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Indians, Do You Hold Any Moral Grounds.

I am sure this helps your domestic consumption. Just like Indian actions help Indian domestic consumption.
Domestic consumption? What part of foreign diplomats you think is domestic consumption?
Domestic consumption? What part of foreign diplomats you think is domestic consumption?
The statements by the diplomats are for your internal consumption. If the diplomats report to their home countries and the foreign ministries of those nations actually toe the line that Pakistan is propagating, then you can certainly say that you are boxing India into a corner. I wouldn't hold my breath though.

Indian hypocrisy and lies again. If it was other way around you should have been condemning the lies of your government.

And if you are trying to say that it is other way around that we the Pakistanis are not condemning our military, then my earlier comments and in this response are justified.

Either way, you are a confirmed hypocrite and a lying Indian.
I am saying that the Indian narrative is that you are violating the ceasefire and that you are targeting the civilian population here.
The statements by the diplomats are for your internal consumption. If the diplomats report to their home countries and the foreign ministries of those nations actually toe the line that Pakistan is propagating, then you can certainly say that you are boxing India into a corner. I wouldn't hold my breath though.

I am saying that the Indian narrative is that you are violating the ceasefire and that you are targeting the civilian population here.

Excuse me!!
Why doesn't India allow international media and diplomats to show where Pakistan is doing that!!
By the way, let them see your army bunkers as well, which are destroyed by PA in targeted responses.
Also disclosed how many IA personnel are sent to hell in response to shelling of Pakistan's civil areas, which were shown to international diplomats yesterday.
I don't see Pakistanis being asking to be fed as such rather, Indian claims are busted Internationally which somehow are consumed by Indian Populace without any question in regard to reality or fact.
People on both side of border doesn't give a sh!t to each others narrative (unfortunately).
It is only to be seen what did Gen Gafoor achieved diplomatically by this.

Instead of blaming India, we should be looking at our own conduct. Why did we let ourselves to be in this position where India does as she likes? We could have been so much stronger and could have ripped India apart for any misadventure, instead here we are begging the world to assist our brothers and families in occupied Kashmir.

Words do not matter to animals, only actions matter to animals. And it is not the entire India, just the RSS Modi type fascists and religious fanatics who should be blamed.
Excuse me!!
Why doesn't India allow international media and diplomats to show where Pakistan is doing that!!
By the way, let them see your army bunkers as well, which are destroyed by PA in targeted responses.
Also disclosed how many IA personnel are sent to hell in response to shelling of Pakistan's civil areas, which were shown to international diplomats yesterday.
Because currently civil rights in Kashmir have been suspended - foreign journalists were allowed before that. I am sure they will be allowed again once all rights are restored. How easy it is for them to choreograph that things are normal can be seen by Ajit Doval eating food and mingling with some locals. Everyone knows things aren't normal there. It's hardly news.
The statements by the diplomats are for your internal consumption. If the diplomats report to their home countries and the foreign ministries of those nations actually toe the line that Pakistan is propagating, then you can certainly say that you are boxing India into a corner. I wouldn't hold my breath though.
It is naive of you to believe that foreign diplomats are not going to report to their governments about their findings. Since Pakistan had already suffered a bad reputation hence all the more reporting. As for towing the line, all world capitals have asked india to lift the curfew, release the detainees and let foreign diplomats and Human Right representatives into the Valley. So India in a nutshell has been boxed into a corner which is why we continue to see such stunts by your government and military.
Take it this way this recent stunt of yours, not one country asked Pakistan to do more and control so called militants, why? because we already took the world there to see for themselves if Pakistan is hiding anything. Heck we even asked the Indian consulate to accompany us which they did not. All in all India got checkmate internationally once again. However Modi only cares for domestic audience and since elections were coming and he as always nothing to show for other than how tough he has been on Pakistan, used this stunt. Some day he will be made answerable to the blood of not only Pakistani & Kasmiris but Indians as well who lost their lives in Pakistan's retaliation. The sad part is Indian army has become a tool for Modi's political agenda.
People on both side of border doesn't give a sh!t to each others narrative (unfortunately).
It is only to be seen what did Gen Gafoor achieved diplomatically by this.

Allow me to disagree on this. People on this side of border, The Pakistanis, notes every narrative originating from India and then either agree for the facts or counter the same with facts. Having said that, this is exactly what happened here that Pakistan did take Bipin seriously for his claims and immediately invited Indian Envoy to point location of camps being targeted by India so far and choose foreign diplomats of his choice to visit the same area in Azad Kashmir. Unfortunately, instead of realizing the matter as such; India at-least came out to troll over issue or divert from the fact that Indian Diplomat actually dumped Bipin's claim as India failed to point location and undertake a visit. A simple yet reality based case we have here except that some people choose to twist, divert & ignore for the matter of their own convenience.

Actually, they need to be shown that Pak is doing something to counter the Indian narrative am indeed doing something on Kashmir.

You are wrong again. Pakistanis doesn't need such PR kind of stuff at all. You can try to have comfort by looking at the same through your own view of choice but that is not the fact. It was a falsified claim by the Bipin and Kashmiris busted the same bubble at large. DG ISPR & Media played the role to bridge connection and invite diplomats officially. Here, actually Indians now need to grieve for Bipin's claims and the way Indian Diplomatic Offices dumped him leaving exposed of Indian Army's lies.
It is naive of you to believe that foreign diplomats are not going to report to their governments about their findings. Since Pakistan had already suffered a bad reputation hence all the more reporting. As for towing the line, all world capitals have asked india to lift the curfew, release the detainees and let foreign diplomats and Human Right representatives into the Valley. So India in a nutshell has been boxed into a corner which is why we continue to see such stunts by your government and military.
Take it this way this recent stunt of yours, not one country asked Pakistan to do more and control so called militants, why? because we already took the world there to see for themselves if Pakistan is hiding anything. Heck we even asked the Indian consulate to accompany us which they did not. All in all India got checkmate internationally once again. However Modi only cares for domestic audience and since elections were coming and he as always nothing to show for other than how tough he has been on Pakistan, used this stunt. Some day he will be made answerable to the blood of not only Pakistani & Kasmiris but Indians as well who lost their lives in Pakistan's retaliation. The sad part is Indian army has become a tool for Modi's political agenda.
Reality check - this is yesterday -

The diplomats will of course report it back. Will their countries say anything against India?

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