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Indian woman is stripped naked and has her eyes gouged out before being beaten to death and incinera

So you are a muslim who is pretending to teach the Ramayan to others.

Maybe I can teach you the quran for a change :lol: About the real age of Aiyesha and what happened to her.

I to can give you reference if you need them. So do you need them ?
No reference is mentioned in Quran regarding age of Aiysha R.A. and regarding her age below post of friendly_troll96 is reproduced.

Here you go:

But since you're hindu and the only word you know about islam is "Abdul" (which doesn't make sense on its own either but bollywood had you guys believe otherwise), you won't get how the Arabic language works.

LOL.... what "attack" ? I am keeping it civil. Why don't you tell us what "mufa’khathat" means ?
Mufakhathat means sexually gratification by a husband without coitus/penetrating when his wife is in menstruating. Coitus with wife when she is in her periods is prohibited. This is not rape as you are desperately trying to prove it.

Further I would like your comments on the following references in 'hindu sacred texts' regarding the age when one should get married.

---Manu 9:94. A man, aged thirty years, shall marry a maiden of twelve who pleases him, or a man of twenty-four a girl eight years of age; if (the performance of) his duties would (otherwise) be impeded, (he must marry) sooner.

--- Mahabharata XLIV (p.18)A person of thirty years of age should wed a girl of ten years of age called a Nagnika. Or, a person of one and twenty years of age should wed a girl of seven years of age

--- Sacred Laws of Arya: Gautama 18:21. A girl should be given in marriage before (she attains the age of) puberty
22.He who neglects it, commits sin
23.Some (declare, that a girl shall be given in marriage) before she wears clothes.
I dont care who da shit was virgin or not. I am not a religious person...but I am against rabid religious hate mongers like you. Your vomit on Jesus, Allah or any other God, does not affect me.

I busted your chooza ego and I am happy with it. Be it Chapter 118 or 119... Its clearly established that Sita was ridiculed and insulted by Lord Ram and she was forced to enter pyre due to such insults.

Now you can keep insulting Jesus, Mary, Allah... I dont care. I exposed your lies. Thats more than enough.

Filthy jesus freak, have you gone blind ? I said 119 not 118 your evil $hit head.

Now tell us the story of how Mary was a "virgin" :lol:

Who is the real father of jesus ? What kind of "work" did mary actually do ? She had no skill except being a women. So its rather obvious she was no"virgin" was she ?
Mufakhathat means sexually gratification by a husband without coitus/penetrating when his wife is in menstruating. Coitus with wife when she is in her periods is prohibited. This is not rape as you are desperately trying to prove it.

Further I would like your comments on the following references in 'hindu sacred texts' regarding the age when one should get married.

---Manu 9:94. A man, aged thirty years, shall marry a maiden of twelve who pleases him, or a man of twenty-four a girl eight years of age; if (the performance of) his duties would (otherwise) be impeded, (he must marry) sooner.

--- Mahabharata XLIV (p.18)A person of thirty years of age should wed a girl of ten years of age called a Nagnika. Or, a person of one and twenty years of age should wed a girl of seven years of age

--- Sacred Laws of Arya: Gautama 18:21. A girl should be given in marriage before (she attains the age of) puberty
22.He who neglects it, commits sin
23.Some (declare, that a girl shall be given in marriage) before she wears clothes.

Unlike islam, hinduism is not in denial.

The age of marriage for hindus have consistently risen based on social, political and cultural relevance.

Manusmriti is for the Satya yuga which is more than 15,000 years old. Mahabharata was for an age more than 5000 years old.

Gautama smriti is for an age more than 6000 years old.

Hindu smiriti change with time, unlike the child marriages in islam.

Just a few centuries back 33-year-old King John of England married 12-year-old Isabella of Angoulême.

But unlike the islamic and christian "laws", a hindu is not allowed to consume the marriage by law.

BTW the age of Aisha was six and the marriage was consummated when she was 9.
No reference is mentioned in Quran regarding age of Aiysha R.A. and regarding her age below post of friendly_troll96 is reproduced.

Mufakhathat means sexually gratification by a husband without coitus/penetrating when his wife is in menstruating. Coitus with wife when she is in her periods is prohibited. This is not rape as you are desperately trying to prove it.

Further I would like your comments on the following references in 'hindu sacred texts' regarding the age when one should get married.

---Manu 9:94. A man, aged thirty years, shall marry a maiden of twelve who pleases him, or a man of twenty-four a girl eight years of age; if (the performance of) his duties would (otherwise) be impeded, (he must marry) sooner.

--- Mahabharata XLIV (p.18)A person of thirty years of age should wed a girl of ten years of age called a Nagnika. Or, a person of one and twenty years of age should wed a girl of seven years of age

--- Sacred Laws of Arya: Gautama 18:21. A girl should be given in marriage before (she attains the age of) puberty
22.He who neglects it, commits sin
23.Some (declare, that a girl shall be given in marriage) before she wears clothes.
I agree there were many superstitions in our religion but now we have accepted they were wrong. Now it is legally crime to marry any hindu girl below 18 years.
Now should I give examples in Islam where you guy's are still following 7th century laws which are inhuman now?
I dont care who da shit was virgin or not. I am not a religious person...but I am against rabid religious hate mongers like you. Your vomit on Jesus, Allah or any other God, does not affect me.

I busted your chooza ego and I am happy with it. Be it Chapter 118 or 119... Its clearly established that Sita was ridiculed and insulted by Lord Ram and she was forced to enter pyre due to such insults.

Now you can keep insulting Jesus, Mary, Allah... I dont care. I exposed your lies. Thats more than enough.
Whatever your intentions are it is true devi Sita was forced to enter pyre but it is uttar lie that she was ridiculed and insulted by Shree Ram.
I agree there were many superstitions in our religion but now we have accepted they were wrong. Now it is legally crime to marry any hindu girl below 18 years.
Now should I give examples in Islam where you guy's are still following 7th century laws which are inhuman now?

Whatever your intentions are it is true devi Sita was forced to enter pyre but it is uttar lie that she was ridiculed and insulted by Shree Ram.

In the very same chapter Lord Brahma calls Sri. Ram "the foremost among those endowed with knowledge and an all-capable person" and " the first creator of all the three worlds and the lord of creatures." and "You are seen (to exist) at the beginning and at the end of creation. "

To then go on to claim that such a person would ridicule and insult Sita is a concoction of a Bigoted christian mind.

Devi. Sita was not "forced" to enter the pyer, She was asked to choose her own path outside the marraige and she choose to build a pyer and step in only to be praised by all the gods for her integrity.

The Underlying message is the message of Gender equality.

A Man cannot restore a women's honor, he can only restore his own.

A women has to restore her own honor.

We are all bound by the consequences of our actions. There is no escaping it. Even for the queen of Ayodhya.
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Devi. Sita was not "forced" to enter the pyer, She was asked to choose her own path outside the marraige and she choose to build a pyer and step in only to be praised by all the gods for her integrity.
I haven't read valmiki ramayana or any other text. I know ramayana as my grandmother told me. And I bet you most of Hindus know their religion as their grandparents told them. It is beauty of Hinduism it is not spread by any books but from parents to their children. And may there be any reason but Shree Ram gave choice to Devi Sita either enter pyre or he will not accept her. This is forcing Devi Sita to enter pyre.
We may have differences but I follow my religion rationally.
I haven't read valmiki ramayana or any other text. I know ramayana as my grandmother told me. And I bet you most of Hindus know their religion as their grandparents told them. It is beauty of Hinduism it is not spread by any books but from parents to their children. And may there be any reason but Shree Ram gave choice to Devi Sita either enter pyre or he will not accept her. This is forcing Devi Sita to enter pyre.
We may have differences but I follow my religion rationally.

Sri. Ramchandji gave her no such choice.

Rama only freed her from the marriage. She was still the princess of Videha and a princess of Ayodhya. She had the choice to choose her own path and destiny. She could choose a new husband.

He said he has restored the honor of his lineage and his kingdom by killing the man who kidnapped his wife. By keeping his promise to all his friends. But Devi Sita has to fight her own battle. Sri. Ram could not do it for her. He could only fight HIS battle.

Sri. Ram could only free her from Ravana, but she had to reclaim her own honor in the world of men and mortals.

To put in a modern context, if you leave your wife, she will jump into a fire ? No, she would probably marry somebody else and make her own life.
Unlike islam, hinduism is not in denial.

The age of marriage for hindus have consistently risen based on social, political and cultural relevance.

Manusmriti is for the Satya yuga which is more than 15,000 years old. Mahabharata was for an age more than 5000 years old.

Gautama smriti is for an age more than 6000 years old.

Hindu smiriti change with time, unlike the child marriages in islam.

Just a few centuries back 33-year-old King John of England married 12-year-old Isabella of Angoulême.

But unlike the islamic and christian "laws", a hindu is not allowed to consume the marriage by law.

BTW the age of Aisha was six and the marriage was consummated when she was 9.

I can see that you are banned; however, I would still post reply as there are many persons that might be interested to respond in manner suitable for decent people.
You say Islam is in denial with any elaboration, without realizing, faith is absolute, it is the people, the followers, like you and me are in denial of realities.
Further you say .... age of marriage has consistently risen over periods.....?? I have given the references... and you should also provide reference from authentic Hindu scriptures that would give higher ages, like 15 or 18 years.
Regarding age of Satya Yuga, your estimate is one lowest; as per Old scriptures (you know much better than me) millions of years time frame:
Historians date Mahabarata at about 500 B.C.
And Your claim of... 'hindus is not allowed to consume the marriage law'.... is just a claim. Marriages were consummated after the first blood. Practice was almost universal in ancient times.

And lastly, regarding age of Aisha when given in marriage, refer post of @friendly_troll96.

I agree there were many superstitions in our religion but now we have accepted they were wrong. Now it is legally crime to marry any hindu girl below 18 years.
Now should I give examples in Islam where you guy's are still following 7th century laws which are inhuman now?

You may have rejected certain laws, but hundred of millions still follow them.
A lot many child marriages do take place in India?
Please do provide examples in Islam were we are still following the 7th Century Laws which are in human now?
I can see that you are banned; however, I would still post reply as there are many persons that might be interested to respond in manner suitable for decent people.
You say Islam is in denial with any elaboration, without realizing, faith is absolute, it is the people, the followers, like you and me are in denial of realities.
Further you say .... age of marriage has consistently risen over periods.....?? I have given the references... and you should also provide reference from authentic Hindu scriptures that would give higher ages, like 15 or 18 years.
Regarding age of Satya Yuga, your estimate is one lowest; as per Old scriptures (you know much better than me) millions of years time frame:
Historians date Mahabarata at about 500 B.C.
And Your claim of... 'hindus is not allowed to consume the marriage law'.... is just a claim. Marriages were consummated after the first blood. Practice was almost universal in ancient times.

And lastly, regarding age of Aisha when given in marriage, refer post of @friendly_troll96.

You may have rejected certain laws, but hundred of millions still follow them.
A lot many child marriages do take place in India?
Please do provide examples in Islam were we are still following the 7th Century Laws which are in human now?
You can get the direct link by clicking the post number. :cheers:
no man... educate to value life.. which u shd have more as many are vegetarian.. we know how bad dogs are treated in our country and some 'dangerous' animals are not given a second chance when are sighted like baby snakes etc...

We are educating people. We try to pass just laws and try to enforce them.
It is not easy
Ms Devi is a widow and was burned alive. Doesn't this incident simply represent the longstanding Hindu tradition of Sati?

They are simply enjoying religious freedom. Burning women alive along with dead husband is simply a custom.
You are very sane poster sometimes
Always actually. And thank you.

when it comes to Indian's
Try to draw a line between me [private] and Kaptaan [public] face on PDF. The two are not the same.The [private] is non of those things you mentioned. Indeed a ageing left liberal agnostic is closer to the mark.

However at PDF in order to draw traction and go against the religious, sectarian extremism and their apologists I seek refuge in ultra-nationalism. By cultivating that it enables me to stand up against the religioius extremism, sectarinism, ethnocentric forces, trans-national loyalties like ummah etc that fracture my people. I use ultra-nationalism to bind together Pakistanis under the green flag - thus bringing together all Pakistanis, of all religions [or of no religions], all ethnic groups, all social backgrounds and uniting into a inclusive "green mean machine" to quote @DESERT FIGHTER

So don't take anything personal. It's just business. I will use whatever and anything to further nationalist instinct in my people even if it involves scraping at bottom of the barrel. Of course I do have some lines and try to stay within them- misogny, women, children etc And nationalism can be toxic but in our part of the world we have worse things to consider. In post-industrial societies like UK nationalism is looked down but they are past the 'nationa making' process. Pakistan is not and neither is your country.

All the best.
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