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India's new Naval Chief's first disastrous press talk.

Let's not judge his capability as commander solely on public speaking

You have to think what went through his brain - when he wrote that speach and the message he wanted to convey with that speech.

It speaks of his intellect - and that seems limited - and if that is indeed the case - then his skills as a commander will be equally limited..
This is nothing.

Back when I was in university, I was in the flying club in the university (Just flying basic RC planes, drones, astronomy, flight simulation, etc.).
Once we arranged for a former IAF Flight Lieutenant for a talk in our club and we told him he can choose any topic he was comfortable with.
Big mistake.
He started giving BS about ancient "Vimanas"- which are mythical airplanes used in Indian mythology, ancient nuclear weapons and all that stuff. He even made a presentation on Powerpoint about evidence for these BS.
Our disappointment was immeasurable and our day was ruined.
English is not our language. there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Indian Naval Chief must be good in his career , his main theme of the speech may not be very inspiring but that is fine.
You have to think what went through his brain - when he wrote that speach and the message he wanted to convey with that speech.

It speaks of his intellect - and that seems limited - and if that is indeed the case - then his skills as a commander will be equally limited..
not sure who wrote for him . even if he wrote it himself still its no big deal. what matter is his ability to command a very big navy , not his foreign language skill.
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