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Indian-origin Israeli soldier killed in Gaza offensive

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Hamas is just an organization. It would be replaced by some other organization with some other name. Ask your papa USA to get out of the way.
You get the aid from them. You become their partner in WoT. You are facing the repercussions of their WoT.

And you say we work according to US. Hahaha...
:lol: Only you choose them as papa by allowing them to make their base in your country oh sorry you just recently switch your papa from USA to China .

So when is your brother coming out without the support from USA? :lol:
What part of an Indian will always be an Indian did not process for you?

Moving physically away from India does not mean an Indian will turn into someone else.
So Jinnah and Musharraf were Indian?? RIP logic :lol:
The dude would probably be alive today if he stayed in India rather than get involved in a territorial dispute in the Middle-East.

Very hard to feel any sympathy for someone who is part of a military that has killed hundreds of defenceless woman and children so far.

He migrated to Israel because he was a Jew and most of us don't find ourselves connected to this Jews-Muslims fight for the holy land.
You get the aid from them. You become their partner in WoT. You are facing the repercussions of their WoT.

And you say we work according to US. Hahaha...

Oh shut up. Just ask your lovely Israeli to get out without help from USA and we would see how long it would survive.
This is despicable indians went to kill Palestinian Muslims in the occupied land. The way indians celebrating Israeli genocide in Gaza is testament to eternal indian hatred against Muslim. Indian government even prevented adeopting statement against Israeli genocide. What can one say about communal and bigoted indian flare in collective indian psyche.
And how did you come to the conclusion that it was he who moved. Couldn't it be his parents?

Little difference.

He is an Indian and should not have got militarily involved in a territorial dispute.

If they forced him to serve in the Jewish army, he should have moved to India.
I know you will again give us some BS...go ahead we don't care....we know and the world knows. You were made from a part of us ...but hey who cares what you are taught...WE DONT!

You don't care but you are still posting here. Confused much bharati??? :lol:
Huh. So what? Ask USA to get out of the way and then we will see the brave nation of Israeli. :D

really! what u people were able to pull off when US was with u supplying u with F-16s and billions of $$$? nothing beats pakistanis in giving excuses, i will give u that.
Boundaries of a natiion keep changing.Point is the idea of India is thousand of years old and people considered themselves as a part of Bharatvarsha in the past which is even mentioned in our holy books.

Going by your logic i can say that Pakistan doesnt exist because it lost some territory in 1971,lol

We don't believe in Bharatvarsha bullsh!t. India in its present form came into existence on 15 August 1947. And yeah Pakistan in its current form on 16 december 1971.
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