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Indians, Do You Hold Any Moral Grounds.

That is your narrative. Ours is exactly the opposite. So I have as much shame left as you do.

Read the topic ... it clearly states Indians are shameless creatures ... ask you army chief to tell the world where they attacked terrorist camps..:: obviously he was lying.... find someone more professional to represent your troops.
My questions to Indians:

Why everytime when Indian army conducts strikes inside Pakistan, people have to put on heavy lenses to find the evidence of it? Why can't you guys do an strike where you create a mess across the border, such that no one has to wear glasses, or zoom in satellite pictures, orcreate weird theories to support your claim..

When we penetrate, the results don't need a certification. Across the border, we create a mess for everyone to see from even thousands of miles away.. mess like wreckage of the enemy planes, some shot by us, some by the enemy itself.. blood oozing from pilots' faces, missile pieces spread across vast areas, people chanting Pakistan Zindabad on both sides of the border, and giving interviews telling the world what happened.. burnt bodies of soldiers.. enemy's crying foul for our soldiers playing football with Indian soldiers' heads..

I mean why every time we have to look for evidence... why? and why is it that when we do it, there's evidence available for international observers and forensic experts to analyse and comment on it.. plenty of material we give them to do research and get valuable experience..


@Mangus Ortus Novem @Areesh @Shane @Maarkhoor @war&peace @Path-Finder
This is the rhetorical question of the day! Someone positive rate this guy.
Where did I support mass incarnation of anyone?

Let me put it in this way : Brewing all that anger is going to only hurt you. Its not going to do anything to these folks who are doing mass incarnation. Also, if you keep it up, it will creep into your real life as well. Its not healthy and will hurt only you. Seen it happen few times around me -- its not pretty.

So you don't support India's move on article 370?
Yes thank you for your amateur psych analysis but I'm ok. Hate directed in the right way actually benefits ever heard of 'punching with bad intentions'?
Anyway you're right my words won't do much much apart from upset (a little) those who support it and those who implement it. But it's something.
My questions to Indians:

Why everytime when Indian army conducts strikes inside Pakistan, people have to put on heavy lenses to find the evidence of it? Why can't you guys do an strike where you create a mess across the border, such that no one has to wear glasses, or zoom in satellite pictures, orcreate weird theories to support your claim..

When we penetrate, the results don't need a certification. Across the border, we create a mess for everyone to see from even thousands of miles away.. mess like wreckage of the enemy planes, some shot by us, some by the enemy itself.. blood oozing from pilots' faces, missile pieces spread across vast areas, people chanting Pakistan Zindabad on both sides of the border, and giving interviews telling the world what happened.. burnt bodies of soldiers.. enemy's crying foul for our soldiers playing football with Indian soldiers' heads..

I mean why every time we have to look for evidence... why? and why is it that when we do it, there's evidence available for international observers and forensic experts to analyse and comment on it.. plenty of material we give them to do research and get valuable experience..


@Mangus Ortus Novem @Areesh @Shane @Maarkhoor @war&peace @Path-Finder
We bang them at LOC and they return the favor but they can't bear the heat so they resort to hit civilians of AJK so that blackmail us to restrain.....barbaric evil cowards they are....

We can't repeat in same fashion because we are professional and we don't wants to kill civilians.....

we must launch an offensive at full scale right now otherwise it will be too late....and may be after few years we have to fight to defend AJK.....


Most hatred person at PDF since I don't belong or support any political party including PTI....
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This is the rhetorical question of the day! Someone positive rate this guy.
I mean a fvukin moon lander crashes on the moon and no one finds pieces of its wreckage despite many orbiters circling around the moon.. Why it happens only when Indians do something..

I have started believing on supernatural powers of Indians.. either they spread something on their machines and their bodies, drink something valuable or use something paranormal as a fuel..

Most hatred person at PDF since I don't belong or support any political party including PTI....

A person in uniform ready to die for my mother land.
No man, don't say this..
So you don't support India's move on article 370?
I don't support ANY move India makes. Actually, India is more of a case study for me.
Yes thank you for your amateur psych analysis but I'm ok. Hate directed in the right way actually benefits ever heard of 'punching with bad intentions'?
Actually, thats why I said "get some help". Why take amateurish actions for something when you can get a real psych to look into it.

Anyway you're right my words won't do much much apart from upset (a little) those who support it and those who implement it.
If I were you, I would be directing my energy in putting together a political group with a gathering of 1000s of like-minded members asking one single sharp question to the polity of UK: "Do you stand with us on this issue? and we don't take neutral/diplomatic stance as a positive answer." Simple. If a polity is neutral or against you, they are not getting any support from you, EVER. Its lobbying 101. Your currency is votes and the wares you want to buy are foreign policy.
My questions to Indians:

Why everytime when Indian army conducts strikes inside Pakistan, people have to put on heavy lenses to find the evidence of it? Why can't you guys do an strike where you create a mess across the border, such that no one has to wear glasses, or zoom in satellite pictures, orcreate weird theories to support your claim..

When we penetrate, the results don't need a certification. Across the border, we create a mess for everyone to see from even thousands of miles away.. mess like wreckage of the enemy planes, some shot by us, some by the enemy itself.. blood oozing from pilots' faces, missile pieces spread across vast areas, people chanting Pakistan Zindabad on both sides of the border, and giving interviews telling the world what happened.. burnt bodies of soldiers.. enemy's crying foul for our soldiers playing football with Indian soldiers' heads..

I mean why every time we have to look for evidence... why? and why is it that when we do it, there's evidence available for international observers and forensic experts to analyse and comment on it.. plenty of material we give them to do research and get valuable experience..


@Mangus Ortus Novem @Areesh @Shane @Maarkhoor @war&peace @Path-Finder
If I was an Indian, I would definitely be asking these questions from my govt and yes there are such rational and patriotic Indians who do ask such questions but the current RSS govt and saffron chaddi clad thugs suppress their voice and then govt controlled media never aires such voices. Just watch these clips,

This is not F16 engine, it is MiG 21 engine

Indian media admits that an SU30 shot down by PAF but later they were forced by Indian ministry defence to retract

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Guess which country has issues with both neighbours? Which initiated 3 wars? Which keeps harping on about using nuclear weapons?
How the dimwitted nin com poops keep pointing figures elsewhere to divert attention from Hindutva Champions Wagging the Dog i.e. India as in slum dwelling millions of voters like @IndianGuy_ ... to vote for Modi, why?


No wonder @Windjammer claims and the rest agree that you lot have no shame, lol.
If I was an Indian, I would definitely be asking these questions from my govt and yes there are such rational and patriotic Indians who do ask such questions but the current RSS govt and saffron chaddi clad thugs suppress their voice and then govt controlled media never aires such voices. Just watch these clips,

This is not F16 engine, it is MiG 21 engine

Indian media admits that an SU30 shot down by PAF but later they were forced by Indian ministry defence to retract

Plenty of evidence available whenever we conduct strikes.. I mean it becomes difficult to identify whether the plane was a Mig or SU.

But when they conduct strikes, we have to zoom in to see the roof of buildings to see holes from where special missiles might have penetrated and wrecked havoc inside the building to kill 300 terrorists..
Political differences aside, you are liked by many.

Even I am a PTI supporter and you know me very well.. We have had a nice time together on this forum always.
You know I am middle aged service man not kid and despite many times I told my PDF fellows I am Politically atheist...I have no faith on my political elites... but thank you for be with me...
My questions to Indians:

Why everytime when Indian army conducts strikes inside Pakistan, people have to put on heavy lenses to find the evidence of it? Why can't you guys do an strike where you create a mess across the border, such that no one has to wear glasses, or zoom in satellite pictures, orcreate weird theories to support your claim..

When we penetrate, the results don't need a certification. Across the border, we create a mess for everyone to see from even thousands of miles away.. mess like wreckage of the enemy planes, some shot by us, some by the enemy itself.. blood oozing from pilots' faces, missile pieces spread across vast areas, people chanting Pakistan Zindabad on both sides of the border, and giving interviews telling the world what happened.. burnt bodies of soldiers.. enemy's crying foul for our soldiers playing football with Indian soldiers' heads..

I mean why every time we have to look for evidence with big lenses when Indians do a strike, and even then we don't find anything... why? and why is it that when we do it, there's evidence available for international observers and forensic experts to analyse and comment on it.. plenty of material we give them to do research and get valuable experience..


@Mangus Ortus Novem @Areesh @Shane @Maarkhoor @war&peace @Path-Finder
The reason is simple : India and Pakistan are playing two different games or rather two different stages of game : India has just played her hand and wants to legitimize her action while keeping domestic population happy. Escalation does not favor them but they want to keep their people happy. Pakistan wants everyone's attention on the situation but they don't want to be held responsible for escalation. Hence covert actions and invitation to LoC.

Its not a question of bravery or cowardice or morality or immorality or truth or lies. Its merely a question of tactics for the favorable situation.

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