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Indian woman is stripped naked and has her eyes gouged out before being beaten to death and incinera

This is what happens when you try to hold a sane discussion with a dumbass religious fanatic. Their egos get all fired up. Never try to bring up bible christian thing to me. I don't get offended by such things. When I see bad in Christianity, I duly admit it. I am not a religious fundoo.

I DON'T want to hold a discussion on Ramayan with a christian bigot. Isn't that clear by now ?

Stick to the bible. I really don't care if you are offended or not. Nor do I care if you are a religious fandoo or not.

Stick to the bible and your church and stop pretending to teach Ramayan to Hindus. Or even to defend hinduism.

Try you luck with islam and muslims if they will have you. Adios.
I will voice my opinion. You are free not to listen to it. Its a free world. A sanghi chaddi calling me a bigot. Now thats irony.

I DON'T want to hold a discussion on Ramayan with a christian bigot. Isn't that clear by now ?

Stick to the bible. I really don't care if you are offended or not. Nor do I care if you are a religious fandoo or not.

Stick to the bible and your church and stop pretending to teach Ramayan to Hindus. Or even to defend hinduism.

Try you luck with islam and muslims if they will have you. Adios.
I will voice my opinion. You are free not to listen to it. Its a free world. A sanghi chaddi calling me a bigot. Now thats irony.

You are free to voice your bigotry and other are free to call you a bigot based on what you say. Its as simple as that.
This is extremely heart wrenching. The criminals need to be given the same treatment as what they did to the poor woman.

Also to all the posters, i request you to be civilized.
In case you are confused, these girls are their WIVES, not their daughters. This is Islamic Turkey.


Famous fake news
Always actually. And thank you.

Try to draw a line between me [private] and Kaptaan [public] face on PDF. The two are not the same.The [private] is non of those things you mentioned. Indeed a ageing left liberal agnostic is closer to the mark.

However at PDF in order to draw traction and go against the religious, sectarian extremism and their apologists I seek refuge in ultra-nationalism. By cultivating that it enables me to stand up against the religioius extremism, sectarinism, ethnocentric forces, trans-national loyalties like ummah etc that fracture my people. I use ultra-nationalism to bind together Pakistanis under the green flag - thus bringing together all Pakistanis, of all religions [or of no religions], all ethnic groups, all social backgrounds and uniting into a inclusive "green mean machine" to quote @DESERT FIGHTER

So don't take anything personal. It's just business. I will use whatever and anything to further nationalist instinct in my people even if it involves scraping at bottom of the barrel. Of course I do have some lines and try to stay within them- misogny, women, children etc And nationalism can be toxic but in our part of the world we have worse things to consider. In post-industrial societies like UK nationalism is looked down but they are past the 'nationa making' process. Pakistan is not and neither is your country.

All the best.

You owe no apologies.

Each of us is what we are. Good, bad, ugly combined.

Develop a thicker skin. A stronger nose instead ...

And yes, indulge in intellect shaming liberally.

P.S. A hint. You know very little of us. Gangas, gangoos, etc. does not really offend ;)

Cheers, Doc
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In case you are confused, these girls are their WIVES, not their daughters. This is Islamic Turkey.


bull crap......why do you people lie. and its not turkey look at the scarves of the man in the first picture you idiot
I am absolutely fine with it.

You are free to voice your bigotry and other are free to call you a bigot based on what you say. Its as simple as that.
The picture you quoted are from a mass marriage ceremony. As usual custom, brides are sitting separately while grooms are coming to the stage along with their neices. I don't agree with many Muslim customs, but this is propaganda spread in the name of child marriage.


In case you are confused, these girls are their WIVES, not their daughters. This is Islamic Turkey.


I am absolutely fine with it.

The picture you quoted are from a mass marriage ceremony. As usual custom, brides are sitting separately while grooms are coming to the stage along with their neices. I don't agree with many Muslim customs, but this is propaganda spread in the name of child marriage.


Typical low class gutter cchaap jhopadpatti twisting of facts by India's version of the 5 paisa sanghi retard army.

Cheers, Doc
The picture you quoted are from a mass marriage ceremony. As usual custom, brides are sitting separately while grooms are coming to the stage along with their neices. I don't agree with many Muslim customs, but this is propaganda spread in the name of child marriage.


How about these ?





Typical low class gutter cchaap jhopadpatti twisting of facts by India's version of the 5 paisa sanghi retard army.

Cheers, Doc

Good to see "high class" parsi advocating for child molestation,


How about these ?





Good to see "high class" parsi advocating for child molestation,



I would appreciate if you could post images of "Child brides of india" I am sure you have access to plenty of them from Rajastan.

Or else you are one indecent hypocrite (read sanghi) burning in his hatred for Muslims.
I would appreciate if you could post images of "Child brides of india" I am sure you have access to plenty of them from Rajastan.

Or else you are one indecent hypocrite (read sanghi) burning in his hatred for Muslims.

You misread him completely.

His "hatred" for Muslims is only academic and knee jerk sanghi programmed response, as for everything not Hindu, and a very narrow type of Hindu.

Much like your Muslim fundamentalist fanatics around the world.

They will spew vile bile against all. Parsi, Sikh, Buddhist, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, does not matter.

His special primal gut hatred though, as an internally displaced Mallu Hindu, that is really close and personal, and that gets manifested in sexually explicit filth indicative of a very challenged home environment growing up, possibly an abusive father or a broken home or an abandoned child, is for Christians.

Do avoid. Contact only stains you.

Cheers, Doc

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