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Indian Ocean not your backyard: China military tells India

Obviously very typical INDIAN of you to ignore the whole point and stick your nose inside the American thing? Nowhere did I say that the SCS is "OWNED" by China. If you are reading it, you should get your eyes checked.

Don't respond to my comments with stupidity, next post without context, filled with nonsense will be sent to the mods. I am not here to waste time in indulging personals. Speak with facts, or don't speak at all. Definitely let go of the 12 year old type verbal personal attacks.
Your post was full of nonsense to begin with. :rofl:@ so called "sharing" of large water bodies like oceans and seas.

The IO is almost the opposite than the South China sea. IO is shared between a few larger countries who've fought wars, like India, China, Pakistan and a part of it links to Iran. On the other hand, the South China sea, majority of it only has China as the only regional power, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan are small Islands. On the other side, you have Japan and stuff close to Japan's EEZ is where the demarcation line begins. But beyond that till China, there is nothing local really challenging China (outside of the USN and JDF, which obviously aren't right next to China like Taiwan is)
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Why is it that folks from India don't get a very basic point that we all come here to discuss things and debate. There is no need to either get personal or turn everything into anti-India or a Vs. thread? I never understand it. It just derails threads...

And you have undone your good work by painting all Indians with the same brush, i wouldn't consider 100 rednecks from Kentucky to be representative of all of USA, neither should you consider 10-20 Indians to be representative of I.3 billion people.

Words like very typical Indian of you only makes you a bigot.

Please note PDF is seen by most Indians as a forum to compete/gloat/criticize with Pakistan, the sample of Indian population on PDF will give you highly skewed and biased data to make conclusions and assumptions.

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No surprise that China is already warning India on this matter.

From next decade huge Chinese CBGs will regularly patrol the Indian Ocean.

The only two powers in the IOR will be the US and Chinese Navies.
No surprise that China is already warning India on this matter.

From next decade huge Chinese CBGs will regularly patrol the Indian Ocean.

The only two powers in the IOR will be the US and Chinese Navies.

If there are soothsayers like you, who needs historians? That be can recorded in advance too!!
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India is a people of 1.3 billion people, while China is of 1.4 billion people and Pakistan is of 180 million people. You can guess which country India will take as a competitor.

If the size of the population was the yardstick to measure military strength and regional influence india would be the super power instead of the US with only 250 million people.

If not for the territorial dispute between India and Pakistan, there is no chance that India will take Pakistan seriously.

The fact that the indian PM goes as far as offering a mutual defence pact to countries like the GCC to isolate Pakistan, the fact that for every failure of india the indians blame Pakistan day and night, shows how seriously india takes Pakistan. To say that india takes Pakistan seriously is an understatement, matter of fact, india's obsession with Pakistan is simply mind boggling, it knows no bound.
If the size of the population was the yardstick to measure military strength and regional influence india would be the super power instead of the US with only 250 million people.

The fact that the indian PM goes as far as offering a mutual defence pact to countries like the GCC to isolate Pakistan, the fact that for every failure of india the indians blame Pakistan day and night, shows how seriously india takes Pakistan.

In the long run quantity beat quality...given the number of people living in India and China...there should not be any doubts that China and India will emerge as preeminent counties in the world by mid of this century.

As on GCC, just because you are big means nothing unless you carry with yourself your smaller neighbors...big countries will fight for influence in smaller countries. That is why India gave up territory to BD to buy influence.

India's defence pact with GCC is nothing to do with Pakistan. Pakistan is not India's rival. The defence pact is more to do with India's own strategic needs.
In the long run quantity beat quality...given the number of people living in India and China...there should not be any doubts that China and India will emerge as preeminent counties in the world by mid of this century..

That is the old Soviet thinking, they had more guns, more tanks, more fighters and more nukes but still they lost to the west. As for becoming 'preeminent countries' China and india have been known to have this hugs population for more than seventy years and still they have not managed to exceed the US in power or wealth. China with its huge population has the potential to beat the US not with its population but with its recently acquired technological know how.
That is the old Soviet thinking, they had more guns, more tanks, more fighters and more nukes but still they lost to the west. As for becoming 'preeminent countries' China and india have been known to have this hugs population for more than seventy years and still they have not managed to exceed the US in power or wealth. China with its huge population has the potential to beat the US not with its population but with its recently acquired technological know how.

Is becoming technology and economic power soviet thinking? Chinese per capita GDP is less than Botswana. What made Chinese so powerful is collective GDP per capita of all Chines people. Until 1700, India's share of worlds GDP was 20%, the poverty that India is experiencing is just 300 years old. I am sure India will gains that preeminence.
Obviously very typical INDIAN of you to ignore the whole point and stick your nose inside the American thing? Nowhere did I say that the SCS is "OWNED" by China. If you are reading it, you should get your eyes checked.

Don't respond to my comments with stupidity, next post without context, filled with nonsense will be sent to the mods. I am not here to waste time in indulging personals. Speak with facts, or don't speak at all. Definitely let go of the 12 year old type verbal personal attacks.

Why is it that folks from India don't get a very basic point that we all come here to discuss things and debate. There is no need to either get personal or turn everything into anti-India or a Vs. thread? I never understand it. It just derails threads...

Low self esteem people like the Indians here care only about bragging. Most don't care for a healthy debate. Bragging is about dikc measurement and presenting facts is very straight forward to them. The responses you encounter proved your point.

Is becoming technology and economic power soviet thinking? Chinese per capita GDP is less than Botswana. What made Chinese so powerful is collective GDP per capita of all Chines people. Until 1700, India's share of worlds GDP was 20%, the poverty that India is experiencing is just 300 years old. I am sure India will gains that preeminence.

How did they measure GDP back then. And what was India back then? Mughal empire?
Is becoming technology and economic power soviet thinking? Chinese per capita GDP is less than Botswana. What made Chinese so powerful is collective GDP per capita of all Chines people. Until 1700, India's share of worlds GDP was 20%, the poverty that India is experiencing is just 300 years old. I am sure India will gains that preeminence.

Dude, GDP meant nothing back in the 1700s as there was no modern industries and it was nearly all
based on agriculture. South Asia would of course have had a huge GDP due to massive population and being a fertile region.

There is no serious evidence currently that India could make the transition from current third-world to developed status, whereas all indicators are that China will move from middle-income to developed country within the next generation.

The other issue with India is, why should it survive in it's current form when it is a conglomeration of many nations into a legal entity called India?

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