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Reality of Indian: Free Khalistan

Another sect of islam... that does shows you know a lot about islam... especially when you take pointer on religion from the british.

I know plenty about Islam and that is not whatI said. I said it originated as a sect but later mixed with Hindu beliefs and became what we know it today. British had no reason to lie about such things they were Christians they just noted their observations and so are a good neutral source.
I fully support your strugle but its to late now. Sikhs should have accepted Jinnah offer of sikh only state from Amristar to Haryana. Hindus from east punjab would have moved to India and muslims to west punjab.

In worst case scenario after couple of decades, sikhs would have their own independent country just like Bangladesh. But as you know harami hindu baniya Tara Singh sold sikhs to hindu congress. Fate of sikh nation should have been decided by jats, and not baniyas. Baniya think short term and about business only!

Now even in tiny east punjab sikhs soon will be minority. Anyway its to late now.

Nuri natt tera peo ey aur?

Does it even matter what baniya like you think? Your daddy Tara Singh sold sikhs to hindu congress!
The op ain't even Sikh, he just swears in Punjabi. He can't read Gurmurkhi.
@shan why support their denand when most pags do not support it themselves ? Also you seen their maps? They add Lahore to their "country" as well.
The op ain't even Sikh, he just swears in Punjabi. He can't read Gurmurkhi.

Sound like sikh punjabi based in west.
Last time i checked we don't share our wifes with brothers and father like you bhaiyas, so who knows who is your real father? Anyway you are gutter cleaning bhaiya at the end of the day, behave nicely.
Nuri Ah gaya Nuri Ah gaya Nuri ah Gaya Nuri ah gaya :sarcastic:
Sound like sikh punjabi based in west.
He said he's in the UK but have you seen his English?
Last time i checked we don't share our wifes with brothers and father like you bhaiyas, so who knows who is your real father? Anyway you are gutter cleaning bhaiya at the end of the day, behave nicely.
Haha! Try harder!

Calling me Bhaiya is futile.

You can do better \( ö )/
@shan why support their denand when most pags do not support it themselves ? Also you seen their maps? They add Lahore to their "country" as well.

As i said its to late now for them, Jinnah presented them with realistic option but baniya Tara Singh refused! Anyway Bharat have played long game, they are on verge of making sikh minority even in little east Punjab.

Haha! Try harder!

Calling me Bhaiya is futile.

You can do better \( ö )/

Bhaiaya is not a insult, its what you are.
Guru Nanak was born to Hindu parents. Same as Buddhism. It is a belief which were established in form of Sikhism and Buddhism. If Hindu religion claim to be ancestor, I think nothing wrong with that.
Bhaiaya is not a insult, its what you are.

Which bhaiya Karachiwala or Lahorewala.
Original bhaiya jho siref bharat mein hi ho sakhta hai.
So theKarachiwalas and Lahorewalas are fake bhaiyas
He said he's in the UK but have you seen his English?
What's wrong with my english, I can teach you a lesson or two in English? and who the hell told you Im from the UK?

Original bhaiya jho siref bharat mein hi ho sakhta hai.
you mean to say dirty bhaiyas?
What's wrong with my english, I can teach you a lesson or two in English? and who the hell told you Im from the UK?
I am sorry sir, how was Friday prayers?
I'm sorry sir, how is your mom doing?

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