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India's nutrition scenario not better than other south Asian

This is from Indian media where Indian themselves admitted,there are more malnutrition in India than BD. While indian poster here spreading false propaganda of twice consumption sh!t.
So you want an award for that now...

It takes time to improve situation for 1.2 billion plus people...
@Doyalbaba @Species @kobiraaz @bluesky @el che @Bilal9 @TopCat

Average Bangladeshi man height, 2014: 162.8 cm
Average Indian man height, 2014: 164.9 cm


Just put dot after wwww & before com to visit the links(reputed British newspaper).

Note: For India the average came down to inclusion of North east Indian and eastern Indians who are genetically shorter.

Average Japanese are smaller than average Norwegian, does not make Japanese stunted. Doe it?
That has already been factored in.

Now try to think harder if you can.

I don't need to think harder, I am not a Bangladeshi. My fertile brain can easily figure out that the relative gap between Bangladesh and its neighboring countries would still be similar in 2030, only difference would be Bangladeshis talking about 2050.
@Doyalbaba @Species @kobiraaz @bluesky @el che @Bilal9 @TopCat

Average Bangladeshi man height, 2014: 162.8 cm
Average Indian man height, 2014: 164.9 cm


Just put dot after wwww & before com to visit the links(reputed British newspaper).

Note: For India the average came down to inclusion of North east Indian and eastern Indians who are genetically shorter.
Why did you lowered height of Bangladeshi men by 1 cm? It is 163.8 cm for Bangladeshi men according to study.So gap is 1 cm which could be due to sampling size and selection differential for both country.But what you didn't noticed is Bangladeshi men increased their height much faster than Indian counterpart.Height increased 5.2 cm in case of Bangladesh and only 2.9 cm for India in last 100 years.
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LOL, OMG, another lovely people in India.
Before the @Kal Muah seriously discussed the issue with me. Then, @Kal Muah refused to reply to me now.
I'm not sure if a country has 18 million slaves and 60 million child labor, lied what are the qualifications that the Chinese work 12-15 hours a day. Please note that this is India comfort themselves, only suitable for domestic in India. Does not apply to international BBS.
1, China is the country with strict laws, China is eight hours a week, with labor law.
2, China's minimum living margin is no 250-800 yuan per month, 1 yuan = 10 rupees. From west China to east, because of the economic situation is different, so the minimum margin different life.
3, currently working illegally in China black has 300000, the Vietnamese 500000, Burma Cambodia, Laos Mongolia around 200000, about 200000 north koreans. Indians living in China have legitimate visa only 48000 people.
View attachment 332626
Vietnam's illegal entry
View attachment 332630
Other southeast asians illegal entry.
4, now live in China and has a valid visa 1 million foreigners.
5, June 30, 2016, the international organization for migration approved China's entry, China became a immigration country.
View attachment 332641
Oh, Stephon Marbury Sir...

Indian friends end lies... Let's face it.
I dont know what you discussed with whom.
You deviated from the topic, started a discussion without any context which was uncalled for, you could have started a different thread. What has margin life got to do with nutrition.
Then you mentioned India has the "lowest" margin life, you did not produce any evidence.
I present the following links for my understanding of chinese working conditions. I dont need more statistics from you because I'm not interested.

Actually people like you enter into the discussion with irrelevant posts to boost your ego of being Chinese.
We accept that India is a poor country but we dont need information about our country from you.
You post with an air of superiority of being like your nation is America, which you are not. You should join some European or American forum and start "margin life" discussion instead of being in a thread of two poor countries. Rich China is a mismatch in such threads with irrelevant posts. You can go to Somalian or Burkina Faso thread you will enjoy more the discussion about "margin life"
You reap what you sow! :-)

I have really wondered why do you guyz troll BDians so much? Lol

When they dream to break up my country...I troll them by showing the mirror....its simple.

They dont appreciate it at all....but:

@Doyalbaba See average height if British Indians and British Bangladeshis.
Vast majority of British Indian are from Indian punjab.Punjab has lowest malnutrition and poverty in India and one of tallest ethnic group of India.Most of the British Bangladeshi are from rural areas in Sylhet division.Bulk of them have gone there 2-3 decades later than Indian Punjabi.So it is not fare comparison.What we need is random 1000 people from India in proportionate of states population and 1000 people from all over BD to get a true picture.
Pakistan and Sri Lanka are the only two countries in South Asia with obesity problem - comparable to that of China. No idea if that is because of lack of exercise or over indulgence - I leave that for you guy's conclude.

As a asides meat is big in Pakistan, mutton, chicken you name it. Meat, meat preferably in Kebab form is the way to go. Fish consumption is negligible because most of Pakistan is distant from the sea.


Link > http://indy100.independent.co.uk/article/these-are-the-most-obese-countries-in-the-world--gyEoNT9Esx

Interesting.. Malnutrition and obesity are both unhealthy developments, which leads to many noncommunicable diseases

Why is it only Pakistan and Sri Lanka has high prevalence of obesity ? I think diet wise it's similar across the region, As a matter of fact Lankan cuisine even use less fat and oil in their staple food
*Pakistani body reacts to hunger by gaining weight.

Why is it only Pakistan
Crashed economy > Poverty > No food on table > Hunger > Obesity*

Sri Lanka
Maybe nice tropical climate > Pina colada on beaches > Chill out > Obesity

India, Bangladesh
Booming economies > Great food in abundance > Work hard > Exercise hard > Ideal weight.

@Arjun Bajwa Can people learn to give sources to stats or "facts" please.
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*Pakistani body reacts to hunger by gaining weight.

Crashed economy > Poverty > No food on table > Hunger > Obesity*

Maybe nice tropical climate > Pina colada on beaches > Chill out > Obesity

Booming economies > Great food in abundance > Work hard > Exercise hard > Ideal weight.

@Arjun Bajwa Can people learn to give sources to stats or "facts" please.

LOL!!! Too good sir...too good.
*Pakistani body reacts to hunger by gaining weight.

Crashed economy > Poverty > No food on table > Hunger > Obesity*

Maybe nice tropical climate > Pina colada on beaches > Chill out > Obesity

Booming economies > Great food in abundance > Work hard > Exercise hard > Ideal weight.

@Arjun Bajwa Can people learn to give sources to stats or "facts" please.


Pina colada's on th beach, In the the case of Lankans Arrack and ginger ale, Is not a every day luxury for the locals, Ahem.. They also work for a living.. :azn:

Maybe the change of dietary habits is a reason, Too many fast food outlets around the island these days.. Prolly the same case in Pakistan
I don't need to think harder, I am not a Bangladeshi. My fertile brain can easily figure out that the relative gap between Bangladesh and its neighboring countries would still be similar in 2030, only difference would be Bangladeshis talking about 2050.

I have a brain that someone
like you can only dream of.

Now try to think why what I predicted is what
will most likely happen.

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