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India's new Naval Chief's first disastrous press talk.

How on earth this guy reached this post. Even most Indians are shocked except for few totally blind Bhakts of Modi. Even Indian veterans are disgusted and could not believe this man was made Naval Chief.

The PLAN is done for.......

They'll be rolling over in fits of laughter so hard they won't be able to steer their ships.
Here are all the ships in his speech.

All seaworthy words. Atleast he did not say abandon ship
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OMG - what did i just watch - is this the best person that the Indian Navy could produce as an institution ?
This is nothing.

Back when I was in university, I was in the flying club in the university (Just flying basic RC planes, drones, astronomy, flight simulation, etc.).
Once we arranged for a former IAF Flight Lieutenant for a talk in our club and we told him he can choose any topic he was comfortable with.
Big mistake.
He started giving BS about ancient "Vimanas"- which are mythical airplanes used in Indian mythology, ancient nuclear weapons and all that stuff. He even made a presentation on Powerpoint about evidence for these BS.
Our disappointment was immeasurable and our day was ruined.

Origins of thoughts / ideas always interest me. Maybe, he is also interested & trying to explain those.

When I was really young, I & my friend ridiculed the thoughts of an elderly man (not to his face). We used to laugh ourselves thinking he was eating our brains. But after some years & wisdom, I see the point in all that gentleman's thoughts. I regret ridiculing his thoughts. Actually, I was also in university when I did that.

Also, unless you are carried away by the comments from all pakistanis (they can create many reasons to laugh at India), his talk is not that bad / ugly. I would say that talk has some unwanted / unnecessary sentences. Maybe, he is a small time poet, and tried to use those skills. Also, he appeared confident and in command. That is my impression.

PS: maybe, you are young and find still find that talk (given at your college) all BS (or) maybe, my interest in origins of everything is not of interest to anyone. I am not judging you though.
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