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India's new Naval Chief's first disastrous press talk.

our society's secretory have better talk then this illiterate cow :lol:
He should jump on a spaceship and leave instead of bringing hardship.
Writing, delivering speeches is clearly not his strong suit, good thing that's not his main job either. He's Navy chief, not some PR guy.
I'm confused. I thought Vaishyas are businesspeople caste (varna). Telis by the way belong to oil-presser caste who extract oil from different seeds (mostly mustard) for a living. Far away from being Brahmin, actually an OBC caste per Gujarat govt. records.

Vaishyas are lower than Khshatriyas, who in turn are lower than Brahmins. Vaishyas are only higher than shudra laborers. Shudras are only better than untouchables (dalit).


@Maira La , and @Bilal9 bhais ,

Modi isn't vashya, he is OBC ( other backward class ) , Ghanchi/Teli is OBC ! Google it you will understand.

SC are mostly Dalits whereas OBC includes a lot of higher castes who are in that category to get some benefits. OBC is not necessarily lower caste.

Teli is a lowly profession but still Vaishya by varna. The first 3 varna's (brahmin to vaishya) are considered twice-born and can wear the sacred thread. So they are all technically upper caste. But Brahmins still discriminate against anyone below them, twice-born or not.

Also in Bengal region ( Bangladesh and west Bengal and some extented area that was part of Banga area) there are only two pure caste and they are brahmin and shudra. There are no Khstraya and vashiya in this region.

Yeah Bengali Hindus don't have a caste structure similar to other areas of Gangetic plains. The Hindu Brahmins arrived in Bengal, especially East Bengal, relatively quite late. Between the Buddhist dynasties and arrival of Khilji, the Senas did not get that much time to import a billion Hindu upper caste from North India. In Bengal the Brahmins and Dalits (laborers) are mostly imports from other regions.
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SC are mostly Dalits whereas OBC includes a lot of higher castes who are in that category to get some benefits. OBC is not necessarily lower caste.
SC isn't caste actually. They are not included among four caste in hindusim. The four castes are Brahmin, kshatriya, vaishya ( higher castes) and shudra lower caste!

SC considered as Namo shudra ; although the word shudra is included still they are not shudra ,but out caste aka scheduled caste.

If I haven't misread , then OBC comprises with only lower caste shudra people, some are even SC or this kind.

However OBC represents 52% of Hindus.

And this twice birth aka dvija/ দ্বিজ is considered spiritual birth.

So I don't know how they are included in OBC!
SC isn't caste actually. They are not included among four caste in hindusim. The four castes are Brahmin, kshatriya, vaishya and shudra.

SC, OBC, etc. none of them are castes, they are just categories in India's fooked up reservation system. All I'm saying is you will find mostly Dalits in the SC category whereas OBC includes an assortment of different castes (lower, mid, upper) who are there just to get some benefits. The word "backward" in OBC does not refer to their ranking in the varna hierarchy, it just refers to the OBC people's economic backwardness. In general though being upper caste is strongly correlated to being wealthier, so only a minority of OBC would be upper castes.
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Man I am impressed..

Pakistan navy can sleep in the knowledge that the Indian navy is led by this fine officer

Everytime i think BD can be overwhelmed by the indians I get another proof that armed forces are a bunch of donkeys lead by other donkeys....

Unless this is all an elaborate ruse...
Everytime i think BD can be overwhelmed by the indians I get another proof that armed forces are a bunch of donkeys lead by other donkeys....

Unless this is all an elaborate ruse...
No no...this is India at its finest
Everytime i think BD can be overwhelmed by the indians I get another proof that armed forces are a bunch of donkeys lead by other donkeys....

Unless this is all an elaborate ruse...
I assume "BD" is bangladesh (in your message). Why would India want to "overwhelm" bangladesh?
I assume "BD" is bangladesh (in your message). Why would India want to "overwhelm" bangladesh?
So that your country can get a corridor to transport military and logistics to NE easily , if China wrong your chicken neck.
I guess he was never successful in boarding the Indian Navy's Wife swapping ship.
So naturally he must be depressed and depression can cause a person's both thinking and speaking ability.
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