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Inside indian Kilo Class sub


Feb 8, 2009
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United States
folks found this on a defence forum, the sub missile compartment doesnt seem to be crisp.. if u focus all the way in the back, wires are exposed and its a big spaghetti.. may be i am wrong
Was it Kilo class IN Sub that was caught by PN P3-C Orion last year and locked on ?
folks found this on a defence forum, the sub missile compartment doesnt seem to be crisp.. if u focus all the way in the back, wires are exposed and its a big spaghetti.. may be i am wrong

No wonder they exploded one on Pakistan's independence day
are we looking at the front of the sub and guys have their back towards the sub? and the torpedo tubes are visible, are torpedoes brought from a different compartment ?
IN is the only navy in world which provides its submarine crew with disposable clothing during a cruise. Supposedly to save water used for laundry. This picture shows what they get, extremely poor quality shorts and T shirt. I think they wear it for upto 10 days. Apart from lack of protection, this outfit make the IN submarine crew look like the homeless beggars seen on the streets of Indian cities. I am sure this also impacts their morale on board.
folks found this on a defence forum, the sub missile compartment doesnt seem to be crisp.. if u focus all the way in the back, wires are exposed and its a big spaghetti.. may be i am wrong View attachment 668732
Pandubi Jahaj mijjilej, torpedoes, wiring etc does not matter, crew in invoking shakti and once its done..sab ka naash ho ga.
Kilos are very deadly..... Indian Kilos are equipped with supersonic Klub missiles which once fired enemy ship crew will have only 2 options.... either stay on ship and watch your own death or jump in to the ocean...... both ways death guaranteed.....

India holds a strong fleet of 8 Kilos and these Kilos are so silent and deadly that even NATO has given it a codename BLACK HOLE .....
How much can the addition of specific satellites/sensors etc., help to keep track of IN sub-surface fleet?

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