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Indian Ocean not your backyard: China military tells India

I know I'm a latecomer to this thread but seriously, the best you can do is one-liners? There's countless replies in so many threads, including this one where only minimal effort has been made to debate the topic in question. And please, before you say otherwise, I'm only talking about Indian response which is what's in question here in this thread. Viper has a point indeed, why not put in some meaningful input and have a healthy debate? It makes a far more interesting read for everyone instead of having to read one-liners and statistics to prove who has the biggest dong (pardon the expression).

What point ? Racism ? Mocking other religious beliefs ?
I'd hate to think you're doing it again and not sticking to the point I was referring to. Are you?

Sticking to what point dear ? You can't have a logical discussion with him - he'll start dragging hinduism,vedic math,vedic space travel and will start ranting about his predictions for Indian economy
Sticking to what point dear ? You can't have a logical discussion with him - he'll start dragging hinduism,vedic math,vedic space travel and will start ranting about his predictions for Indian economy
Challenge him in a meaningful debate. Defeat him through your intellectual powers. I'm sure Viper will have a job cut out for himself. :laugh:
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