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Indian Ocean not your backyard: China military tells India

(Not a indian)China themselves are taking over the disputed sea with force
PLAN is in no position to dictate anything to us in IOR right now,maybe another 2 decades when they have 30 modern SSNs and 3-5 CBGs.Till then..:sleep:

Dude - I say that it will be as little as 10 years from now.

It is not just carriers and SSNs that will allow China to bring in massive firepower, but also cruisers like
Type-55s that China is currently building. Each one of these will have the firepower of no less than 2 Indian destroyers.

Simply India cannot build as large or as many as China due to the fact that Chinese economy is larger and they also make their own stuff.
Dude, GDP meant nothing back in the 1700s as there was no modern industries and it was nearly all
based on agriculture. South Asia would of course have had a huge GDP due to massive population and being a fertile region.

There is no serious evidence currently that India could make the transition from current third-world to developed status, whereas all indicators are that China will move from middle-income to developed country within the next generation.

The other issue with India is, why should it survive in it's current form when it is a conglomeration of many nations into a legal entity called India?


Exactly, India need to revert to its former self as a geographical expression before thinking about GDP calculation. It's still a British creation now. Colonialism need to end first.
Dude - I say that it will be as little as 10 years from now.

It is not just carriers and SSNs that will allow China to bring in massive firepower, but also cruisers like
Type-55s that China is currently building. Each one of these will have the firepower of no less than 2 Indian destroyers.

Simply India cannot build as large or as many as China due to the fact that Chinese economy is larger and they also make their own stuff.

Only USA can conter China in IOR in 15 years. India can beg us to protect them and we will think about it.
Indian Ocean is not India's backyard....IT IS INDIA'S FRONT YARD..... and it has been for thousands of years!!!! That is why it is called INDIAN OCEAN..... as acknowledgement of the Predominance of India both as a civilization and a nation in the region for millenia.
You people have a really strange mentality and it actually is very egoistic and senseless to be frank. On one hand, every post from Pakistan you counter at an equal level, YET you guys make comments like, "we've moved on from Pakistan" and its not a factor for us. Then, its the SAME behavior on the Chinese side. You are not even close to being half of the military power they have, but yet, sentence to sentence match to show fake ego and emotionalism!!!! Never makes sense when there is NO substance behind emotional, egoistic statements!!

The IO is almost the opposite than the South China sea. IO is shared between a few larger countries who've fought wars, like India, China, Pakistan and a part of it links to Iran. On the other hand, the South China sea, majority of it only has China as the only regional power, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan are small Islands. On the other side, you have Japan and stuff close to Japan's EEZ is where the demarcation line begins. But beyond that till China, there is nothing local really challenging China (outside of the USN and JDF, which obviously aren't right next to China like Taiwan is)
seriously you don't even pretend to be an american.
You people have a really strange mentality and it actually is very egoistic and senseless to be frank. On one hand, every post from Pakistan you counter at an equal level, YET you guys make comments like, "we've moved on from Pakistan" and its not a factor for us. Then, its the SAME behavior on the Chinese side. You are not even close to being half of the military power they have, but yet, sentence to sentence match to show fake ego and emotionalism!!!! Never makes sense when there is NO substance behind emotional, egoistic statements!!

The IO is almost the opposite than the South China sea. IO is shared between a few larger countries who've fought wars, like India, China, Pakistan and a part of it links to Iran. On the other hand, the South China sea, majority of it only has China as the only regional power, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan are small Islands. On the other side, you have Japan and stuff close to Japan's EEZ is where the demarcation line begins. But beyond that till China, there is nothing local really challenging China (outside of the USN and JDF, which obviously aren't right next to China like Taiwan is)

India's economy is exactly 9 years behind China's. China GDP was $ 2 Tr in 2005.... India's was $ 2 Tr in 2014. If you take PPP GDP, then it is even less. Given that GDP in China is slowing down @5% and India is gaining growth @ 9% and counting, it shouid take India about 15 years to reach the $13 Tr range and 20 years for $ 20 Tr. Which is where China may be too. So, the "greatness" of China over India is vastly exaggerated.

India and China have very different approach and doctrine to military strategy and defence. To say that China would be able to come all the way to IOR to wage a fight with India is a unsustainable at present and impossible in 10 years time.
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@Gaznavi - the Chinese guy says 'backyard' is not the appropriate term to describe the geography of oceans and you twist it to some sort of aggressive posture? If anything, the Chinese guy actually acknowledged that India has to play the stabilizing role in that ocean. You seem to have got it backwards...;)
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