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India's new Naval Chief's first disastrous press talk.

How on earth this guy reached this post. Even most Indians are shocked except for few totally blind Bhakts of Modi. Even Indian veterans are disgusted and could not believe this man was made Naval Chief.
Man I am impressed..

Pakistan navy can sleep in the knowledge that the Indian navy is led by this fine officer

How on earth this guy reached this post. Even most Indians are shocked except for few totally blind Bhakts of Modi. Even Indian veterans are disgusted and could not believe this man was made Naval Chief.

The guy isn't just saying it because he wasn't prepared. This is what he prepared and is reading off of cards. I wonder what he would have said when unprepared.
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Kumar doesn't sound like Brahman.

Kumars are common last names (tribal names) prevalent in mostly cow belt areas like UP and Bihar and to some extent Delhi and Haryana as well.

They used to be primarily agriculturist mid level tribes, but lately in the 18th and 19th centuries they largely got educated and moved up in Indian society via administrative roles in govt. etc. I doubt they are a Brahmin level caste. Brahmin educated folks typically go into far higher administrative and academic pursuits than go into Indian Defence Force hierarchy. Unless its a family thing where your dad was in the armed forces as well.

North Indian Hindu Brahmins have typical names like this according to geographic areas in India, South Indian Brahmin namess are another ball of wax altogether (the list below is not all inclusive):

(Uttar Pradesh) Sharma, Dwivedi, Dubey, Trivedi, Tripathi, Tiwari, Chaturvedi, Choubey, Pande, Mishra, Garg , Bharadwaj, Sandilya,
(Uttarakhand) Joshi, Kesari, Pant,
(Bihar) Jha & Ozha,
(Punjab &Haryana) Upadhyaya, Bahuguna , Vashist,
(Bengal) Chattopadhyay (Chatterjee) , Gangopadhyay (Ganguly), Mukhopadhyay (Mukherji) Bandophadyay (Banerjee) and Bhattacharya,
(Assam), Goswami
(Maharashtra) Puranik, Kulkarni, Deshmukh, Sardesai, Pandit, Karve, Chitale, Godbole, Shrikhande.

Kumar is not a traditionally common Bengali name or even South Indian name to my knowledge.

The word "Kumar" in Bengali means young man, bachelor, son, boy etc. Similarly - "Kumari" means young girl.

In Bangladesh the word "Kumar" also is a common name for potter. Like in English the last name "Smith" means Iron-smith - who make knives and swords,

@Atlas bhai your thoughts?

For some reason, he reminded me of that Indian professor or whatever defining the word F--k.

That's Bhagwan Rajneesh. He scammed thousands of Americans from their life's savings and they enjoyed the "free love" experience.

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Too many "swappings" eat up your brain cells!! By the by, he was the top most choice....
English is not our language. there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Indian Naval Chief must be good in his career , his main theme of the speech may not be very inspiring but that is fine.

not sure who wrote for him . even if he wrote it himself still its no big deal. what matter is his ability to command a very big navy , not his foreign language skill.
Considering the strongest side of the Indian generals and admirals is their strength in the colonial English grammar (could have, had better etc.) It came out little disapointing...
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I opened this topic and thought... how bad can he be? Surely this has some strong tradional anti Indian pdf bias right?

Then I clicked the link... Wow.
Kumars are common last names (tribal names) prevalent in mostly cow belt areas like UP and Bihar and to some extent Delhi and Haryana as well.

They used to be primarily agriculturist mid level tribes, but lately in the 18th and 19th centuries they largely got educated and moved up in Indian society via administrative roles in govt. etc. I doubt they are a Brahmin level caste. Brahmin educated folks typically go into far higher administrative and academic pursuits than go into Indian Defence Force hierarchy. Unless its a family thing where your dad was in the armed forces as well.

North Indian Hindu Brahmins have typical names like this according to geographic areas in India, South Indian Brahmin namess are another ball of wax altogether (the list below is not all inclusive):

(Uttar Pradesh) Sharma, Dwivedi, Dubey, Trivedi, Tripathi, Tiwari, Chaturvedi, Choubey, Pande, Mishra, Garg , Bharadwaj, Sandilya,
(Uttarakhand) Joshi, Kesari, Pant,
(Bihar) Jha & Ozha,
(Punjab &Haryana) Upadhyaya, Bahuguna , Vashist,
(Bengal) Chattopadhyay (Chatterjee) , Gangopadhyay (Ganguly), Mukhopadhyay (Mukherji) Bandophadyay (Banerjee) and Bhattacharya,
(Assam), Goswami
(Maharashtra) Puranik, Kulkarni, Deshmukh, Sardesai, Pandit, Karve, Chitale, Godbole, Shrikhande.

Kumar is not a traditionally common Bengali name or even South Indian name to my knowledge.

The word "Kumar" in Bengali means young man, bachelor, son, boy etc. Similarly - "Kumari" means young girl.

In Bangladesh the word "Kumar" also is a common name for potter. Like in English the last name "Smith" means Iron-smith - who make knives and swords,

@Atlas bhai your thoughts?
@Bilal9 Bhai , Bangla language and Bangladesh er Kumar thik ase! Kumar = virgin boy, Kumari = virgin girl.

Abar Kumar mane Zara Matir jinis potro toiri kore etao sothik.

Tobe India r nana elakay (West Bengal er gula amra default hisabei Jani , karon same as Bangladesh, so that's different) ki podobi ase esob Nia temon valo idea nai amar, research Kori na egula.

But thank you for these information you have provided.
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Origins of thoughts / ideas always interest me. Maybe, he is also interested & trying to explain those.

When I was really young, I & my friend ridiculed the thoughts of an elderly man (not to his face). We used to laugh ourselves thinking he was eating our brains. But after some years & wisdom, I see the point in all that gentleman's thoughts. I regret ridiculing his thoughts. Actually, I was also in university when I did that.

Also, unless you are carried away by the comments from all pakistanis (they can create many reasons to laugh at India), his talk is not that bad / ugly. I would say that talk has some unwanted / unnecessary sentences. Maybe, he is a small time poet, and tried to use those skills. Also, he appeared confident and in command. That is my impression.

PS: maybe, you are young and find still find that talk (given at your college) all BS (or) maybe, my interest in origins of everything is not of interest to anyone. I am not judging you though.
It is not just Pakistanis who are finding this 'speech' unbecoming of a Navy Chief. Check the twitter comments for that video. Almost all of 'em from Indians. The 'speech' is silly and it is justly ridiculed. It is a shame to the officer training curriculum of Indian Navy. This should worry every tax paying citizens of the country.

Wisdom often comes with age, but there is no guarantee for how much of it one would accumulate as they age. :undecided:
The 'speech' is silly and it is justly ridiculed
Maybe he is not used to being in the limelight. Previously his audience may have been his immediate subordinates or peers.
English is not our language. there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Indian Naval Chief must be good in his career , his main theme of the speech may not be very inspiring but that is fine.

It is not the language. It is the content that matters. I've heard many people deliver very interesting key notes with broken english. Their message was interesting and that is precisely what this address lacks.
Maybe he is not used to being in the limelight. Previously his audience may have been his immediate subordinates or peers.
He is an officer of the Indian Navy. He is the highest ranking officer in the Navy.

No excuses at this level. :(
Looks like he is not good at story telling and speech, he should aware of his weakness and opted for Navy related news/recent development in the conference.
Typical upper caste Taqiya.
Modi is Ghanchi/Teli, belonging to Vaishya varna, considered twice-born, so of course upper caste.

I'm confused. I thought Vaishyas are businesspeople caste (varna). Telis by the way belong to oil-presser caste who extract oil from different seeds (mostly mustard) for a living. Far away from being Brahmin, actually an OBC caste per Gujarat govt. records.

Vaishyas are lower than Khshatriyas, who in turn are lower than Brahmins. Vaishyas are only higher than shudra laborers. Shudras are only better than untouchables (dalit).

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