined the ISIS because it is close to the school of thought followed by many of you.

Ironically, the only things related to Pakistan not reflecting terrorism and fanaticism have been influenced by Iran directly or indirectly. All of your well-known figures are in some way linked to Iran. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a Gujarati Ismaili Shia, later following the Twelver Islam. If it weren't for him you would still be part of India. Abdus-Salam was an Ahmadi, a believer in Mahdi and Shia teachings. Your best poets like Iqbal Lahuri have most of their poems in Persian. Even your current president that many of you support is half-Iranian and his mother has Iranian roots and taught Persian in Pakistan.

The other side of your nation is one of the reasons that Islamophobia exists and is expanding fast in Europe. The name of your country is the only name widely used as a racial slur and a derogatory name for Muslims in Europe. You dream of hegemony in Afghanistan by years of supporting the Talibans (a terrorist group that all of you guys proudly support) has been nothing but a total failure. Do I need to continue?
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The world ended for Pakistan before it even started. And Ahuramazda is by far better than a bunch of terrorists whose name is synonymous to terror, fanaticism and honor killings in the UK, Europe and the US. And a country that is constantly bombed by the US as "a safe haven for terrorists".

LOL. ISIS got transported via Iran? LOL The brainfarts of a terrorist. ISIS was created by your beloved Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey with the supports of Israel, Europe and the US to oust the legitimate president of Syria, President Bashar Al-Assad. All of those countries hire you guys as servants and mercenaries. Thousands of Pakistanis have joined the ISIS because it is close to the school of thought followed by many of you.

Ironically, the only things related to Pakistan not reflecting terrorism and fanaticism have been influenced by Iran directly or indirectly. All of your well-known figures are in some way linked to Iran. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a Gujarati Ismaili Shia, later following the Twelver Islam. If it weren't for him you would still be part of India. Abdus-Salam was an Ahmadi, a believer in Mahdi and Shia teachings. Your best poets like Iqbal Lahuri have most of their poems in Persian. Even your current president that many of you support is half-Iranian and his mother has Iranian roots and taught Persian in Pakistan.

The other side of your nation is one of the reasons that Islamophobia exists and is expanding fast in Europe. The name of your country is the only name widely used as a racial slur and a derogatory name for Muslims in Europe. You dream of hegemony in Afghanistan by years of supporting the Talibans (a terrorist group that all of you guys proudly support) has been nothing but a total failure. Do I need to continue?

None of this has anything to do with Iran and her hegemonic designs by using terrorism as tool of foreign policy.
Just read his post man , pure BS .

Why cannot posters from Iran provide a simple answer to a simple question? You ask them a simple question and they prepare a delusional sermon of hypocrisy.

GoP has half a mind to involve itself in their mess on insistence of Mr. Trump.
Satan kisses the Mullah each morning and each night on the cheeks and thanks him.

Iran's hegemony in the region is due to use of state sponsored terrorism and blackmail.
your country sleeps more nights(and does wilder things) with US than Iran has over the past 34 years. pls stop trolling and manipulating data, or else i will put your false facts in their place and you will have to exit the convo with a joke...

The world ended for Iranians in 1979.
Only Pakistanis like you believe this.

Now they live in the age of Ahura Mazda the infallible Imam of the Persians.
blabbering and trolling again.

ISIS got transported from Syria to Afghanistan via Iran.

False. ISIS got transported by GCC + NATO. Last i knew, Iran isnt in either.

None of this has anything to do with Iran and her hegemonic designs by using terrorism as tool of foreign policy.

Your inconsistent and weak logic:
Iran uses proxies and militias in a middle east that ISNT BASED ON NATION STATES - "Iran using terrorism as a tool for foreign policy"

US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen where millions of individuals have died and US citizens are in debt for with no strategic objectives achieved - "US not doing terrorism in the region"

THe problem with you is when you try to get serious in your discussions. You've rarely shown you actually understand your region's political dynamics.
your country sleeps more nights(and does wilder things) with US than Iran has over the past 34 years. pls stop trolling and manipulating data, or else i will put your false facts in their place and you will have to exit the convo with a joke...

Only Pakistanis like you believe this.

blabbering and trolling again.

False. ISIS got transported by GCC + NATO. Last i knew, Iran isnt in either.

Your inconsistent and weak logic:
Iran uses proxies and militias in a middle east that ISNT BASED ON NATION STATES - "Iran using terrorism as a tool for foreign policy"

US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen where millions of individuals have died and US citizens are in debt for with no strategic objectives achieved - "US not doing terrorism in the region"

THe problem with you is when you try to get serious in your discussions. You've rarely shown you actually understand your region's political dynamics.

We have gone through this topic before as well.

All what i am contenting is that Iran and US work in tandem and use proxy warfare as a tool to complement each others designs for the region.

Not to mention everywhere Iran has went in the middle east, Israel picks up the soft power as beneficial owner of the chaos that Iran brings.
Why cannot posters from Iran provide a simple answer to a simple question? You ask them a simple question and they prepare a delusional sermon of hypocrisy.

GoP has half a mind to involve itself in their mess on insistence of Mr. Trump.
It's becoz they don't what happened in Afghanistan to happen again ..... Pakistan would suffer again .
It's becoz they don't what happened in Afghanistan to happen again ..... Pakistan would suffer again .

But they played their part in doing what happened in Afghanistan.

Even before that infamous call of "with us or against us" to Pakistani President Mr. Musharraf, Iranian proxy Northern Alliance was already in advanced stage of inflicting civil war in Afghanistan.

Iran still continues to work with Northern Alliance and Taliban just like United States of America and both countries do agree upon proxy prices very comfortably.
None of this has anything to do with Iran and her hegemonic designs by using terrorism as tool of foreign policy.
The statement that Iran uses terrorism as a tool of foreign policy is your claim without any basis or a shred of evidence. It's not even a question to begin with because you have not provided any evidence but just speculations of yourself, while your country is known to use terrorism as a means of survival for ideological reasons and the citizens of your country on PDF repeatedly boast about the involvement of their intelligence service (ISI) in Afghanistan in supporting the Taliban and other terrorist groups.

But they played their part in doing what happened in Afghanistan.

Even before that infamous call of "with us or against us" to Pakistani President Mr. Musharraf, Iranian proxy Northern Alliance was already in advanced stage of inflicting civil war in Afghanistan.

Iran still continues to work with Northern Alliance and Taliban just like United States of America and both countries do agree upon proxy prices very comfortably.
You know it very well that the Talibans do not like Iran (because they're a radical anti-Shia Sunni group) and Iran doesn't like the Talibans either (because they killed 5 Iranian diplomats and they're responsible for killing several thousand of Hazaras in Afghanistan). On the other hand, ISI's involvement in supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan is very well documented and Pakistani members on several occasions have bragged about it, counting it as your soft power. That aside, Taliban is a branch of Al-Qaeda and it was established by the help of Bin Laden and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is your ally and is feeding you guys.

Your accusations are so funny that anyone who can add 2 + 2 will know that they're baseless.
The thing that Iran uses terrorism as a tool of foreign policy is your claim without any basis or a shred of evidence. It's not even a question to begin with because you have not provided any evidence but just speculations of someone whose country is known to use terrorism as a means of survival and the citizens of his country on PDF repeatedly boast about the involvement of their intelligence service (ISI) in Afghanistan by supporting the Taliban and other terrorist groups

If you have a problem with the ISI, you can take it up with them anytime you desire.

Now coming back to state sponsored terrorism by Iran in neighbouring countries. Lets start with

Iraq - When Saddam was to be ousted, USA tasked Iran to provide the network of militias to incite the civil war. Iranian control of Iraqi militias is not something that needs big charts and graphs to prove.

Afghanistan - Iranian proxy in Northern Alliance were quickly tasked by the US to overrun Afghanistan. From Gulbadin Hikmetyar to Osama bin Laden, everyone had a safe place in Iran.

Pakistan - Indian terrorist like Kulbhashan Yadev along with separatists like Uzair Baloch and Baba Ladla and not to mention providing training to MQM and PPP target killers are all documented by the Pakistani authorities.

Bahrain - Still continues to face challenges in Law and Order situation brought upon by Iranian interference in internal matters.

Yemen - Ongoing crisis in the middle east borne out of proxy warfare by Iran to encircle Saudi Arabia

You know it very well that the Talibans do not like Iran (because they're a radical anti-Shia Sunni group) and Iran doesn't like the Talibans either (because they killed 5 Iranian diplomats and they're responsible for killing several thousand of Hazaras in Afghanistan). On the other hand, ISI's involvement in supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan is very well documented and Pakistani members on several occasions have bragged about it, counting it as your soft power. That aside, Taliban is a branch of Al-Qaeda and it was established by the help of Bin Laden and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is your ally and is feeding you guys.

Your accusations are so funny that anyone who can add 2 + 2 will know that they're baseless.

Talibans not only use Iranian weapons but their previous leader was killed in a drone strike by the Americans while he was entering Pakistan from Iran.
If you have a problem with the ISI, you can take it up with them anytime you desire.
I don't care about a weak intelligence agency sponsoring terrorism in some war-torn country like Afghanistan but they're welcome to try if they think they can harm me in any way.

Now coming back to state sponsored terrorism by Iran in neighbouring countries. Lets start with

Iraq - When Saddam was to be ousted, USA tasked Iran to provide the network of militias to incite the civil war. Iranian control of Iraqi militias is not something that needs big charts and graphs to prove.

Afghanistan - Iranian proxy in Northern Alliance were quickly tasked by the US to overrun Afghanistan. From Gulbadin Hikmetyar to Osama bin Laden, everyone had a safe place in Iran.

Pakistan - Indian terrorist like Kulbhashan Yadev along with separatists like Uzair Baloch and Baba Ladla and not to mention providing training to MQM and PPP target killers are all documented by the Pakistani authorities.

Bahrain - Still continues to face challenges in Law and Order situation brought upon by Iranian interference in internal matters.

Yemen - Ongoing crisis in the middle east borne out of proxy warfare by Iran to encircle Saudi Arabia
Iraq: Saddam sent its jet fighters to Iran to keep them safe from the US air strikes. That means that Saddam and Iraqi pilots disagree with you about Iran's alliance with the US.

Afghanistan: We helped the US overthrow the Taliban in Herat uprisin because we don't like the Saudi-funded Al-Qaeda group. One more reason to see why Iran and Taliban cannot be friends.

Pakistan: I don't even know those people you mentioned. But considering the fact that your country is a safe haven for terrorists (as I said in the past) and you have been doing Saudi Arabia's dirty job in supporting Balochi terrorist groups in Iran, and you have been hosting them for decades, if they've done it, then good job.

Bahrain: Saudi Arabia massacred Bahraini protestors by bringing in tanks and crushing peaceful demonstrations after the Arab spring emerged. Arab spring was a domino effect throughout Arab countries and had nothing to do with Iran whatsoever.

Yemen: Same story as in Bahrain. And your mercenaries are helping the Saudis to commit a genocide against innocent civilians in Yemen.

Talibans not only use Iranian weapons but their previous leader was killed in a drone strike by the Americans while he was entering Pakistan from Iran.
Again, this is a baseless claim and unlike Pakistan who has no soft power or long term strategy in the region (which is why you're so mad now) and its only hope is to destabilize Afghanistan because Afghanistan's growth is a threat to Pakistan's development, Iran's foreign policy is more focused on our Western neighbors than our Eastern neighbors.

Everyone knows that the Talibans are your friends and you're quite proud of supporting them on PDF and YouTube. One of the reasons that the US drones struck you and continues to violate your sovereignty is your well-documented support for Al-Qaeda and Taliban.
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If you have a problem with the ISI, you can take it up with them anytime you desire.

Now coming back to state sponsored terrorism by Iran in neighbouring countries. Lets start with

Iraq - When Saddam was to be ousted, USA tasked Iran to provide the network of militias to incite the civil war. Iranian control of Iraqi militias is not something that needs big charts and graphs to prove.

Afghanistan - Iranian proxy in Northern Alliance were quickly tasked by the US to overrun Afghanistan. From Gulbadin Hikmetyar to Osama bin Laden, everyone had a safe place in Iran.

Pakistan - Indian terrorist like Kulbhashan Yadev along with separatists like Uzair Baloch and Baba Ladla and not to mention providing training to MQM and PPP target killers are all documented by the Pakistani authorities.

Bahrain - Still continues to face challenges in Law and Order situation brought upon by Iranian interference in internal matters.

Yemen - Ongoing crisis in the middle east borne out of proxy warfare by Iran to encircle Saudi Arabia

Talibans not only use Iranian weapons but their previous leader was killed in a drone strike by the Americans while he was entering Pakistan from Iran.

what a pathetic embarrassment you are to Pakistan with your delusions.
what a pathetic embarrassment you are to Pakistan with your delusions.
Exactly. I have nothing but respect for Pakistan and Pakistani members who aren't like him. But recently people like him openly insult Iran and Iranians on every thread in the Iranian section and because we have ignored them for a long time, they think that their delusions are correct and have become more aggressive over time.
Exactly. I have nothing but respect for Pakistan and Pakistani members who aren't like him. But recently people like him openly insult Iran and Iranians on every thread in the Iranian section and because we have ignored them for a long time, they think that their delusions are correct and have become more aggressive over time.

These folks like to comment for and support the most backward animals in Pakistani society. All from the safety in the Canada where they leech off the social system.
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