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South India lags behind national fertility rate, slows population boom

wow - I am curious to know your reasoning

Will help in Muslim take-over of india, subsequently of world...then galaxy and so on...

You need to watch Glen Beck on Fox News so you can understand the secret plans of Muslim Brotherhood...

Too much of this going on?
Will help in Muslim take-over of india, subsequently of world...then galaxy and so on...

You need to watch Glen Beck on Fox News so you can understand the secret plans of Muslim Brotherhood...

Good Planning mate - you have my support. :tup:
It all depends on development and education. As the society get more developed and educated the women become more empowered and assert their rights over their own bodies and reproductive system.this leads to a lower TFR.
In a poor household more hands means more money earning opportunity. A daughter may accompany her mother to work as a maid. A son may work in a construction site. The children are earning members so they think more children will be better.

They also do not have many sources of entertainment. The only thing they can do after a hard day at work is s@x. And for them s@x is not taboo and something to be done away from others. They grow up in 1 room setups which in some cases is nothing more than a tin structure covered by tarpoline. They may have seen their mother father do it and they get the first hand knowledge. The daughter's are married off early and this leads to higher number of kids
Salaam to all the Muslims,


Some years back, I read or heard somewhere that around 17 million babies are born each year in India. Is it still that figure or has it increased / decreased?

Salaam to all the Muslims.
the evil hindi speaking northies are taking over india..:P
i am Northie, but i like the south. Its more peaceful, woman friendly and safe. I like Bangalore and hope to stay here for long term. :)

Salaam to all the Muslims,


Some years back, I read or heard somewhere that around 17 million babies are born each year in India. Is it still that figure or has it increased / decreased?

Salaam to all the Muslims.

dont you greet non-muslims with a salaam
Really? Then convert to Islam, marry some Muslim chick, and start reproducing!

As far as I know procreating does not require you to be a Muslim. Maybe the biology I studied was wrong. Even without converting to Islam (LOL) one can reasonably hope to do the remaining two.
When I first went to Karnataka I noticed many striking differences from Northern States. Me think Gujrat,Karnataka will lead the way towards future.
Its because South India is much better than north ( My Native is Bihar) . I have seen much less desparation and poverty in South than in North . Its a Global Trend .
No, we are sending our sl*ts to the land of sl*ts....

And taking nice indian women, Sania Mirza for example, and "marrying" them .... :azn:

PS. I was talking strictly about india...

hindus in india need to reproduce less, Muslims in india need to reproduce more...

muslims are already reproducing more faster than any others
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