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Indians, Do You Hold Any Moral Grounds.

But we aren't looking to make Pakistan acknowledge anything. We did what we wanted to do. Proof is what Pakistan public need and ISPR is obliging them. And like I said before, for us that is nothing but a Photo op.

We don't give a damm what you think, we just want you to die, you understand that?
We don't give a damm what you think, we just want you to die, you understand that?

That feeling is present in both sides of the border I'm assuming given the current situation.
I am sure this helps your domestic consumption. Just like Indian actions help Indian domestic consumption.
Typical, a cowardly, hypocrite's response from an Indian.
Instead of condemning the lies of their government and Army Chief, he is talking like this is good for domestic consumption.
No mate, it is not for domestic consumption, it is for the world's awareness that terrorist India is telling porkies about "terrorist's hideouts", it is actually targeting innocent civilians working in shops, in their houses.

Now sling your hook.

india is the biggest piece of human excrement in the universe. indians are hideously ugly sub-human ape-like creatures. Severe lying and deception is hard-wired into the indian DNA. That's all.

I though you said " "severe "ling" and deception is hard-wired "into" them".
I don't know, I don't go around telling people on internet to die... Its not healthy.

No you just go about supporting the mass incarnation of women, children and old people in Kashmir, that's healthy is it? Anyway people die in conflicts, if that offends you don't come on here then.
I am sure this helps your domestic consumption. Just like Indian actions help Indian domestic consumption.

This domestic consumption crap only works when you have a gullible Indian public happy to have shit shoveled into their mouths and retarded Indian fanboys willing to regurgitate the shit on social media
Oh you don't even know even half of it as the old saying goes. We now hate you with a passion that you wouldn't even know.
This is true. Many many sane and calm voices would've advocated for peaceful progression between the two nations, with reasoned compromises along the way. Hindutva - by rabidly targeting Muslim civilians everywhere - has quite simply obliterated that. It is of critical importance that we be clear that if AK were inhabited by Hindu civilians, Indian artillery would never ever rain down on them. Such is the genocidal disregard Hindutva has for innocent life that happens to be Muslim.

Whatever hope there was for a peaceful solution to the Kashmiri question is now dead. War will come. And that war will certainly end Hindustan and quite possibly Pakistan also. But if this is the destiny of Pakistan, to charge headlong into a nuclear holocaust because of the intolerable anguish of innocent kashmiri mothers grieving their martyred children on both sides of the cfl, so be it.

Pakistan is ready. Hindustan has miscalculated.
No you just go about supporting the mass incarnation of women, children and old people in Kashmir, that's healthy is it? Anyway people die in conflicts, if that offends you don't come on here then.
Where did I support mass incarnation of anyone?

Let me put it in this way : Brewing all that anger is going to only hurt you. Its not going to do anything to these folks who are doing mass incarnation. Also, if you keep it up, it will creep into your real life as well. Its not healthy and will hurt only you. Seen it happen few times around me -- its not pretty.
My questions to Indians:

Why everytime when Indian army conducts strikes inside Pakistan, people have to put on heavy lenses to find the evidence of it? Why can't you guys do an strike where you create a mess across the border, such that no one has to wear glasses, or zoom in satellite pictures, orcreate weird theories to support your claim..

When we penetrate, the results don't need a certification. Across the border, we create a mess for everyone to see from even thousands of miles away.. mess like wreckage of the enemy planes, some shot by us, some by the enemy itself.. blood oozing from pilots' faces, missile pieces spread across vast areas, people chanting Pakistan Zindabad on both sides of the border, and giving interviews telling the world what happened.. burnt bodies of soldiers.. enemy's crying foul for our soldiers playing football with Indian soldiers' heads..

I mean why every time we have to look for evidence with big lenses when Indians do a strike, and even then we don't find anything... why? and why is it that when we do it, there's evidence available for international observers and forensic experts to analyse and comment on it.. plenty of material we give them to do research and get valuable experience..


@Mangus Ortus Novem @Areesh @Shane @Maarkhoor @war&peace @Path-Finder
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