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India's nutrition scenario not better than other south Asian

Troll Thread....

They have been slapped conclusively. I doubt they will rear their heads anymore on this thread challenging what I posted in response:


Typical bait and flee tactic.

They (the trolls) are angry about the stark truth:


The thread where the OP called me a "psychopath" has been deleted. You should have seen the rage I instilled in them by shoving the truth right in their face.
Ya, I guess that my general point was that meat is really the only natural food that is overwhelmingly protein. Even dairy/eggs are only about half protein by percentage.

But I am very glad to hear that India is increasing its meat and egg production at a healthy rate. Hopefully it continues (I suspect it will). You are right though that India is very densely populated, and hence, it will be limited in its ability to raise livestock at a certain point in the future. But methods are becoming more efficient as time goes on, and more importantly, India can always import its meat from other less densely populated countries.
You are right...
A diet should be balanced and comprehensive....
My health teacher in primary school told us in class, (I still remember today) eat meat and drink milk, grow stronger and taller....The boxed meal provided by the cafeteria at my primary school always included at least 2 kinds of meat (red meat + non red meat such as fish) and 2-3 kinds of vegetable, plus vegetable and egg soup....The life expectancy in my city has already surpassed 80 year old.
Where does it fit into the discussion? Any evidence for your claim.

We are a poor country, poverty leads to all problems. India will not be always poor. It will always have some problems because of high population density but many will be addressed with a stronger economy.

In China people work for 13-14 hrs so that you can churn out cheap products, heard many even die from exhaustion. How can China have high margin life.
LOL, OMG, another lovely people in India.
Before the @Kal Muah seriously discussed the issue with me. Then, @Kal Muah refused to reply to me now.
I'm not sure if a country has 18 million slaves and 60 million child labor, lied what are the qualifications that the Chinese work 12-15 hours a day. Please note that this is India comfort themselves, only suitable for domestic in India. Does not apply to international BBS.
1, China is the country with strict laws, China is eight hours a week, with labor law.
2, China's minimum living margin is no 250-800 yuan per month, 1 yuan = 10 rupees. From west China to east, because of the economic situation is different, so the minimum margin different life.
3, currently working illegally in China black has 300000, the Vietnamese 500000, Burma Cambodia, Laos Mongolia around 200000, about 200000 north koreans. Indians living in China have legitimate visa only 48000 people.

Vietnam's illegal entry

Other southeast asians illegal entry.
4, now live in China and has a valid visa 1 million foreigners.
5, June 30, 2016, the international organization for migration approved China's entry, China became a immigration country.

Oh, Stephon Marbury Sir...

Indian friends end lies... Let's face it.
LOL, OMG, another lovely people in India.
Before the @Kal Muah seriously discussed the issue with me. Then, @Kal Muah refused to reply to me now.
I'm not sure if a country has 18 million slaves and 60 million child labor, lied what are the qualifications that the Chinese work 12-15 hours a day. Please note that this is India comfort themselves, only suitable for domestic in India. Does not apply to international BBS.
1, China is the country with strict laws, China is eight hours a week, with labor law.
2, China's minimum living margin is no 250-800 yuan per month, 1 yuan = 10 rupees. From west China to east, because of the economic situation is different, so the minimum margin different life.
3, currently working illegally in China black has 300000, the Vietnamese 500000, Burma Cambodia, Laos Mongolia around 200000, about 200000 north koreans. Indians living in China have legitimate visa only 48000 people.
View attachment 332626
Vietnam's illegal entry
View attachment 332630
Other southeast asians illegal entry.
4, now live in China and has a valid visa 1 million foreigners.
5, June 30, 2016, the international organization for migration approved China's entry, China became a immigration country.
View attachment 332641
Oh, Stephon Marbury Sir...

Indian friends end lies... Let's face it.
Labor laws in India mean nothing....

It sounds very stupid for a lot of RSSers in PDF.
They talk like in a domestic forum in india where lies are the truth...
In an international forum, mouth cannoning and lying without grounds are really silly...
It only shows their lack of sight and utter ignorance.
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Religions were an ancient and medieval blunder. The were probably relevant 1000 years ago but not now.
My thoughts are nearly sync with yours in this. Hyper religiousness is the cause of damage. Look, it even influences what one eats to dress to even the way sh1ts.
This brings some sense on why beef is such a big issue in north when compared to south.

South and East vs North and west as joe put it :P

My thoughts are nearly sync with yours in this. Hyper religiousness is the cause of damage. Look, it even influences what one eats to dress to even the way sh1ts.

Do you eat the body of christ every sunday?
Our state is mostly veg. and we do fairly good at sports. I guess calories and protien intake is what matter, veg or non veg.

The best aspect of communism is being anti-religion.Religions were an ancient and medieval blunder.
Being anti-religion is not the solution. A person can be religious yet progressive. The troublemakers are those who follow religion word by word, that is fundamental religious followers. And there is only one way tocmake them progressive.

If you want to make a fundamental religious follower to become a non-fundamental religious follower then first thing is to never attack their religion. It pushes them to even more fundamentalism. But the best way is to keep them unaware, and talking about things which needs change, in a less offending manner. :-)

Just opposite of this, if you want to make even a progressive religious follower to become a fundamentalist, keep attacking their religion and keep bombaring with hundreds of articles on internet. Thats what our left society does, which seems misled themselves and mainly focus on attacking Hinduism. Although can't blame left since this pseudo leftism is used by political parties for votes, its obvious they can't risk upsetting Muslim, Christian and other communities' votes. Our intellectuals are also humans afterall they need to earn money too. ;-)

Hinduism is full of superstition and denial.
Every religion is basically based on superstition, not just Hinduism. But Hinduism is not rigid, a person can be an athiest yet can follow Hinduism. It maybe true for other religions too but i don't know.

In Hinduism Brahmins sold mythological stories to fool and rule people which continues even today.
Have you read those mythological stories? I believe that was an attempt to integrate people not to divide. Not sure what is the reason behind this but Brahmin bashing is very common these days. Brahmins although 2% of this population (which are diminishing) have been successful in almost every field, they are respected and most welcomed in every country except India where they are ridiculed every day for being born a Brahmin. Why do west research a lot on Brahmins though and not on Dalits?

As for ruling/controlling wealth. In 21st century, a person born in rich family is rich and a person born in middle class family is a middle class person, it same in every country. However, wealth is to be distributed, and we have a lot of poor people who need uplifment, for that we need economic progression to provide jobs for everyone. Its a slow progress unfortunately and will take time. To make it faster we need to work on high quality education by luring talented teachers. Good teachers produce good students and it works like an avalanche.

Islam follows a law book that is 1500 year ago based on a tribal society in the wastelands of middle east written by one man which no one verified.
I guarantee you our intellectuals won't even touch this topic. Their supported parties can't afford lose out Muslim votes. Its blasphemy to even questioning the prophet or his words in Qur'an. And 99% of Indian Muslims would not be happy with whatever you have written.

No religion tells the truth that there is no life after death, no God in sky, that Humanity, love and respect for nature is all that is important.
Agreed. But. What is religion? Who is a religious person according to you? A person going to temple? A person celebrating a festival? If yes, then a person having a certain ideology or belief can be termed a religious person. For example, a leftist or an atheist.

Humanity, love and respect. These things don't matter my dear, you live in a hypocrite world where certain lives are more important than others. I wish i could go to Australia with no restrictions for free without getting shot, its my Earth afterall :-).

Leaving your work for God is foolishness, i never trust any God to do things for me. Although i do believe in God as we don't know the reason of existence of everything yet.

Actually Asian countries generally have high consumption of fruits and vegetable...
It can compensate a little...
Meat is indeed important...
Excessive red meat intake is not healthy, but no meat at all is harmful...
China is crazily buying land around the world to meet the growing need of Chinese...
Meet production is quite a waste of land....
View attachment 332617
Since we export mostly agri stuff i think our people are more worried about making proffit than consuming locally, making prices high. Its bound to change as we industrialize.
Our state is mostly veg. and we do fairly good at sports. I guess calories and protien intake is what matter, veg or non veg.


Being anti-religion is not the solution. A person can be religious yet progressive. The troublemakers are those who follow religion word by word, that is fundamental religious followers. And there is only one way tocmake them progressive.

If you want to make a fundamental religious follower to become a non-fundamental religious follower then first thing is to never attack their religion. It pushes them to even more fundamentalism. But the best way is to keep them unaware, and talking about things which needs change, in a less offending manner. :-)

Just opposite of this, if you want to make even a progressive religious follower to become a fundamentalist, keep attacking their religion and keep bombaring with hundreds of articles on internet. Thats what our left society does, which seems misled themselves and mainly focus on attacking Hinduism. Although can't blame left since this pseudo leftism is used by political parties for votes, its obvious they can't risk upsetting Muslim, Christian and other communities' votes. Our intellectuals are also humans afterall they need to earn money too. ;-)

Every religion is basically based on superstition, not just Hinduism. But Hinduism is not rigid, a person can be an athiest yet can follow Hinduism. It maybe true for other religions too but i don't know.

Have you read those mythological stories? I believe that was an attempt to integrate people not to divide. Not sure what is the reason behind this but Brahmin bashing is very common these days. Brahmins although 2% of this population (which are diminishing) have been successful in almost every field, they are respected and most welcomed in every country except India where they are ridiculed every day for being born a Brahmin. Why do west research a lot on Brahmins though and not on Dalits?

As for ruling/controlling wealth. In 21st century, a person born in rich family is rich and a person born in middle class family is a middle class person, it same in every country. However, wealth is to be distributed, and we have a lot of poor people who need uplifment, for that we need economic progression to provide jobs for everyone. Its a slow progress unfortunately and will take time. To make it faster we need to work on high quality education by luring talented teachers. Good teachers produce good students and it works like an avalanche.

I guarantee you our intellectuals won't even touch this topic. Their supported parties can't afford lose out Muslim votes. Its blasphemy to even questioning the prophet or his words in Qur'an. And 99% of Indian Muslims would not be happy with whatever you have written.

Agreed. But. What is religion? Who is a religious person according to you? A person going to temple? A person celebrating a festival? If yes, then a person having a certain ideology or belief can be termed a religious person. For example, a leftist or an atheist.

Humanity, love and respect. These things don't matter my dear, you live in a hypocrite world where certain lives are more important than others. I wish i could go to Australia with no restrictions for free without getting shot, its my Earth afterall :-).

Leaving your work for God is foolishness, i never trust any God to do things for me. Although i do believe in God as we don't know the reason of existence of everything yet.

Since we export mostly agri stuff i think our people are more worried about making proffit than consuming locally, making prices high. Its bound to change as we industrialize.

Which state are you from bro?

Yep definite sporting heritage for sure hehe. We need to get those kushti schools even better to get more A prime talent out there to compete and dominate the world ;)
Yep definite sporting heritage for sure hehe. We need to get those kushti schools even better to get more A prime talent out there to compete and dominate the world ;)

Bro trust me freestyle wrestling is requires brain as much as body. If we can somehow able to build wrestling culture in south they can be really good wrestlers. Currently north people do better than south people is mainly because of experience and culture.

Btw i have played Kushti very less, but a lot of Kabbadi and Kho Kho.
@Doyalbaba @Species @kobiraaz @bluesky @el che @Bilal9 @TopCat

Average Bangladeshi man height, 2014: 162.8 cm
Average Indian man height, 2014: 164.9 cm


Just put dot after wwww & before com to visit the links(reputed British newspaper).

Note: For India the average came down to inclusion of North east Indian and eastern Indians who are genetically shorter.

Arjun I don't see your point....what are you countering?

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