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Indians, Do You Hold Any Moral Grounds.

Yes we do believe Pakistanis believe their ISPR version. and honestly that is only good for us.

Because if Pakistan acknowledged that India did indeed decimate terror launch pads, a) it will expose their war on terror rhetoric and b) citizens will crave for a strong response. Which they don't want to do.

As far as India is concerned. We bombed terror launch pads and sent some very bad people to hell. What ISPR thinks of it doesn't concern us.

Every civilian is a terrorist for RSS brigade. Low caste Hindus are terrorists. People on suspicion are terrorists. Locals of Melagaon were terrorists. Victims of samjhota express were terrorists. Whole Indian occupied Kashmir is terrorist. Minorities in India are terrorists. Couple of dalit kids are terrorists Muslim deny to chat Hindu slogans are terrorists. Gujarat was terrorist. People in Azad Kashmir are terrorists. Assam and Nagaland terrorists. Sikhs are terrorists. And Modi gang is so innocent in all this.

Been giving you enough space to discuss doesn't mean it's your RSS den to speak foul against innocents being killed. Treat yourself being warned in advance. No one wants to shove down some sanity in you but you can choose to not to be an online Sanghi who despite being educated that only civilians are targeted in Kashmir yesterday, keeps harping on RSS melody.
My questions to Indians:

Why everytime when Indian army conducts strikes inside Pakistan, people have to put on heavy lenses to find the evidence of it? Why can't you guys do an strike where you create a mess across the border, such that no one has to wear glasses, or zoom in satellite pictures, orcreate weird theories to support your claim..

When we penetrate, the results don't need a certification. Across the border, we create a mess for everyone to see from even thousands of miles away.. mess like wreckage of the enemy planes, some shot by us, some by the enemy itself.. blood oozing from pilots' faces, missile pieces spread across vast areas, people chanting Pakistan Zindabad on both sides of the border, and giving interviews telling the world what happened.. burnt bodies of soldiers.. enemy's crying foul for our soldiers playing football with Indian soldiers' heads..

I mean why every time we have to look for evidence with big lenses when Indians do a strike, and even then we don't find anything... why? and why is it that when we do it, there's evidence available for international observers and forensic experts to analyse and comment on it.. plenty of material we give them to do research and get valuable experience..


@Mangus Ortus Novem @Areesh @Shane @Maarkhoor @war&peace @Path-Finder
A post worthy of multiple positive ratings as any and I am sure no Indian poster would dare reply but, at best, troll away like the common practice of typical Indian cry baby posters.
The reason is simple : India and Pakistan are playing two different games or rather two different stages of game : India has just played her hand and wants to legitimize her action while keeping domestic population happy. Escalation does not favor them but they want to keep their people happy. Pakistan wants everyone's attention on the situation but they don't want to be held responsible for escalation. Hence covert actions and invitation to LoC.

Its not a question of bravery or cowardice or morality or immorality or truth or lies. Its merely a question of tactics for the favorable situation.
My question is not about tactics. I understand what you are saying..

But why when Indians claim something, we have to carry microscope to find out a little evidence to support that claim.. but when we do it, even international media gets involved.. pictures and videos popping up from every where..

I see some dupernatural power in play...
Plenty of evidence available whenever we conduct strikes.. I mean it becomes difficult to identify whether the plane was a Mig or SU.

But when they conduct strikes, we have to zoom in to see the roof of buildings to see holes from where special missiles might have penetrated and wrecked havoc inside the building to kill 300 terrorists..

We are dealing with a Nazi mentality that thinks as whatever being done or people killed by fascists like modi is all justified. The barbarian mindset is not even paying attention to the facts on ground even about recent killings of 5 civilians been reported by everyone. And too of all, so-called police ran away from accepting invitation to prove.
A post worthy of multiple positive ratings as any and I am sure no Indian poster would dare reply but, at best, troll away like the common practice of typical Indian cry baby posters.
We have raised these questions multiples already but the PDF has a special type of Gangadeshi scumbags.. expecting any logical arguments from these low lives is nothing but waste of time.
We have raised these questions multiples already but the PDF has a special type of Gangadeshi scumbags.. expecting any logical arguments from these low lives is nothing but waste of time.
True indeed.
My question is not about tactics. I understand what you are saying..

But why when Indians claim something, we have to microscope to find out a little evidence to support that claim.. but when we do it, even international media gets involved.. pictures and videos popping up from every where..

I see some dupernatural power in play...
As I said before : India (for her favor) does not need ANY action on border beyond the usual low intensity war which is on going since forever. All its policy maker now need is to ensure the current status quo and the involves keeping the masses happy. So they can do anything and spin it around Pakistan and it will keep masses happy. Bonus if they don't do something that causes a real escalation. They just pushed the envelop a bit further and they want everyone to accept it. Lying about casualties of enemy keeps masses at home happy, so be it!

BTW, that DOES NOT mean that they CANNOT actually cause massive loss to Pakistan. They can, even if it causes a hell lot loss to them in process because they can absorb a lot more loss than what you can. Right now, its not in their favor because other action -- namely, gobbling up Indian Controlled Kashmir while keeping majority happy on fictitious tales of Indian military victories happy-- are working so well for them.
Yes we do believe Pakistanis believe their ISPR version. and honestly that is only good for us.

Because if Pakistan acknowledged that India did indeed decimate terror launch pads, a) it will expose their war on terror rhetoric and b) citizens will crave for a strong response. Which they don't want to do.

As far as India is concerned. We bombed terror launch pads and sent some very bad people to hell. What ISPR thinks of it doesn't concern us.

no one believes in ur f16 kill
no body believes in bollywood fantasy sirgkal istrike
and indiota are pathological liara
I don't support ANY move India makes. Actually, India is more of a case study for me.

OK, I know where you stand now.

Actually, thats why I said "get some help". Why take amateurish actions for something when you can get a real psych to look into it.

Dude why do you keep on going on about this? Did you have a failed rehabilitation yourself? Either that or you haven't been on the net long i.e. there's a lot worse than that out there.

If I were you, I would be directing my energy in putting together a political group with a gathering of 1000s of like-minded members asking one single sharp question to the polity of UK: "Do you stand with us on this issue? and we don't take neutral/diplomatic stance as a positive answer." Simple. If a polity is neutral or against you, they are not getting any support from you, EVER. Its lobbying 101. Your currency is votes and the wares you want to buy are foreign policy.

Your understanding of political lobbying is incredibly poor. Very few movements stand on one point and endure. Anyway this is going off-topic.
Your understanding of political lobbying is incredibly poor. Very few movements stand on one point and endure. Anyway this is going off-topic.
I don't know about you, but I have seen that working more than once. Besides, beyond that there is not much any of us can do.

BTW, i know its off-topic but look at this :


Among many other reasons why Trudeau is in minority right now, one is deteriorating relations with First nations because of this pipeline expansion. A vocal but closely knit political movement does make a difference.
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What does this UN document mean then, explain to me?




As I said. Your country lied to you about this "very first condition" thing

I was right. India has shamelessly lied to its own citizens about everything related to Kashmir including UN resolutions

Pakistan is under no obligation to withdraw its troops from Kashmir unilaterally and unconditionally.

As for the "First Step":

Step 1. A Truce Agreement is concluded
Step 2. Pakistan begins withdrawing its troops
Step 3. India too begins withdrawing its troops (to a minimum level) while Pakistani troops are being withdrawn
Step 4. Plebiscite by UN

A Truce Agreement was never reached because India rejected all demilitarization plans proposed by the UN. Pakistan accepted all.

As Truce Agreement could not be concluded, the Commission never notified Pakistan to begin withdrawing its forces.

Pakistan had made it clear to the UN that it was ready to withdraw its troops as soon as the Commission notified it,

Pakistan went a step further and told the UN that it was ready to withdraw its troops in favor of UN troops regardless of Indian reaction to such a proposal ...

There's a reason for which the UN appointed official mediator (i.e Sir Owen Dixon) blamed India and not Pakistan for halting the process ...

Pakistan stands ready to conclude a truce agreement with India, even today ...

Here I am quoting another very good member of this forum @M. Sarmad who further demolish this Indian lie here and I quote:

  • India, in an attempt to deceive the world, seeks to fasten on Pakistan a responsibility to withdraw troops from Jammu and Kashmir unilaterally and unconditionally, by quoting out of context a certain provision of UN Commission’s resolution of 13 August 1948, that is, Part 11, paragraph A.I.

  • While doing so, India deliberately suppresses the other paragraphs of Part II. The Indians are guilty of suppressio veri and suggestio falsi.

  • These subsequent paragraphs make it obvious that the obligation of Pakistan to withdraw its troops from the state of Jammu and Kashmir does not devolve until both sides conclude a truce agreement to govern the withdrawal of not only Pakistan forces but also the bulk of the Indian armed forces from the state

  • The reciprocal obligations of the two sides as to the modalities of demilitarization, have been persistently sought to be confused by India over the past 70 years almost as to mislead the world into believing that the obligation of withdrawal devolves on Pakistan unilaterally. A reference to the provisions of Part II of the resolution of 13 August, 1948 and the elucidations given by the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan to the Government of Pakistan, established beyond any possibility of dispute the reciprocal nature of the undertaking given by the two sides to withdraw their armed forces from the state of Jammu and Kashmir

It is your deceitful country that Pakistan didn't withdraw its forces from Kashmir. It is India that has rejected to get into any truce with Pakistan

You want Pakistan to get its forces out of Kashmir, get to a truce with Pakistan as said in the same UN resolution 47

@IndianGuy_ We are open to prove to you that your country and your countrymen continue to lie shamelessly about UN resolution 47
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I don't know about you, but I have seen that working more than once. Besides, beyond that there is not much any of us can do.

BTW, i know its off-topic but look at this :


Among many other reasons why Trudeau is in minority right now, one is deteriorating relations with First nations because of this pipeline expansion. A vocal but closely knit political movement does make a difference.

I'll read the links thanks.

Indian humiliation just not ends with their diplomatic cowardice, but it will continue for long. Why does it looks like that actually Indian High Commission helped to expose Bipin lies and RSS propaganda this time by staying away from visit or even accepting the invitation.
Gao muttar peenay walaa
Thanks for introducing yourself.

This domestic consumption crap only works when you have a gullible Indian public happy to have shit shoveled into their mouths and retarded Indian fanboys willing to regurgitate the shit on social media
And your public is not gullible? It is Conspiracy Theory Central on this planet.

Typical, a cowardly, hypocrite's response from an Indian.
Instead of condemning the lies of their government and Army Chief, he is talking like this is good for domestic consumption.
No mate, it is not for domestic consumption, it is for the world's awareness that terrorist India is telling porkies about "terrorist's hideouts", it is actually targeting innocent civilians working in shops, in their houses.

Now sling your hook.

I though you said " "severe "ling" and deception is hard-wired "into" them".
It's actually the other way around.

I don't see Pakistanis being asking to be fed as such rather, Indian claims are busted Internationally which somehow are consumed by Indian Populace without any question in regard to reality or fact.
Actually, they need to be shown that Pak is doing something to counter the Indian narrative am indeed doing something on Kashmir.

Dear .. people are dying due to constant Indian army shelling ...
I know. Any civilian loss of life is just not acceptable.
It's actually the other way around.

Indian hypocrisy and lies again. If it was other way around you should have been condemning the lies of your government.

And if you are trying to say that it is other way around that we the Pakistanis are not condemning our military, then my earlier comments and in this response are justified.

Either way, you are a confirmed hypocrite and a lying Indian.

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