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200 mosques restored in Indian Punjab by Sikh and Hindu communities

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Again...You have not conveyed anything substantial here. Put yourself in my position, and ask what am I supposed to rspond to here? The only peron wasting time is you.
You are supposed to ask where you went wrong rather than throw assumptions...That would show me you want to learn and not waste time! Thank you! No wait I am the one who explained it all.....So according to this article / thread you owe me one! (Indians fix 200 mosques and ask Pakistan to take care of temples :D )
You are supposed to ask where you went wrong rather than throw assumptions...That would show me you want to learn and not waste time! Thank you! No wait I am the one who explained it all.....So according to this article / thread you owe me one! (Indians fix 200 mosques and ask Pakistan to take care of temples :D )

Huh? Why am I supposed to do anything? You replied to a post of mine, with an airy, insubstantial non-rebuttal. I asked you twice to explain what you are trying to say, why you think I am wrong. You simply answered with a verbal duel. Unless you come up with something substantial, I am not interested in continuing this fluffy exchange. You are 'the one who explained it all?' Where? In which post? Not in any direct response to me.

You know, as well as I know, that they magnify the victimhood of Indian Muslims because they get their jollies from it.

Ditto with Dalits. They don't give a damn about them, but they stroke themselves at night because it justifies their 'two nation' theory.

They want Indians to discriminate, because they do it to fellow Muslims themselves.

Ask a Shia, Ahmadi or an Atheist if they can worship openly and debate openly about their beliefs.

They know nil about the Muslim history in Kerala. Because you know, the evil yindoos had the audacity to live together with them peacefully for so long.

North Kerala had muslims before present day Pakistan did. And Kerala also had christians before Europe was Christianized. But all this historic understanding is beyond the ability of people who believe that Islam was the first religion, and that every other religion is a mere corruption of it. That pseudo historical narrative is important for them to maintain their illusion that their religion is a god given entity, whereas every other religion is a man made corruption.
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Huh? Why am I supposed to do anything? You replied to a post of mine, with an airy, insubstantial non-rebuttal. I asked you twice to explain what you are trying to say, why you think I am wrong. You simply answered with a verbal duel. Unless you come up with something substantial, I am not interested in continuing this fluffy exchange. You are 'one who explained it all?' In which post? Not in any direct respnse to me.
The whole post you wrote was slightly skewed a little dragged a little out of context....You presented it without knowing its background, without even knowing what you presented...Basically you are satisfied and not questioning hence I am also not interested in answering...

Thank you
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