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Indian Soldier Chandu Chohan who defected is to be sent back

Isliye baar baar chandu ki pic dekh kar khush ho rahi ho lol hahahahaaaaa

We can easily identity Indian soldiers they are usually dark and skinny they stand out from the crowd at least feed them properly he looks like a midget in between lions mate
pic says it all..
Chandu chauhan has personality and way better that bystanders. He was tortured and kept hungry in Pakistani jail . No doubt.

you were there with him??

look at his earlier picture released by India he looked older in that and quiet paindu production while in Pakistan he becomes a gentleman looking lad.

How can hunger and torture keeps on young? may be in India.

anyway stop your usual Indian nonsense when you guys failed to portray his mutilated body blaming in on Pakistan now it is hard for you to absorb the facts that Pakistan fed him well kept him well and now handed him over to India
Why are you jealous. Not a single Pakistani soldier is looking like rough n tough in front of him, cant even spot a light skin pakistani greek or arabi. If he was given do waqt ki roti in your jails, he would have looked better. Haha man you guys r hillarious.

Lol jealous

The "rough and tough soldier" deserted his post and defected to Pakistan

Bujt yeah he is rough and tough as per Indian standards which obviously are very low.
Pic says he was kept hungry in pakisti jail. But still looking rough n tough. People standing with him are looking like petu namuney. Haha..
He was in army's possession so the logic of "jail" doesn't apply here. Cows were airlifted from Chaklala to Kashmir to suffice his cravings for Nihari. Yet you guys complain. Na Shukry :disagree: Just because our military is more concerned about our soldiers welfare and nutrition, don't make them petu namuny. PACES program was introduced to ensure they maintain their fitness. Our soldiers have been engaged in a war for the last 15 years, don't you think that's enough for the roughness and toughness of our soldiers.
Isliye baar baar chandu ki pic dekh kar khush ho rahi ho lol hahahahaaaaa

He is not fair but light wheatish. Who likes fair.. sanwle salone song aise hi thodi ban gaya? Lol

NVM he is as usual kangri Indian soldier as any other Indian
NVM he is as usual kangri Indian soldier as any other Indian
Kangri is a region in himachal, full of dogras. In your language kangri might mean thin. But thin doesnt mean not fit.

Secondly he is coming out of enemy jail not honeymoon in paris.
He looks rough and cool n tough even after kept in jail tortured and not even given daal ka pani.

You see that pic where he is holding an Ak.

Yeah he holds a gun like a terrorist look at our soldiers much more professionalism and discipline something you guys cannot even come close to mate
We can easily identity Indian soldiers they are usually dark and skinny they stand out from the crowd at least feed them properly he looks like a midget in between lions mate
Whats the obsession with light skin soldiers?
I personally like these as soldiers
Rajputana Rifles

Than these J&K troops

Check out this video in which wheatish brown soldiers look much better than fair soldiers of IA.
LOL daL khoor , curry muncherian Dravidians first put some dana dunka to your soldiers.. Rough & tough and good looks are the least thing you should compare with Pakistanis..It speaks of your obsession and inferiority complex..At-least compare the soldiers standing you can identity Indians and Pakistanis..He is not even equal to shoulders of pakistanis standing along him..
Pakistani soldiers are manlets:




Maybe he was looking for some food and entered Pakistan on smelling some nice biryani being cooked? Who knows?
It's getting boring so here's the summary of the events;
1- Indian soldier defects citing maltreatment by his officers.
2- Pakistan captures him, properly feed him for 4 months.
3- Pakistan decides to hand him over to India as a gesture of good will/humanitarian grounds.
4- Indians can't digest the news.
5- Indians crying.
Not a good decision since he defected himself so legally and technically he is not PoW. Rather we are putting his life in risk or at least in trouble. I don't know when we will stop the policy of appeasement.
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Guys have you noticed how tensed he was, looks like he was unwillingly handed over back, I hope he will all right.
:blink: People bought his story ? ! That he just decide to walk across boarder , a grown man a trained solider decided to just get himself lost and walk into Pakistan's border :close_tema:'

All soldiers are trained to read maps and judge their position on map , and they are not some kid in grade 2 that gets lost on outdoor trip

No offence but that is disrespectful to folks in Kashmir we let go of a soldier belonging to Criminal force and specially while their head of state was talking about surgical strikes

Not estatic with this particular news

Should be treated in context of surgical strike , he was caught and then punished according to laws of Pakistan in Terrorist court

Sepoys can't read maps for shit, they probably won't be able to go from A to B even if their lives depended on it.
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