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Indians spread begging culture in the Middle East

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:what: your post makes no sense.

Instead of looking to oil rich Arabs whom you bharatis hate in the first place why don't you ask your rich hindu monopoly ridden temples to help your poor Muslims

Why don't you open the doors of Pakistan for the poor Muslims of India for whom you shed so many tears and whom you call your brothers and sisters and whom you train as covert agents to target non-Muslims in India????

and what about the plight of dark skinned african descent Siddi Muslims in Pakstan??? what about those Pakistanis and Bangladeshis who are forced to sell their children as camel jockeys to arabs??
Punjabi laafaa from Doabi boy? :coffee:

when u get lafaaaaaaa then u reliaze

Why don't you open the doors of Pakistan for the poor Muslims of India for whom you shed so many tears and whom you call your brothers and sisters and whom you train as covert agents to target non-Muslims in India????

and what about the plight of dark skinned african descent Siddi Muslims in Pakstan??? what about those Pakistanis and Bangladeshis who are forced to sell their children as camel jockeys to arabs??

They supported "Akhand Bharat", now they have to deal with it, not our problem :pop:
Actually poverty is the big evil and the same evil sent thousands of women in India to prostitution and shipment to Gulf in the same way Children camel jockeys.

Where did he used skin color remarks ?

anyway for your above para there is only one answer that Islam does NOT promote color bias neither racism.

You do know that many indian mullahs encourage muslim women temporary marriages with arabs?? To be frank the mullahs know what will happen and yet they do so.

They should be shot for this. No sufi would do this.
Islam does NOT promote color bias neither racism.

Thats true for all religions. None of the religions promote bias based on color and creed. It's the society which does that. ANd Islamic "society" is no different, as is Hinduism Christianity et al.
Why don't you open the doors of Pakistan for the poor Muslims of India for whom you shed so many tears and whom you call your brothers and sisters and whom you train as covert agents to target non-Muslims in India????

and what about the plight of dark skinned african descent Siddi Muslims in Pakstan??? what about those Pakistanis and Bangladeshis who are forced to sell their children as camel jockeys to arabs??

Many baluch and pakistani also give their daughters to arabs for 'marriage' which is 'temporary' too...

Arab this ,arab that. Thats the problem.All the mullahs teach is to worship arabs.
Thats true for all religions. None of the religions promote bias based on color and creed. It's the society which does that. ANd Islamic "society" is no different, as is Hinduism Christianity et al.

Actually Hinduism does promote racism...
It says itself that Brahmin are from Gods head and Dalits are from Gods feet
Actually Hinduism does promote racism...
It says itself that Brahmin are from Gods head and Dalits are from Gods feet

Is this taught in your madarssa... wow... they teach you such lies about other religions...:omghaha:
Actually Hinduism does promote racism...
It says itself that Brahmin are from Gods head and Dalits are from Gods feet
then also coments on mohammed's comment on slaves .....also write on this . compare all
Is this taught in your madarssa... wow... they teach you such lies about other religions...:omghaha:

"In Hinduism there are four main varnas (castes), the Brahmins (the priestly class), the Kshatriyas (the warrior class), the Vaisyas (the merchant/trading class), and the Sudras (the servants). According to Hindu tradition, the Brahmins come from the head of God, the Kshatriyas from the shoulder of God, the Vaisyas from the thigh of God and Sudras from the feet of God. Below the feet of God are the “scheduled castes”, which are so low they are not even officially recognized as part of the caste system. The Dalits, or the “Untouchables” as they are more commonly known, are one of the scheduled castes."
"In Hinduism there are four main varnas (castes), the Brahmins (the priestly class), the Kshatriyas (the warrior class), the Vaisyas (the merchant/trading class), and the Sudras (the servants). According to Hindu tradition, the Brahmins come from the head of God, the Kshatriyas from the shoulder of God, the Vaisyas from the thigh of God and Sudras from the feet of God. Below the feet of God are the “scheduled castes”, which are so low they are not even officially recognized as part of the caste system. The Dalits, or the “Untouchables” as they are more commonly known, are one of the scheduled castes."

Great you opened a tin of worms again.This will degenerate into inter-anti-religious insults and cherry picking of quotes soon.
"In Hinduism there are four main varnas (castes), the Brahmins (the priestly class), the Kshatriyas (the warrior class), the Vaisyas (the merchant/trading class), and the Sudras (the servants). According to Hindu tradition, the Brahmins come from the head of God, the Kshatriyas from the shoulder of God, the Vaisyas from the thigh of God and Sudras from the feet of God. Below the feet of God are the “scheduled castes”, which are so low they are not even officially recognized as part of the caste system. The Dalits, or the “Untouchables” as they are more commonly known, are one of the scheduled castes."

And you copied this from a Christian Missionary website: Life of the Dalits

That's your source of Information... :laughcry:

Read this you cartoon:

The Caste System or varna-ashrama has been one of the most misrepresented, misinformed, misunderstood, misused and the most maligned aspects of Hinduism. If one wants to understand the truth, the original purpose behind the caste system, one must go to antiquity to study the evolution of the caste system. Caste System, which is said to be the mainstay of the Hindu social order, has no sanction in the Vedas. The ancient culture of India was based upon a system of social diversification according to SPIRITUAL development, not by birth, but by his karma. This system became hereditary and over the course of many centuries degenerated as a result of exploitation by some priests, and other socio-economic elements of society.

However, as Alain Danielou, son of French aristocracy, author of numerous books on philosophy, religion, history and arts of India, says: "Caste system has enabled Hindu civilization to survive all invasions and to develop without revolutions or important changes, throughout more than four millennia, with a continuity that is unique in history. Caste system may appear rigid to our eyes because for more than a thousand years Hindu society withdrew itself from successive domination by Muslims and Europeans. Yet, the greatest poets and the most venerated saints such as Sura Dasa, Kabir, Tukaram, Thiruvalluvar and Ram Dasa; came from the humblest class of society." In the words of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, " In spite of the divisions, there is an inner cohesion among the Hindu society from the Himalayas to the Cape Comorin."

Caste system has been exploited against the Hindus, for the last two centuries by the British, Christian Missionaries, Secular historians, Communists, Muslims, Pre and Post-Independence Indian politicians and Journalists for their own ends. One way to discredit any system is to highlight its excesses, and this only adds to the sense of inferiority that many Indians feel about their own culture. Caste system is often portrayed as the ultimate horror, in the media, yet social inequities continue to persist in theoretically Egalitarian Western Societies. The Caste system is judged offensive by the Western norms, yet racial groups have been isolated, crowded into reserves like the American Indians or Australian Aborigines, where they can only atrophy and disappear.
Actually Hinduism does promote racism...
It says itself that Brahmin are from Gods head and Dalits are from Gods feet

No it doesnt. It says anyone can become a Brahmin or shudra based on the kind of deeds they do they do. Eg: Veda Vyasa

This got converted to casteism by society based on births.
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