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'Indian-origin jihadis' fighting in Syria against Assad regime

The streets of Britain are littered with illegal escape India Indians, who would do anything for a few dimes. !!

Yep, places life soho road birmingham, handsworth, wolverhampton, southall are full of illegal indians......there are pakistani's too but allot of them have been deported or got married to europeon
May i suggest first you visit u.k and then come back here, though i agree with the part about radicalisation of britain but is not restricted to pakistani, stand outside a major mosque in birmingham,london,manchester, bradford, and tell me how many pakistani you sed and how many middle eastern, african and white muslims you see

I have been there a few times, the wrong assumption could have been between South Asian and Indian - so could be anyone. I am not saying Indian origin Muslims are not prone to brain washing though..
Only care about your own self, no matter how many people get killed as long as it serves your interest. Sir there is a thing called humanity, but I guess in todays so called nationalistic world that one word holds no value at all.

Thing about humanity is we end being selective, like your nation cries about Kashmir, but blind eye to Uighurs.
and my nation is muted about Rohinyas but vocal of Sri Lankan HR violations.

World whines about Syria, but not damn about Congo.

But if you are expecting altruism from me, then all i can share is this:

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Thing about humanity is we end being selective, like your nation cries about Kashmir, but blind eye to Uighurs.
and my nation is muted about Rohinyas but vocal of Sri Lankan HR violations.

World whines about Syria, but not damn about Congo.

But if you are expecting altruism from me, then all i can share is this:

Nice post.Humanity has evaporated since when we became selective.
But still I don't want to see India on self-righteous path.History has compelled us to be a selective.
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an indian national was involved in the attempted car bombing of an international airport in Glasgow......nowdays theres much talk about hindu extremist terrorism

the indians here seem to be in de-de-de-nial
nowdays theres much talk about hindu extremist terrorism
Wouldnt it also be that those "Jehadis" are actually Pakistani origin (there being a history and what not) and are being confused to be 'Indian' origin?

I wouldn't want to definitively say this in this case but you are right- there is certainly a precedent for British Citizens of Pakistani orign being radicalised here in the UK or in Pakistan, training in Pakistani terror camps and then Ending up in the M.East fighting the "global jihad" AFAIK there is not a single comparable incident for any British Indian Origin Muslim.

Considering there are bound to be many hundreds of million Muslims of Indian descent one cannot complety rule out the chance of it happening to a small minority but there is certainly more of a precedent amongst the British Pakistani community.

Without opening a can or worms I'd say this was because the "Wahabbi" Islamic ideology has almost zero penetration amongst the Indian Muslim community whether in India of anywhere else. Whereas, thanks to Saudi Arabia, this horrid ideology has quite a bit of a following in the Pakistani, Afghani and (to an extent) Bangledeshi communities both in their home countries and abroad. I can say I have certainly found this here in the UK on occasion.
If they indeed are from Indian origin, I for one would have no issue if Assad blows them off. They chose to do this idiocy and they must pay for this.


The moment they chose the jehadi lifestyle, they ceased to be Indians, atleast to me and hence would not care if Assad bombs them to kingdom come.

Seems you had a close look at Colonel PS Purohit's .........................

Seems you forgot the "innocent until proven guilty" phrase.

The moment they chose the jehadi lifestyle, they ceased to be Indians, atleast to me and hence would not care if Assad bombs them to kingdom come.

who says that, werent they of indian heritage?
who says that, werent they of indian heritage?

I, as an indian, says that.

Problem bro ?

Indians today, we support Assad.
After he is gone.
We are with the Syrian people, let us rebuild your country.

Pick a side will ya, you guys jump more branches then the monkeys them selves.

If you did not know, there is a term for that - diplomacy.
an indian national was involved in the attempted car bombing of an international airport in Glasgow......nowdays theres much talk about hindu extremist terrorism the indians here seem to be in de-de-de-nial
In glasgow ? Was he Hindu or Muslim because you used the word hindu terrorism,

Indian doctor linked to Glasgow airport bombings to sue Australian government over detention

An Indian doctor who was arrested over suspicion of involvement in the 2007 Glasgow airport bombing is to sue the Australian government, claiming he suffered a loss of earnings and emotional stress as a result of his detention.


Indian doctor linked to Glasgow airport bombings to sue Australian government over detention - Telegraph

Mohammed Haneef, who is a cousin of the two men convicted over the attempted car bombing and lived in Britain for several years, was working as a doctor in Queensland at the time of the attack.

So what did you say ?

an indian national was involved in the attempted car bombing of an international airport in Glasgow......nowdays theres much talk about hindu extremist terrorism the indians here seem to be in de-de-de-nial
In glasgow ? Was he Hindu or Muslim because you used the word hindu terrorism,

Indian doctor linked to Glasgow airport bombings to sue Australian government over detention

An Indian doctor who was arrested over suspicion of involvement in the 2007 Glasgow airport bombing is to sue the Australian government, claiming he suffered a loss of earnings and emotional stress as a result of his detention.



Mohammed Haneef, who is a cousin of the two men convicted over the attempted car bombing and lived in Britain for several years, was working as a doctor in Queensland at the time of the attack.

So what did you say ?
I, as an indian, says that.

Problem bro ?

problem is your logic, indians say those 7/7 terrorists were pakistanis, how can you make us own one terroist and disown your own terrorists?
who says that, werent they of indian heritage?
There are many Indian Muslims as terrorists like Afzal Guru. :D

Isn't it easy to see that in 150 million Indian Muslims few can be terrorists ?

All religious community have bad apples, Hindus Sikhs have been terrorist too. In Naxalite areas, terrorists are non-Muslims, mostly Hindus, but they don't fight for religion.

BTW Indian terrorists haven't been seen doing terrorism in Middle east or global jehad,
problem is your logic, indians say those 7/7 terrorists were pakistanis, how can you make us own one terroist and disown your own terrorists?

Because when you like to own Amir Khan as pakistani and celebrate his achievements, then you should take the blame for the terrorists too.

And another reason was the 7/7 terrorists have visited Pakistan for thier terror training. Can you say these jehadis, who are allegedly of Indian heritage, visited India for jehadi training. In all probability they might have visited Pakistan.
Because when you like to own Amir Khan as pakistani and celebrate his achievements, then you should take the blame for the terrorists too.

And another reason was the 7/7 terrorists have visited Pakistan for thier terror training. Can you say these jehadis, who are allegedly of Indian heritage, visited India for jehadi training. In all probability they might have visited Pakistan.

but you also dont own indian overseas people, do you?
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