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india's anti-tank capability

I'm pretty sure the Javelin deal is still on under FMS- so no TOT or tender required. AFAIK anyway.
Guys,most of today's tanks are very heavily armored as we all know.Even the pakistani tanks use light ERA tiles and I don't think that shoulder launched ATGMs with very small warheads will be able to penetrate them.Insted they will fare much better against APCs and ICVs.
Guys,most of today's tanks are very heavily armored as we all know.Even the pakistani tanks use light ERA tiles and I don't think that shoulder launched ATGMs with very small warheads will be able to penetrate them.Insted they will fare much better against APCs and ICVs.

yes.modern shoulder fired anti-armour guns or rocket launchers with their smaller warheads are great to be used against IFVs,ICVs,APCs,lightly armoured trucks as well as anti-infantry role.
Guys,most of today's tanks are very heavily armored as we all know.Even the pakistani tanks use light ERA tiles and I don't think that shoulder launched ATGMs with very small warheads will be able to penetrate them.Insted they will fare much better against APCs and ICVs.
advanced shoulder launched missiles like javelin can easily destroy a tank..... they attack from the top where armour is weakest ( No ERA tiles there).....
even the older missiles can immobilize a tank, and on a battle field a stationary tank is a dead tank
I believe that DRDO should use heavy NERA tiles on the turret roof armor instead of ERA.Because NERA tiles are almost immune to heat warheads and can withstand multiple hits from ATGMs.So if NERA is used on the roof top then Arjun tanks will become invulnarable to heavy top attack ATGMs.
advanced shoulder launched missiles like javelin can easily destroy a tank..... they attack from the top where armour is weakest ( No ERA tiles there).....
even the older missiles can immobilize a tank, and on a battle field a stationary tank is a dead tank

Oh really?Then please take a look at the pakistani T 80UDs and Al Zarars.Even our T 90 and T 72M1s are equipped with roof top ERA tiles.Besides no matter how advanced a shoulder launch ATGM is you can not fit a heavier warhead in it.They are also slower than other heavy ATGMs which makes them even more vulnerable to the new active protection systems like russian ARENA because they will get a much longer time to react.
The CBU-100 Cluster Bomb (also called the Mk-20 Rockeye II) is an American cluster bomb which is employed primarily in an anti-tank mode. It weighs 490 pounds and carries 247 Mk 118 Mod 1 bomblets. Some month back it in news that India had order some
The CBU-100 Cluster Bomb (also called the Mk-20 Rockeye II) is an American cluster bomb which is employed primarily in an anti-tank mode. It weighs 490 pounds and carries 247 Mk 118 Mod 1 bomblets. Some month back it in news that India had order some

yes India has received 500 units total (CBU-100 and CBU-105) Sensor fused weapon and they are potent Anti-tank smart weapons
Some of the Anti-Tank projectiles fired by the Smerch MBRL of the Indian Army:-

guidance:- self guided
weight:-243 kg
submunitions:- 5x15 kg HEAT

guidance:- self guided.
Weight:-243 kg
submunition:-25x5 kg Anti Tank HE-Mines

submunition:-646x0.25kg HEAT projectiles (120mm penetration of RHA)

warhead:-230-235kg Thermobaric Anti-Tank

all the above mentioned projectiles have range from 20km to 90km.
Why not just buy Spike SR, MR and LR for the infantry.Along with RPG-29 which is a proven and effective anti-tank weapon.
The CBU-100 Cluster Bomb (also called the Mk-20 Rockeye II) is an American cluster bomb which is employed primarily in an anti-tank mode. It weighs 490 pounds and carries 247 Mk 118 Mod 1 bomblets. Some month back it in news that India had order some

Same goes for this CBU 100.These guided shaped charge bomblets are devastating against the tanks that do not have rooftop ERA just like the shoulder launched ATGMs.But such a small warhead can't go through ERA tiles.Point here is the PA tanks has the roof top ERA.
What is the standart anti tank weapon of indian army?

Also i dont think indian t-90s have ARENA? if so ... sources.......

Abt PA tanks have........ modular composite armour and explosive reactive armour, nuclear-biological-chemical defences, an effective thermal smoke generator, internal fire extinguisher and explosion-suppression system. The infra-red signature of the tank is reduced by infra-red reflective paint.[3] Al-Khalid 1 is equipped with a newly developed indigenous ERA which is not only light weight, but also more resistant to APFSDS, HEAT and HE-FS rounds. ERA is developed by Global Industries and Defense Solutions (GIDS) Corporation and an upgraded VARTA-1 while an indegenous APS system for AK-II is under development.
What is the standart anti tank weapon of indian army?

Also i dont think indian t-90s have ARENA? if so ... sources.......

Abt PA tanks have........ modular composite armour and explosive reactive armour, nuclear-biological-chemical defences, an effective thermal smoke generator, internal fire extinguisher and explosion-suppression system. The infra-red signature of the tank is reduced by infra-red reflective paint.[3] Al-Khalid 1 is equipped with a newly developed indigenous ERA which is not only light weight, but also more resistant to APFSDS, HEAT and HE-FS rounds. ERA is developed by Global Industries and Defense Solutions (GIDS) Corporation and an upgraded VARTA-1 while an indegenous APS system for AK-II is under development.

IA uses T 90S not the M variant which has ARENA.By the way VARTA 1 will be used on AK1 or AK2?Also,what is the deference between the AK and AK1?THANX in advance.
IA uses T 90S not the M variant which has ARENA.By the way VARTA 1 will be used on AK1 or AK2?Also,what is the deference between the AK and AK1?THANX in advance.

From what i have read indian T-90s didnt have any APS...U may provide sources...

Not much is known abt AK-II............ Except tht it will have a re-designed turret, upgraded modular armour package and sensors and a improved ammunition.

While AK-I has a 1200hp engine,indegenous gun based on french tech,VARTA-1 HIT upgeaded,IBMS,GIDS developed ERA and armour,DU rounds,Upgraded and modified KOMBAT and Refleck missiles with more range n a larger warheads,Lecrec Transmission,indegenous autoloader(9 round per minute), Sagem third-generation thermal imagers,HIT Rahbar system,HIT Jammers,Catherine systems,HIT made disrupts laser rangefinders, laser designators and anti-tank guided missile tracking systems,Western fire control system(French),western . Night vision for the gunner and commander is achieved through a dual-magnification sagem thermal imaging sight etc etc




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