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Indian Ocean not your backyard: China military tells India

Peace seeker

Apr 7, 2014
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The Indian Ocean (IO) region was not India’s backyard and upholding this perception could trigger clashes, the Chinese military cautioned on Wednesday, with analysts seeing it as sabre-rattling by the northern neighbour to gain dominance in the strategically crucial territory.

Beijing, however, did recognise New Delhi’s stabilising influence in the IO and South Asia region, said a senior officer from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), the largest defence forces in the world.

He was answering queries on how China planned to allay Indian fears over increasing forays by its ships and submarines into the Indian Ocean region after Beijing last month released its first ever report outlining a new military strategy enhancing its navy’s duties for the first time to “open seas protection”.

“The word backyard is not very appropriate to use for an open sea and international areas of sea,” senior captain Zhao Yi, associate professor of the Institute of Strategy in China’s National Defence University, told a group of Indian journalists. “I admit geographically speaking India has a special role to play in stabilising Indian Ocean and the South Asian region.”

Questions about PLA navy’s maritime strategies were raised in the context of Chinese submarines visiting Sri Lanka and Pakistan recently, but officers played down Indian concerns.

“The Chinese government has been very prudent in handling PLA navy's navigation to the IO. Most of the time when our submarines go to the Indian Ocean, we diplomatically inform our neighbouring countries,” said Zhang Wei, a researcher with the PLA Navy Academic Institute. “We should enhance cooperation in order to enhance mutual trust at the level of military and government.”

Zhao quoted a US scholar who said the IO region was likely to be a focus area and at the epicentre of maritime clashes in the 21st century.

“This scholar indicated that there would be severe clashes in the IO areas. I did not agree with him. But if someone views (the region) as its backyard, I am afraid this possibility (of clashes) cannot be eliminated,” the officer noted.

The Indian Ocean region was very important to China as well as other countries as it was an important channel for international trade and that is why Beijing sought relevant navigational rights through it, Zhao said.

Indian Ocean not your backyard: China military tells India

The Indian Ocean (IO) region was not India’s backyard and upholding this perception could trigger clashes, the Chinese military cautioned on Wednesday, with analysts seeing it as sabre-rattling by the northern neighbour to gain dominance in the strategically crucial territory.

Beijing, however, did recognise New Delhi’s stabilising influence in the IO and South Asia region, said a senior officer from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), the largest defence forces in the world.

He was answering queries on how China planned to allay Indian fears over increasing forays by its ships and submarines into the Indian Ocean region after Beijing last month released its first ever report outlining a new military strategy enhancing its navy’s duties for the first time to “open seas protection”.

“The word backyard is not very appropriate to use for an open sea and international areas of sea,” senior captain Zhao Yi, associate professor of the Institute of Strategy in China’s National Defence University, told a group of Indian journalists. “I admit geographically speaking India has a special role to play in stabilising Indian Ocean and the South Asian region.”

Questions about PLA navy’s maritime strategies were raised in the context of Chinese submarines visiting Sri Lanka and Pakistan recently, but officers played down Indian concerns.

“The Chinese government has been very prudent in handling PLA navy's navigation to the IO. Most of the time when our submarines go to the Indian Ocean, we diplomatically inform our neighbouring countries,” said Zhang Wei, a researcher with the PLA Navy Academic Institute. “We should enhance cooperation in order to enhance mutual trust at the level of military and government.”

Zhao quoted a US scholar who said the IO region was likely to be a focus area and at the epicentre of maritime clashes in the 21st century.

“This scholar indicated that there would be severe clashes in the IO areas. I did not agree with him. But if someone views (the region) as its backyard, I am afraid this possibility (of clashes) cannot be eliminated,” the officer noted.

The Indian Ocean region was very important to China as well as other countries as it was an important channel for international trade and that is why Beijing sought relevant navigational rights through it, Zhao said.

Indian Ocean not your backyard: China military tells India

South China sea is not Chinese backyard
So is South China sea not backyard of China.....:lol:

You people have a really strange mentality and it actually is very egoistic and senseless to be frank. On one hand, every post from Pakistan you counter at an equal level, YET you guys make comments like, "we've moved on from Pakistan" and its not a factor for us. Then, its the SAME behavior on the Chinese side. You are not even close to being half of the military power they have, but yet, sentence to sentence match to show fake ego and emotionalism!!!! Never makes sense when there is NO substance behind emotional, egoistic statements!!

The IO is almost the opposite than the South China sea. IO is shared between a few larger countries who've fought wars, like India, China, Pakistan and a part of it links to Iran. On the other hand, the South China sea, majority of it only has China as the only regional power, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan are small Islands. On the other side, you have Japan and stuff close to Japan's EEZ is where the demarcation line begins. But beyond that till China, there is nothing local really challenging China (outside of the USN and JDF, which obviously aren't right next to China like Taiwan is)
You people have a really strange mentality and it actually is very egoistic and senseless to be frank. On one hand, every post from Pakistan you counter at an equal level, YET you guys make comments like, "we've moved on from Pakistan" and its not a factor for us. Then, its the SAME behavior on the Chinese side. You are not even close to being half of the military power they have, but yet, sentence to sentence match to show fake ego and emotionalism!!!! Never makes sense when there is NO substance behind emotional, egoistic statements!!

The IO is almost the opposite than the South China sea. IO is shared between a few larger countries who've fought wars, like India, China, Pakistan and a part of it links to Iran. On the other hand, the South China sea, majority of it only has China as the only regional power, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan are small Islands. On the other side, you have Japan and stuff close to Japan's EEZ is where the demarcation line begins. But beyond that till China, there is nothing local really challenging China (outside of the USN and JDF, which obviously aren't right next to China like Taiwan is)

India is a people of 1.3 billion people, while China is of 1.4 billion people and Pakistan is of 180 million people. You can guess which country India will take as a competitor. If not for the territorial dispute between India and Pakistan, there is no chance that India will take Pakistan seriously.

The security in IO affects India the most, hence any 'enemy' presence in IO will be taken seriously. No wonder India has two CBG's in IO and is in the process of getting two more CBG's. As of now China has no capability to take on India in IO, if China makes inroads in IO, then India will sure to make inroads into SCS there by effecting China security seriously.
India is a people of 1.3 billion people, while China is of 1.4 billion people and Pakistan is of 180 million people. You can guess which country India will take as a competitor. If not for the territorial dispute between India and Pakistan, there is no chance that India will take Pakistan seriously.

No one's talking about the population, the importance and the typical scientific data you get from every Indian member on all topics. I was talking about the human mentality. You guys come across super arrogant at times whether you have or don't have an argument.

Every post doesn't somehow need to show India as a superior being in everything, readers can see through how hard you guys push to show India what it's not. India is a big important country, no doubt about it. But this mentality I am referring to, derails threads day and night.

For example, if I was from India, my response to OP, won't be "South China sea is not a backyard for China" (just a tit for tat response and means nothing). I would've put in some facts and content in there which would counter the OP and would start a good debate. A good healthy debate can prove the OP wrong and the readers can see the reality. We don't have to jump RIGHT into a VS. thread, immediately.
For example, if I was from India, my response to OP, won't be "South China sea is not a backyard for China" (just a tit for tat response and means nothing). I would've put in some facts and content in there which would counter the OP and would start a good debate. A good healthy debate can prove the OP wrong and the readers can see the reality. We don't have to jump RIGHT into a VS. thread, immediately.

Well said.
The IO is almost the opposite than the South China sea. IO is shared between a few larger countries who've fought wars, like India, China, Pakistan and a part of it links to Iran. On the other hand, the South China sea, majority of it only has China as the only regional power, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan are small Islands. On the other side, you have Japan and stuff close to Japan's EEZ is where the demarcation line begins. But beyond that till China, there is nothing local really challenging China (outside of the USN and JDF, which obviously aren't right next to China like Taiwan is)

Amazing general knowledge on geography. :lol:

Also very American of you to consider SCS as Chinese territory :D
Amazing general knowledge on geography. :lol:
Also very American of you to consider SCS as Chinese territory :D

Obviously very typical INDIAN of you to ignore the whole point and stick your nose inside the American thing? Nowhere did I say that the SCS is "OWNED" by China. If you are reading it, you should get your eyes checked.

Don't respond to my comments with stupidity, next post without context, filled with nonsense will be sent to the mods. I am not here to waste time in indulging personals. Speak with facts, or don't speak at all. Definitely let go of the 12 year old type verbal personal attacks.

Well said.

Why is it that folks from India don't get a very basic point that we all come here to discuss things and debate. There is no need to either get personal or turn everything into anti-India or a Vs. thread? I never understand it. It just derails threads...
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