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india's anti-tank capability






If you think the Javelin is going to replace the RCL then forget about it, that's not going to happen IA is not going to replace the RCL because the RCl has many other uses and is more versatile than the Javelin which is only a Anti-Tank missile.

I think IA wants two types of new man portable ant-tank missile.2500M and 4000M for which I think the Spike MR and Spike LR fit perfectly.Also 800M ranged Spike SR can be used as well.
If I remember correctly, Hezbolla used Kornet against Merkava IV and it did damage few tanks.
Why do we have only 250 of them ?
and Why do we have so many missiles, many in 100s only ? Isn't it better to have few systems but in numbers.
Here is one from the future....


Cannon launched guided missile (CLMDP), a new ATGM for the rifled gun of Arjun being developed at IRDE to replace the LAHAT which is the current ATGM with Arjun.
HA HA HA we are discussing the technology which we are going to use against each other... LOL
From what i have read indian T-90s didnt have any APS...U may provide sources...

Not much is known abt AK-II............ Except tht it will have a re-designed turret, upgraded modular armour package and sensors and a improved ammunition.

While AK-I has a 1200hp engine,indegenous gun based on french tech,VARTA-1 HIT upgeaded,IBMS,GIDS developed ERA and armour,DU rounds,Upgraded and modified KOMBAT and Refleck missiles with more range n a larger warheads,Lecrec Transmission,indegenous autoloader(9 round per minute), Sagem third-generation thermal imagers,HIT Rahbar system,HIT Jammers,Catherine systems,HIT made disrupts laser rangefinders, laser designators and anti-tank guided missile tracking systems,Western fire control system(French),western . Night vision for the gunner and commander is achieved through a dual-magnification sagem thermal imaging sight etc etc

Some where I read that you made your first indegenous gun recently ??
If you think the Javelin is going to replace the RCL then forget about it, that's not going to happen IA is not going to replace the RCL because the RCl has many other uses and is more versatile than the Javelin which is only a Anti-Tank missile.

I think IA wants two types of new man portable ant-tank missile.2500M and 4000M for which I think the Spike MR and Spike LR fit perfectly.Also 800M ranged Spike SR can be used as well.

Thats RL(Rocket Launcher) not RCL..RCL is mounted on a vehicle and is an anti tank weapon.

A pic of RCL

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