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India's nutrition scenario not better than other south Asian

I think we just categorically proved who is the BIG FAT LIAR on this thread :lol:

Feel free to spout your great Chinese Data Con Statistics to your hearts content....and may it massage your ego...

Go in peace my son. :wave:

Ignoramaous :lol:
Please check the following links, Hope you find the data provided by the Chinese.


Did you find the data provided by China? The typical Indian to cold-blooded and lie.

What are you trying to prove? "lowest life margin" , minimum wage, PM super power claim, Rs 32 is the poverty line. I already accepted we are a poor country. Why don't you get it through your Chinese Tiger skull. You failed to give evidences for any of your claims, "super power" or "lowest margin life". Please don't waste time. Not only dumb you are not even good at trolling. If you want we can start threads like "Chinese troll", "praise china", "margin life" "Chinese fanboy" etc. You are not only a "liar" but a "stupid liar" who gets caught. This is my last reply to you.
Thanks, I hope you won't lie to China's work time.
Rrright, unless you are not high on ample dosage of marijuana, then the produce of your brain, as seen here, is commendable.

Yeah whatever.

Indians are so smart that they are 3rd world
after 69 years of Independence.:cry:
Not surprised...India has a HUGE population to bring up to the required standards. These things take time and coordination from the center.

I wonder if the decentralized nature of India has actually had a negative impact in this regard (I accept decentralization is invariably a GOOD thing)
@Nilgiri what is your signature supposed mean? :p:

Did you open the image link? Its to show everyone what Maira La said....how desperate of a troll it is. Its great to see that it has relegated itself to giving thumbs up now and not posting "content" anymore.

Modi said in 2022, India has become the developed country is the independence day speech,

Buddy, you know of the respect I have for China and its culture.

But he did not say this in such context you are making it out to be. Let it go.


Must be one of the 30%:


I wonder if the decentralized nature of India has actually had a negative impact in this regard (I accept decentralization is invariably a GOOD thing)

No its a good thing actually. Thats because the centre govt for the majority of history (even after reforms in 1991) was very incompetent at delivering local solutions to socio economic problems.

So by having decentralised model (and having it become more decentralised over time), the states that are doing well (socioeconomically or in any other field) are not held back by centre Dictat.

I would shudder to think if Kerala and TN were forced by centre through fund starvation/excessive centre programs to be on the same page as say Bihar to keep everyone the "same".

At least now we have domestic state-sized successes that rest can follow in both theory and implementation....and the people themselves are becoming more aware of it too and pressing their bureaucrats to deliver.....or exercising ballot/migrating as needed.
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@Nilgiri Fair enough. Specially the point about individual States being looked upon as models for others to try to emulate.

Bangladesh is on such a small scale - population and size compared to India....center driven policies sometimes are easier to implement and have had success.

Then again, a lot of poverty in Bangladesh is driven by something as simple as seasonal issues 'monga' or infrastructure - and I mean basic infrastructure...not 4-6 lane highways :lol: The eastern half of the country (Chittagong, Sylhet, Noahkhali, Feni...etc etc) is generally much better connected and relatively speaking a lot better off than the western half.

Lot of work to be done - the PM only just this week inaugurated a new govt scheme where destitute families will get 30kgs of rice a month @BDT300 for 5 months of the year. This is going to save upwards of 10mil from severe malnutrition and poverty.
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@Nilgiri Fair enough. Specially the point about individual States being looked upon as models for others to try to emulate.

Bangladesh is on such a small scale - population and size compared to India....center driven policies sometimes are easier to implement and have had success.

Then again, a lot of poverty in Bangladesh is driven by something as simple as seasonal issues 'monga' or infrastructure - and I mean basic infrastructure...not 4-6 lane highways :lol: The eastern half of the country (Chittagong, Sylhet, Noahkhali, Feni...etc etc) is generally much better connected and relatively speaking a lot better off than the western half.

Lot of work to be done - the PM only just this week inaugurated a new govt scheme where destitute families will get 30kgs of rice @BDT300 for 5 months of the year. This is going to save upwards of 10mil from severe malnutrition and poverty.

Yes Indian states have much to learn from BD (regarding basic health + sanitation coverage especially) since they are broadly comparable in size compared to the country-country scale.

Does BD have a program like TN....it is known as amma canteen, it is very popular now and is one of the reasons she was able to win a 2nd term in a row (unparalleled feat in TN since MGR days):

Also does BD have anything like midday meal scheme for its schools?

Why is there to prove anything to them? Indian members here are fools! You don't have to tell what you eat in breakfast , lunch and dinner. Calm down!
I don't expect you to realize how lame this excuse is.

And so I do not ever want to hear Indians complain about being held back by Muslims and/or the British.

Just admit that multi-ethnic states are poor at economic development and then we can move on.

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