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India's Total Fertility Rate finally falls below replacement

With the half-year long lockdown, I am not entirely sure. LOL.
Possibility that Corona may have increased TFR instead of crash can't be ruled out.
extreme inflation in 2000s mean, even poorer Indians know the catastrophic effects of unplanned pregnancies..we are finally entering a relatively better peiod in Indian history...for a few decades..since Indians have been finally forced to be anti-natal in perspective..doesnot matter tho...Global civilization will still collpase by 2060s-2070s latest
I noted this in a post a few months ago. India was suppose to surpass China in population in the early 2020's based on older UN projections. Based on newer population projections it will another decade or longer for India to surpass China in population. India will then enter demographic decline shortly after surpassing China in population.

My personal assessment is Indian birthrate will continue to plummet based rapid assimilation of western culture....increased consumerism, increased women's right and regular pornography viewership. Making marriage and family less important and more of a pain in rear. This is a notable side affect of modern western culture.
With the half-year long lockdown, I am not entirely sure. LOL.

Yeah sure Neo Kamasutra.

female won't reproduce if they don't see good chance for survival of their babies.
increased consumerism, increased women's right and regular pornography viewership. Making marriage and family less important and more of a pain in rear. This is a notable side affect of modern western culture.
Consumerism kind of yes. Women's rights yes. Pornography has no impact on fertility rates.

Urbanization has the greatest impact on fertility rates.

The Soviet Unions' fertility rates dropped so massively because Stalin shifted everyone into factories and gulags. Consumerism was pretty much nil in the USSR. And the former Soviet states still have much lower fertility rates than many consumerist states.
extreme inflation in 2000s mean, even poorer Indians know the catastrophic effects of unplanned pregnancies..we are finally entering a relatively better peiod in Indian history...for a few decades..since Indians have been finally forced to be anti-natal in perspective..doesnot matter tho...Global civilization will still collpase by 2060s-2070s latest
Well, that may be one of the answers of Great filter.
Great Filter - Wikipedia
Consumerism kind of yes. Women's rights yes. Pornography has no impact on fertility rates.

Urbanization has the greatest impact on fertility rates.

The Soviet Unions' fertility rates dropped so massively because Stalin shifted everyone into factories and gulags. Consumerism was pretty much nil in the USSR. And the former Soviet states still have much lower fertility rates than many consumerist states.
Communists and ex communists societies are largely atheists. Family and Marriage means nothing to atheists. Sex is for fun and not reproduction in secular and atheists societies. Pornography makes having a human partner less relevant.....if sex is only for fun. Mass viewership of pornography lowers birthrates....it kind of ironic.
Urbanization has the greatest impact on fertility rates.
It's actually the high cost of living (and thus high cost of bearing children) in an urban setting which affects fertility rates, the instinctual desire for progeny is overcome by the potential fear of lagging behind of the progeny from its peers if it is given relatively less resources and thus may eventually be beaten down by societal pressure.
Communists and ex communists societies are largely atheists. Family and Marriage means nothing to atheists. Sex is for fun and not reproduction in secular atheists societies. Pornography makes having a human partner less relevant.....if sex is only for fun. Mass viewership of pornography lowers birthrates....it kind of ironic.

Atheism has no effect on fertility rate. Atheist societies are generally more urbanized hence they have lower TFRs.

People in western countries start having sex earlier. Yeh fuzool jahaalat wali wEsT iS eRoDiNg fAmIly SySteM theories mere saath na jhaaro.

Religious societies don't generally use contraceptives. That's the reason for high birthrates.
Atheism has no effect on fertility rate. Atheist societies are generally more urbanized hence they have lower TFRs.
Secular and atheists societies have the lowest fertility rates in the world.....there is no denying this. There is a notable correlation between religious views and birth rates.
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