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Indians spread begging culture in the Middle East

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Funny you Indians are offended over fact about Indian beggars that you had to find solace in international system of conditional loan in the name of AID.


I am not offended. I have no loyalty to CIA traitor govt that rules india ,as long as it rules india. I don't like modi either. But still I know many beg and many work hard. There are all kinds in India. But in the arab world ,I have only seen laziness ,arrogance in the arabs.Funny is the arabs with their oil and massive wealth do not even help their poorer muslim brothers in UP and Bihar .

At least the Ahmaddiya islamic jaamat collects chanda from richer members and gives it to its poorer members and help each other in any field whereever possible. I see them and sufis as examples for muslims rather than the arabs. For arabs they are most selfish people I ever seen and I would be happy to see them dead.

Exactly. And why was there a power struggle. Punjabi (West pakistan) Muslims were loathe to concede power to the apparently different skinned and different tongued Bengalis!

Absolutely.Look at the level of racism on this forum itself.
Not just Muslim Indians go...
But mostly Hindu Indians come to the Gulf and beg during Ramazan, Hajj, EID, etc...
It's disgusting.

That's why they say Indians are the gypsies of the non-gypsie infested areas..

Any proof you have that Hindus are begging in Meccah an Madina...
The same goes for many dark skinned Muslims around the world including Pakistan.

I don't think skin color matters?

There are plenty of white Muslims (like Chechnyans and Bosnians) but I haven't heard of them being afforded higher status, in fact it seems the opposite.
Its safe to say by posting an old thread and changing the title, the poster is begging for attention. Must be a national character issue that he is trying to project on to Indians to feel better about himself, like they do with terrorism.
Any proof you have that Hindus are begging in Meccah an Madina...

Go to any rich city in middle east
You will see

I don't think skin color matters?

There are plenty of white Muslims (like Chechnyans and Bosnians) but I haven't heard of them being afforded higher status, in fact it seems the opposite.

Don't worry about it bro

That kid thinks the world is India

Where skin color gets you more priveleges
And :pakistan: spreading terrorism culture all over the world.
Not just Muslim Indians go...
But mostly Hindu Indians come to the Gulf and beg during Ramazan, Hajj, EID, etc...
It's disgusting.

That's why they say Indians are the gypsies of the non-gypsie infested areas..

But it is the Pakistanis who sell their children to camel race organizers in Gulf as camel jockeys. the Pakistanis have long tried to cover it up but slowly the world is waking up to this sophisticated business of begging.

and what about the gypsy status of dark skinned Siddis from Africa who for generations have lived in Pakistan who were forcibly converted to Islam and who saved the skin of Muslims in ancient times but yet you most ungrateful people denigrate them as inferior dark skinned Muslims???? why did a supposedly mixed Turkish woman named Razia Sultana, the first Muslim woman king, fell madly in love with a black African Muslim named Yakut who was her bodyguard??? and why do you Muslims insultingly call dark African Muslims Habshi???
I am not offended. I have no loyalty to CIA traitor govt that rules india ,as long as it rules india. I don't like modi either. But still I know many beg and many work hard. There are all kinds in India. But in the arab world ,I have only seen laziness ,arrogance in the arabs.Funny is the arabs with their oil and massive wealth do not even help their poorer muslim brothers in UP and Bihar .

At least the Ahmaddiya islamic jaamat collects chanda from richer members and gives it to its poorer members and help each other in any field whereever possible. I see them and sufis as examples for muslims rather than the arabs. For arabs they are most selfish people I ever seen and I would be happy to see them dead.

Absolutely.Look at the level of racism on this forum itself.

:what: your post makes no sense.

Instead of looking to oil rich Arabs whom you bharatis hate in the first place why don't you ask your rich hindu monopoly ridden temples to help your poor Muslims
But it is the Pakistanis who sell their children to camel race organizers in Gulf as camel jockeys. the Pakistanis have long tried to cover it up but slowly the world is waking up to this sophisticated business of begging.

and what about the gypsy status of dark skinned Siddis from Africa who for generations have lived in Pakistan who were forcibly converted to Islam and who saved the skin of Muslims in ancient times but yet you most ungrateful people denigrate them as inferior dark skinned Muslims???? why did a supposedly mixed Turkish woman named Razia Sultana, the first Muslim woman king, fell madly in love with a black African Muslim named Yakut who was her bodyguard??? and why do you Muslims insultingly call dark African Muslims Habshi???

What the hell are you barking kid.

I have no idea what kind of terms you are pulling up.
Please go get a life or something dude.
But it is the Pakistanis who sell their children to camel race organizers in Gulf as camel jockeys. the Pakistanis have long tried to cover it up but slowly the world is waking up to this sophisticated business of begging.

Actually poverty is the big evil and the same evil sent thousands of women in India to prostitution and shipment to Gulf in the same way Children camel jockeys.

and what about the gypsy status of dark skinned Siddis from Africa who for generations have lived in Pakistan who were forcibly converted to Islam and who saved the skin of Muslims in ancient times but yet you most ungrateful people denigrate them as inferior dark skinned Muslims???? why did a supposedly mixed Turkish woman named Razia Sultana, the first Muslim woman king, fell madly in love with a black African Muslim named Yakut who was her bodyguard??? and why do you Muslims insultingly call dark African Muslims Habshi???

Where did he used skin color remarks ?

anyway for your above para there is only one answer that Islam does NOT promote color bias neither racism.
:what: your post makes no sense.

Instead of looking to oil rich Arabs whom you bharatis hate in the first place why don't you ask your rich hindu monopoly ridden temples to help your poor Muslims
And I am trying to make some sense of your post...on whose behalf you claim that Indians Hate Arabs... we have been doing business with Arabs even before Pakistan was born.


And Who told you that Hindu temples don't help Muslims...

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:what: your post makes no sense.

Instead of looking to oil rich Arabs whom you bharatis hate in the first place why don't you ask your rich hindu monopoly ridden temples to help your poor Muslims

Why hindus? Aren't the hindus poor themselves.Does it make sense for hindus to help muslims unless muslims are converting back to hinduism?

Hindus have nowhere the wealth the arabs muslims have. So stop being an apologist for them arabs for they don't care for even fellow muslim brothers.
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