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India's nutrition scenario not better than other south Asian

However, India's greatest asset @Nilgiri will come out with his RAW sponsored many links to prove the report is wrong.

@Nilgiri it seems you have made name for yourself already. :cheesy:

Except Odisha which is very under developed, all other states mentioned are of Hindi belt with significant vegetarian population. Poverty + dietary restriction is not good. Socio economic development of Hindi belt is a challenge.

Indian dietary habits will always be a big problem as far as the general health and life expectancy are concerned. India's meat consumption per capital is negligible compared to that of China. Being a largely vegetarian country, it is disturbing that an average Indian even consumes less vegetable/fruits and cereal than an average Chinese, only on dairy products, Indians have a slight advantage over Chinese. Where do you guys get necessary nutrition from?
The BD section is a joke. I mean BD the country is a joke and the amount of pride and haughtyness that lungis show here is simply delusional. They are stuck on textiles and import 2nd hand $hit from other lands and call India poor.
Here is some inside news:
One Indian Auto Manufacturer(OEM) wanted to open an assembly line in BD and BD vendors were having trouble setting up a Sheet Metal Stamping line. I mean WTF BD. :lol:

Which OEM would that be? :-)

The OEM could have set up Sheet Metal Stamping line by themselves. There are plenty of suppliers in India for that sort of thing (High Speed Hydraulic presses etc.),

Do they make metal stamping presses in Bangladesh? Probably not.

But then, if there is no need or demand, why would they? While we're dumping on Bangladesh - there are plenty of countries which also don't. They can simply import.

In Bangladesh most larger motorcycle makers and auto assemblers have their own metal stamping presses. The Indian automotive OEM was probably dealing with a bunch of amateurs I suspect. Metal stamping is not rocket science.

I believe lower-grade metal stamping presses (not CNC) are in use for cookware and pressure cooker manufacture in huge numbers. These industries are being transferred from China to Bangladesh as labor cost locally is very competitive....

And why are we comparing India and Bangladesh industrially? The scale and scope are entirely different.
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it is disturbing that an average Indian even consumes less vegetable/fruits and cereal than an average Chinese, only on dairy products, Indians have a slight advantage over Chinese. Where do you guys get necessary nutrition from?

No good comprehensive data on this I am afraid....so its not ideal to compare.

Neither is India "largely" vegetarian. About 30% can be classified as such.


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And further - the secret of giving jobs to your people and giving them something to eat is not manufacturing super duper space age products or even automobiles using the likes of CNC machines.

It's manufacturing BASIC items, sometimes low quality but always CONSISTENTLY LOW quality, attainable and accessible at a reasonable price worldwide.

Mataji ka tawa and Sasoo-ma ka pressure cooker. Behenji ka Corelle glassware serving set. Every Ghar needs some.


Walton Refrigerator

China used to be suppliers for these and now these inexpensive crap will be made and exported from Bangladesh. In humongous numbers and quantities. :-)

Yeah I know boasting of industrial success is silly. But to me - filling empty bellies in a country like Bangladesh is more important than any puffery. And a pre-cursor to much-needed political stability.
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Which OEM would that be? :-)

The OEM could have set up Sheet Metal Stamping line by themselves. There are plenty of suppliers in India for that sort of thing (High Speed Hydraulic presses etc.),

Do they make metal stamping presses in Bangladesh? Probably not.

But then, if there is no need or demand, why would they? While we're dumping on Bangladesh - there are plenty of countries which also don't. They can simply import.

In Bangladesh most larger motorcycle makers and auto assemblers have their own metal stamping presses. The Indian automotive OEM was probably dealing with a bunch of amateurs I suspect. Metal stamping is not rocket science.

I believe lower-grade metal stamping presses (not CNC) are in use for cookware and pressure cooker manufacture in huge numbers. These industries are being transferred from China to Bangladesh as labor cost locally is very competitive....

And why are we comparing India and Bangladesh industrially? The scale and scope are entirely different.
The problem was post manufacturing assembly and improper alignment of door features, due to variance. Now I don't want to disclose my employer :P so i will not go into detail.
And this was a few years ago.
I also believe Ind & BD should not be compared. They are in different leagues. Just that some BD posters get on the nerves because they are full of talk and bravado
The cheapest source of protein is cow meat. High religiousness and cultural taboo on eating meat and fish prevents Hindi heartland people from utilizing meat and other sources. People cannot grow muscle mass eating sabzi and gau mootra.
The cheapest source of protein is cow meat. High religiousness and cultural taboo on eating meat and fish prevents Hindi heartland people from utilizing meat and other sources. People cannot grow muscle mass eating sabzi and gau mootra.
What about fish and chicken?
Yeah I won't put any credibility on this survey. Read up on how HuffPo got approval for India. It is more propaganda.

So what about the "Hindu-CNN-IBN State of the Nation Survey"? They also put the figure around 31%.

What about fish and chicken?

I was wondering what the official production estimate of total meat and fish is for BD (most recent year) from say BD agriculture/husbandry/fisheries ministry?
What about fish and chicken?
Fish is the common food in coastal states like Kerala. Beef can be cheaper than Chicken in India. If you've visited north and central India, cows are straying everywhere. Gau Shalas (Cow sheleters) are built by RSS when humans are perishing in poverty. I just suggested why don't they leave this religious taboo and starts eating cheap red meat in the form of beef that is easily available with these many cows and buffaloes. The farmers suffer after these livestock become old. Instead of Gau Raksha Dal, they should start Manushya Raksha Dal.
No good comprehensive data on this I am afraid....so its not ideal to compare.

Neither is India "largely" vegetarian. About 30% can be classified as such.



The graph above did not show the among of consumption, so it doesn't really show the true situation. If the average is way under world standard, one can only imagine the quality of food that poor people eat. There are plenty sources that show the similar statistics, if you are willing to accept the reality. Here is one:



Fish is the common food in coastal states like Kerala. Beef can be cheaper than Chicken in India. If you've visited north and central India, cows are straying everywhere. Gau Shalas (Cow sheleters) are built by RSS when humans are perishing in poverty. I just suggested why don't they leave this religious taboo and starts eating cheap red meat in the form of beef that is easily available with these many cows and buffaloes. The farmers suffer after these livestock become old. Instead of Gau Raksha Dal, they should start Manushya Raksha Dal.
You are right, cow police are a hindrance. Beef is a cheap source of protein. Old cows are of no use they shit here and there, create traffic problem, release amount of methane which is almost like a car and contribute to global warming. Plus all the cow brigade of BJP,RSS doesn't know that they cannot survive without using any goods made from cow.

The best aspect of communism is being anti-religion.Religions were an ancient and medieval blunder. The were probably relevant 1000 years ago but not now. Hinduism is full of superstition and denial. Islam follows a law book that is 1500 year ago based on a tribal society in the wastelands of middle east written by one man which no one verified. Mohammed is light years ahead of any other person in history who has influenced human population. He started the religion at probably 40 years of age and sold his dreams to create Islam. In Hinduism Brahmins sold mythological stories to fool and rule people which continues even today. Same goes for any other religion. No religion tells the truth that there is no life after death, no God in sky, that Humanity, love and respect for nature is all that is important.

The graph above did not show the among of consumption, so it doesn't really show the true situation. If the average is way under world standard, one can only imagine the quality of food that poor people eat. There are plenty sources that show the similar statistics, if you are willing to accept the reality. Here is one:



How east Asian people so much of pork. Aren't you scared of the pork tapeworm?

I see India and China almost similar apart from meat. The lower statistics of India can be because of
1)Smaller body structure of Indians
2)Vegetarian diet which again has its own advantages.
3)Hot climate of sub continent which discourages red meat consumption.

With reduction of poverty and rise of per capita income figure will rise but still be less because of 1,2 and 3.
Fish, egg and chicken are the healthier sources of protein than red meat which can cause many problems. Even fish is mainly consumed by eastern Indians and Kerala. Most Indians rarely even eat fish as well.

No good comprehensive data on this I am afraid....so its not ideal to compare.

Neither is India "largely" vegetarian. About 30% can be classified as such.


The figure for Assam is definitely not correct. If Bengal is 98 percent is non veg then Assam should be 99 percent. Rest I agree.
Congratualtions BD......okay ?
Its amazing how fucked up we south asians are......comparing among beggars . Yes we are nothing but beggars . The benchmark should be the likes of Australias , the Swedish .

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