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Indian PM Singh 'refuses holidays'

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Indian PM Singh 'refuses holidays'

India's workaholic Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has not taken a holiday since he took the top job in 2004, according to a new in-depth profile published this week.

The 12,000-word study in current affairs journal The Caravan of 79-year-old Singh, under fire for a series of debilitating scandals in his second-term, said he shunned opportunities to get away and take a break.

Former media adviser Sanjaya Baru said the one-time economics professor had little interest in relaxation, recalling an official day-long visit to the popular tourist destination of Goa.

"I said to him, 'sir, it’s a weekend. Why don’t we stay Saturday night, spend Sunday morning on the beach and come back Sunday evening. You don’t miss a working day'.

"You know what he asked? ‘But what do I do there?’ Only Manmohan Singh could ask what he could do in Goa," Baru said.

Singh's daughter Daman Singh said she could recall her father taking only one vacation with the family in the last 40 years, a three-day visit to Nainital, a hill station 232 kilometres (144 miles) from New Delhi.

"As children we just assumed that’s the way all fathers are. He hasn’t changed at all," said the author, who is working on a book about her parents.

The report says Singh, hailed as the architect of India's economic liberalisation, sticks to his old austere habits, shunning fancy restaurants, expensive suits and luxury cars.

Singh's core appeal to voters as a capable and honest administrator in India's venal politics has taken a battering in the last year after a series of major corruption scandals.

Indian PM Singh 'refuses holidays' - LANKA BUSINESS ONLINE


:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Why is it that most Indians don't like him and most foreigners like him?:lol:

As someone living in UK I can say we look at him as a model politician who has done wonders for India whilst office and before. However those in India seem to let his party's image tarnish his "whiter than white" persona. He seems to perfect- workaholic, excellent economist, cool-headed, wise, entirely honest and likeable. I suppose because Indian politics is dogged by "larger than life" showmen with little substance behind their big words, it is a little alien to the Indian electorate to have a man like him as PM but to the rest of th world he is seen as an ideal statesmen.
If he wanted he could have prevented issuing of licenses in 2G scam..costing India Rs.176 lakh crores!!
Why is it that most Indians don't like him and most foreigners like him?:lol:

Actually even after the scam batterings, he still retains the highest popularity in a recent Times Now Poll at around 35%. In 2010 at his peak, he had a 89% approval rating so its not really that surprising.
I dont doubt the honesty, integrity of Dr Manmohan singh.He is still the PM of India & I respect him.But he is soft spoken a drawback as a politician.
love him, we have him to thank for ALOT. when he first came in as FM we were selling our gold reserves to keep our economy and currency afloat. I dont care if he personally takes Rs. 1lakh crore(Which HE did NOT!!! the dmk crooks did) if he gives us another couple of trillion.
No one comes unscathed from indian politics. He is an amazing individual and i love him.
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