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Indian Ocean not your backyard: China military tells India

Detect their yaun class then talk .

All in good time mate all in good time but meanwhile don't stop cheerleading for China by looking at alliances against China it really needs your support. More than ever.
All in good time mate all in good time but meanwhile don't stop cheerleading for China by looking at alliances against China it really needs your support. More than ever.
Well the party who own scs are gaining ground and increasing their presence others are just yell nothing much .
Let me giv u an advice As being ur neighbor never ever trust USA . they will ditch u at the time of need . hope u learn something from our experience. :) best of luck .
but if you keep bugging me to somehow open your cranium and insert meaning of words phrases and sentences into it, I cannot help you. May be once or twice but after that you have to figure out the process yourself. It is not about my authority - it is about my rights to expect common sense from you if you talk to me.
Mr. "para likha nawab" don't take it serious. i thought you may understand compliments...............

Another China's chamcha! :P Sycophancy at its height! Why don't you guys grow up a stop looking at China as mother hen? :big_boss:
what you indian think about america first look at yourself...............
what you indian think about america first look at yourself...............
You guys have been poodle-faking with the Yanks since the 50s - joining the CENTO and CEATO - and then being the recipients of the largest American aid program in the world in spite of hobnobbing with your home grown mercenaries.

But we gotta hand it you. You've managed to take the greatest superpower on earth for a jolly good ride! You've made them look like idiots! But they seem to never learn and continue giving aid to Pakistan in spite of their double games!
Only USA can conter China in IOR in 15 years. India can beg us to protect them and we will think about it.

Ok Pakistani now its your turn to beg ....Oh wait you are doing it already

The Indian Ocean (IO) region was not India’s backyard and upholding this perception could trigger clashes, the Chinese military cautioned on Wednesday, with analysts seeing it as sabre-rattling by the northern neighbour to gain dominance in the strategically crucial territory.

Beijing, however, did recognise New Delhi’s stabilising influence in the IO and South Asia region, said a senior officer from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), the largest defence forces in the world.

He was answering queries on how China planned to allay Indian fears over increasing forays by its ships and submarines into the Indian Ocean region after Beijing last month released its first ever report outlining a new military strategy enhancing its navy’s duties for the first time to “open seas protection”.

“The word backyard is not very appropriate to use for an open sea and international areas of sea,” senior captain Zhao Yi, associate professor of the Institute of Strategy in China’s National Defence University, told a group of Indian journalists. “I admit geographically speaking India has a special role to play in stabilising Indian Ocean and the South Asian region.”

Questions about PLA navy’s maritime strategies were raised in the context of Chinese submarines visiting Sri Lanka and Pakistan recently, but officers played down Indian concerns.

“The Chinese government has been very prudent in handling PLA navy's navigation to the IO. Most of the time when our submarines go to the Indian Ocean, we diplomatically inform our neighbouring countries,” said Zhang Wei, a researcher with the PLA Navy Academic Institute. “We should enhance cooperation in order to enhance mutual trust at the level of military and government.”

Zhao quoted a US scholar who said the IO region was likely to be a focus area and at the epicentre of maritime clashes in the 21st century.

“This scholar indicated that there would be severe clashes in the IO areas. I did not agree with him. But if someone views (the region) as its backyard, I am afraid this possibility (of clashes) cannot be eliminated,” the officer noted.

The Indian Ocean region was very important to China as well as other countries as it was an important channel for international trade and that is why Beijing sought relevant navigational rights through it, Zhao said.

Indian Ocean not your backyard: China military tells India

This means that India is behaving as if Indian ocean is our back yard which is very good. we must say it loud and clear that it is named after India so it is our backyard.
This means that India is behaving as if Indian ocean is our back yard which is very good. we must say it loud and clear that it is named after India so it is our backyard.
arabian ocean is named after arabia what this mean it belongs to arabs?????

You guys have been poodle-faking with the Yanks since the 50s - joining the CENTO and CEATO - and then being the recipients of the largest American aid program in the world in spite of hobnobbing with your home grown mercenaries.

But we gotta hand it you. You've managed to take the greatest superpower on earth for a jolly good ride! You've made them look like idiots! But they seem to never learn and continue giving aid to Pakistan in spite of their double games!
we had guts, BTW we fought the war for our country. because the target of that so called super power was not the ghost man osama the real target was Pakistan. and if india is in this type of situation india will also have to do same things as we did.......
China should base its warships and submarines in Pakistan to counter the Indian pariah regime. Its long overdue for increased Chinese presence in South Asia. The hegemonic ambitions of the Indian regime must be firmly kept in check by China. China will also sell warships and submarines to Pakistan navy so that Pakistan navy can assist China in countering the pariah Indian regime. India which has long been a state-sponsor of terror have been supporting terrorist networks in all South Asian countries to destabilise and then shrewdly using its propaganda machine to play the victim card.

PLAN will definitely increase its presence in South Asia to counter the fake country.
I can tell how mathematically inept you are and so no use talking about mathematically related topics with you.

India is a country that should aim to eliminate poverty and holding it's many ethnic groups together
before even dreaming of trying to compete with a real nation-state like China.

There is nothing in your post that demostrate anything about your "mathematical eptitude". Random guess work is what I call it.
FYI, India does not have many ethnic groups, they are just variations of the same native people and common civilization.
Anyway, India's poverty and its military competence both depend on the development and growth of its economy....which is what the country is doing right now. BTW, we do not like to be anything like China, neither are we at all trying to be like them. We are culturally, temperamentally and genetically totally different from them. It is more likely that we will be a bigger version of the US in the future.

China should base its warships and submarines in Pakistan to counter the Indian pariah regime. Its long overdue for increased Chinese presence in South Asia. The hegemonic ambitions of the Indian regime must be firmly kept in check by China. China will also sell warships and submarines to Pakistan navy so that Pakistan navy can assist China in countering the pariah Indian regime. India which has long been a state-sponsor of terror have been supporting terrorist networks in all South Asian countries to destabilise and then shrewdly using its propaganda machine to play the victim card.

PLAN will definitely increase its presence in South Asia to counter the fake country.

PLAN can increase as much presence in South Asia as it want, but it will never be a match for India forces in IOR. China's proxy Pakistan is a failed state which is and soon fall apart in the insurgency that is now taking place. No matter how much help Chinese may give, Pakistan navy will remain nothing but a toy prop. It is more likely that Japan, Australia and India who have signed a defense pact will increase their clout in SCS.
There is nothing in your post that demostrate anything about your "mathematical eptitude". Random guess work is what I call it.
FYI, India does not have many ethnic groups, they are just variations of the same native people and common civilization.
Anyway, India's poverty and its military competence both depend on the development and growth of its economy....which is what the country is doing right now. BTW, we do not like to be anything like China, neither are we at all trying to be like them. We are culturally, temperamentally and genetically totally different from them. It is more likely that we will be a bigger version of the US in the future.

PLAN can increase as much presence in South Asia as it want, but it will never be a match for India forces in IOR. China's proxy Pakistan is a failed state which is and soon fall apart in the insurgency that is now taking place. No matter how much help Chinese may give, Pakistan navy will remain nothing but a toy prop. It is more likely that Japan, Australia and India who have signed a defense pact will increase their clout in SCS.

PLAN will most definitely increase its presence and activity in South Asia. China and Pakistan alliance is strengthening to counter Indian thuggery and the more aggressive India gets the more China will get involved in South Asia. Not only will PLAN increase its presence and turn Gwadar into full naval base but China will sell weapons to Pakistan so PLAN and the Pakistan military will keep the fake country firmly in check.
The massive naval buildup in China is not just aimed at SCS because the SCS is already packed with Chinese naval vessels.
If India tries again to be aggressive to China you will face a worse humiliation than you got in 1962. The more belligerent the Hindu radicals get towards peaceful countries like Pakistan, the more you will have to deal with China.

China will not only increase its military presence around India but China will fund and arm the many separatist movements inside your fake country to cause problems for your regime both internally and externally. Pakistan will also be of great help in this regard to destabilise India and collapse it into many different countries like what happened to Yugoslavia. Whatever problems you can cause China, China will return the favour in much bigger dosages.

To be a failed state, 50% of the country must lack basic sanitation. Guess which country qualifies for that? :p:
PLAN will most definitely increase its presence and activity in South Asia. China and Pakistan alliance is strengthening to counter Indian thuggery and the more aggressive India gets the more China will get involved in South Asia. Not only will PLAN increase its presence and turn Gwadar into full naval base but China will sell weapons to Pakistan so PLAN and the Pakistan military will keep the fake country firmly in check.
The massive naval buildup in China is not just aimed at SCS because the SCS is already packed with Chinese naval vessels.
If India tries again to be aggressive to China you will face a worse humiliation than you got in 1962. The more belligerent the Hindu radicals get towards peaceful countries like Pakistan, the more you will have to deal with China.

China will not only increase its military presence around India but China will fund and arm the many separatist movements inside your fake country to cause problems for your regime both internally and externally. Pakistan will also be of great help in this regard to destabilise India and collapse it into many different countries like what happened to Yugoslavia. Whatever problems you can cause China, China will return the favour in much bigger dosages.

To be a failed state, 50% of the country must lack basic sanitation. Guess which country qualifies for that? :p:

I was reading Your NONSENSE post and then it became clear that YOU ARE A PAKISTANI masquerading as a Chinese....LOL. Not only is the tone of your posting so PRO-Pakistan, but the moment you said "Hindu radicals" if was as clear as day. Only Pakistanis are obssesed with identifying people by religion as they do not have any of their own.

Remember that China will run away at the first sign of trouble in Pakistan as they did in 1971. They are just using Pakistan to promote their own objectives of selling outdated weapons and cheap goods and will dump you like a tiolet tissue when they have got what they want. China does not have the balls or the capability to fight India in the IOR. They will be button-holed in the SCS by INDIA, US and RUSSIA. None of them like China. Of the 4 major powers, ONLY INDIA IS LIKED BY ALL THE OTHER 3.

BTW, there are more than 60% people in Pakistan without a toilet SHITTING in the streets and fields of Pakistan....HEHEHEHE!!!!
Yeah right troll,now go troll elsewhere
I know I'm a latecomer to this thread but seriously, the best you can do is one-liners? There's countless replies in so many threads, including this one where only minimal effort has been made to debate the topic in question. And please, before you say otherwise, I'm only talking about Indian response which is what's in question here in this thread. Viper has a point indeed, why not put in some meaningful input and have a healthy debate? It makes a far more interesting read for everyone instead of having to read one-liners and statistics to prove who has the biggest dong (pardon the expression).
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