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India's Total Fertility Rate finally falls below replacement

India will be the biggest population In the world by 2025 leaving behind China.The train has been missed.

Do you want us to believe that Indins were making fewer babies during lockdown when they had nothing else to do..
Actually why would they though? A lot of Indians lost jobs due to this pandemic so conceiving another child would make zero financial sense.
The global emphasis on reducing fertility rates is misplaced. The population decline of Japan and South Korea, despite their prosperity, is not a good thing and creates a lopsided demographic profile with larger number of elderly than children. More diapers are sold in Japan for adults than children. As these elderly die the population decline accelerates with no way to turn it around. South Korea tried and failed.

On the other hand Israeli fertility is actually rising even among the wealthy Jewish majority due to religious emphasis on family. Therefore the answer is to promote family values (something the US used to do when I was a kid, especially in southern states).
Agreed. Demographic decline will have significant negative macroeconomic consequences. Deflation, money printing, and recession will become the economic norm for much of the world including India and Bangladesh. Japan is the canary for others to look at.

How will undeveloped nations in S. Asia fare under these conditions?? Not sure. Will living standards increase for the remaining smaller populations? Not sure. If there is significant macroeconomic head winds some may see better living conditions but inequality will remain high, IMO.

I agree on your observation of the USA. As USA has become less religious, its birth rates have fallen.
It's actually the high cost of living (and thus high cost of bearing children) in an urban setting which affects fertility rates, the instinctual desire for progeny is overcome by the potential fear of lagging behind of the progeny from its peers if it is given relatively less resources and thus may eventually be beaten down by societal pressure.
I can cherry pick facts as well. USA has had constant high level urbanization for decades. USA birth rates in the 1970's were much higher then today despite crazy high inflation. Inflation and urbanization are not the drivers of birth rate decline in developed nations, IMO.
Idk how people have so many kids, isn’t it a headache? Maybe I’m young so idk, but when I do get married in 4-6 years I will defo not be having any kids for a while.
Actually why would they though? A lot of Indians lost jobs due to this pandemic so conceiving another child would make zero financial sense.

in India more children mean more people who can earn and bring home money..
what makes you believe they think like Chad and Stefany.

Politically Hindus feel threatened by the growing muslim population so what applies to minorities may not apply to them.
Seems the data was collated before Corona...UP's TFR data will be taken in 2nd phase but 4 years back it was much below Bihar's contemporary numbers...The population bomb in India is not a religious bomb but rather a culture/region bomb..That's my final observation....Bihar still sabotages rest of India with 3 children per woman

Below is from Star HBD (Human Bio-Diversity) blogger Anatoly Karlin:

This the news from the latest National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5), covering the years 2019-20. (h/t Cicerone, now Tweeting as @BirthGauge):

Previous NFHS surveys at Wikipedia stretching to 1981.

India overall is now at TFR = 2.1 children per woman. Kerala, long one of the lowest TFR states (as well as one of the most socially developed), is now middling.

But most interestingly, a number of states are approaching near East Asian lows. These are mainly the islands states (Sikkim at 1.1), and – most curiously – majority Muslim Jammu and Kashmir (1.4).

Bihar, the worst Indian state, has the highest TFR.

I expect most of India to hit current East Asian (Taiwan/S. Korea/etc) “lowest low” fertility by the 2030s.

India Fertility Falls Below Replacement

Signs of woman education is begin to appear.
Just need to push it further and it will stabilise again.
I noted this in a post a few months ago. India was suppose to surpass China in population in the early 2020's based on older UN projections. Based on newer population projections it will another decade or longer for India to surpass China in population. India will then enter demographic decline shortly after surpassing China in population.

My personal assessment is Indian birthrate will continue to plummet based rapid assimilation of western culture....increased consumerism, increased women's right and re:tdown:gular pornography viewership. Making marriage and family less important and more of a pain in rear. This is a notable side affect of modern western culture.

Nope .
The family planning and priority to education for woman is began to yield results.
I can cherry pick facts as well. USA has had constant high level urbanization for decades. USA birth rates in the 1970's were much higher then today despite crazy high inflation. Inflation and urbanization are not the drivers of birth rate decline in developed nations, IMO.
The morning after pill hehe.

It's Illuminati actually. They're responsible for low birth rates. George Soros conspiracy to stop natural birth and move towards AI.

Abay bas kar.
You do realise that all of Pakistan has a higher TFR than the Hindi belt....?
Why would I want to care about pakistan!! We've seen the results of high TFR in the hindi belt leading to poverty, poor economic performance, caste and communal based politics, filth, rapes, malnutrition, literacy etc.
in India more children mean more people who can earn and bring home money..

This mindset was prevalent till around 1980s back when India was still an agricultural economy and more children means more hands to work the field, that era however has long gone.
Some Indians really don't like the Hindi belt. What a bunch of stuck up *****.
Get off the high horse *****.

Hindi belt needs to get their act together, these 4-5 states alone bring down India's ranking significantly on several parameters in global list.
Hindi belt needs to get their act together, these 4-5 states alone bring down India's ranking significantly on several parameters in global list
Are you fucking serious? The Hindi belt isn't bringing anything down. Blaming poor regions for being poor is honestly (and forgive me for saying this word) retarded. The Hindi belt is India's fastest growing region. Stop being a stuckup ******* just because you were born in a richer region. And I hate the NRIs giving gyan on India the most. Nah, **** off.

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