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Indian Sikhs Seek a Ban on Sikh Jokes

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Indian Sikhs Seek a Ban on Sikh Jokes - India Real Time - WSJ

Indian Sikhs Seek a Ban on Sikh Jokes
4:30 pm IST
Mar 1, 2016

The Indian Army’s Sikh regiment marches during the Army Day parade in New Delhi, Jan. 15, 2016. Sikhs are known for their bravery as part of the Indian armed forces.
Money Sharma/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
A movement to stop people making fun of Sikhs is gaining momentum in India.

India’s Supreme Court last month asked an organization representing followers of the religion, the Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Management Committee, to frame rules on how to implement a ban on jokes or negative remarks about Sikhs, if such a ban were announced.

The committee petitioned the court last year seeking a means of “curbing the menace of Sikh jokes” and other derogatory remarks about them and other social, religious and ethnic communities.


A five-member team of retired judges and others is working to come up with guidelines before the end of March, says Jaswinder Jolly, one of the petitioners.

Sikhs comprise around 2% of India’s population, but they are a prominent community known for being hard-working and entrepreneurial, and for their bravery as part of the Indian armed forces.

But they are also on the receiving end of a large number of jokes, which typically portray them as dim-witted.

Jokes around a fictitious Sikh pair named Santa Singh and Banta Singh, have flourished on the Internet and, in recent years, on messaging service WhatsApp.

Their origin is unclear but one long-running joke concerns how the two men try to outdo each other over the achievements of their respective parents.

One exchange goes like this:

Santa Singh: Have you heard of the Suez Canal? My father dug it.

Banta Singh: That’s nothing. Have you heard of the Dead Sea? My father killed it.

Mr. Jolly, an adviser to the Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Management Committee, says there are thousands of websites dedicated to jokes at the expense of Sikhs.

“They are making fun of us and making money,” through advertising said Mr. Jolly.

Indian law punishes any deliberate act or remark intended to insult someone’s religious beliefs, but Mr. Jolly says this doesn’t cover instances when remarks aren’t made directly to a person of the faith in question.

The committee’s petition was meant to support an earlier public interest litigation on similar lines filed by Delhi lawyer, Harvinder Chowdhury, says Mr. Jolly.

Creators of the jokes say that targeting a community isn’t right, but argue that Santa and Banta should be seen as characters and aren’t targeting Sikhs.

“They’re all Punjabi characters, they are not signifying any community,” says Jiwandeep Ghai, founder of the website santabanta.com, which features a section of jokes based around the pair, amongst Bollywood-related tidbits. The website isn’t mentioned in the litigation.

Mr. Ghai, who is a Sikh, says remarks where Sikhs came off badly made him feel bad when he was a child.

However, he doesn’t think a blanket ban on jokes at the expense of a particular community is a good idea because it could be seen as censorship.

“Isn’t laughter necessary for us?” he said.

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Never heard of a Sikh joke before.

In Hong Kong, Sikhs are regarded as very good bodyguards (along with Gurkhas). Rich Chinese businessmen like to have a lot of these bodyguards.

The opposite of America where they are regularly attacked due to their turbans. Even though it's blatantly obvious that a Sikh turban is different from a Muslim one.
Never heard of a Sikh joke before.

In Hong Kong, Sikhs are regarded as very good bodyguards (along with Gurkhas). Rich Chinese businessmen like to have a lot of these bodyguards.

The opposite of America where they are regularly attacked due to their turbans. Even though it's blatantly obvious that a Sikh turban is different from a Muslim one.
Dude, that's a Sikh joke. Get it lol??
I have quite a few Sikh classmates who over the years have grown to become some of my best friends.

You should read the jokes they make on themselves ;)

That is, the intention behind the joke is important as well. You can be 'in' on the joke or you can be 'target'.
Being target is never nice. does not matter if it is a Sikh, a black, a Hindu, a muslim or a Christian.
I see no problem with Santa and Banta jokes


Again jokes are part of life there was nothing derogatory about it


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In Hong Kong. :P

I couldn't understand the jokes above either, what is a "Sardar Jee" and a "Chawal"? :blink:
Sikhs and Pathans are kind of the Irish of the subcontinent (in terms of being mocked). If you hear a Sikh joke you will probably hear the Pathan version of it too.
Sikhs and Pathans are kind of the Irish of the subcontinent(in terms of being mocked ). If you hear a Sikh joke you will probably here the Pathan version of it too.

Hmm that's interesting, is there any specific reason why these two groups are often joked about in the subcontinent? Or just bad luck? :P
Never heard of a Sikh joke before.

In Hong Kong, Sikhs are regarded as very good bodyguards (along with Gurkhas). Rich Chinese businessmen like to have a lot of these bodyguards.

The opposite of America where they are regularly attacked due to their turbans. Even though it's blatantly obvious that a Sikh turban is different from a Muslim one.

There is no such thing as a Muslim turban...

The Arabs wear toop.. Indonesians or Malays wear their cultural hats/caps...

Even in Pak .. There are several types of "turbans"... Each different than the ones worn by other ethnic group...

Muslims only have to cover their head when they pray... That can be done with a Muslim cap.. Or simple a handkerchief ...

The Sikhs don't cut their hair (yup from any part of the body) and tie their hair under their turban .. Which they wear religiously ..
Hmm that's interesting, is there any specific reason why these two groups are often joked about in the subcontinent? Or just bad luck? :P

In Pak .. The Urdu speaking immigrants from India started the "joke trend"... They usually mocked or joked about villagers.. I.E; rest of Pak.. Pak was the poorest part of the region.. With people mostly working on agriculture or military (almost half of the British army was recruited from modern day Pak - due to the martial races theory)..

Thankfully there are no Baluch jokes .. Yet my azzhole friends keep "modifying" Sikh jokes and replace - Sikh with Baluch and so on ..

The Urdu speakers also face similiar jokes mostly due to their physique etc and accents lol.
Hmm that's interesting, is there any specific reason why these two groups are often joked about in the subcontinent? Or just bad luck? :P
Maybe because these two groups are very hard working people. When they set their mind to do something they turn on their "Sardar Jee" or "Khan Sahib" mode on. They rest only once they have completed their task according to their satisfaction. Here we have a saying that Pathan is not a nation but it is a state of mind. Any person can be possessed by this state. Pathans are also mocked for having a legendary high libido.
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