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Indian Navy deployed INS Vikramaditya and nuclear submarines in North Arabian sea

the tensions died down, both India and Pakistan realized that we can not afford to escalate things to the point of no return .. India tried everything from extreme confrontation on LoC , Air attacks , mobilizing IN and even pointing their Missiles at Pakistan, and everywhere Pakistan has shown its readiness and response .. lets sit and talk , its time to solve our issues once and for all .
this is wrong direction just to misguide pakistan navy fleet.they want to infiltrate that's why giving wrong positions.

yes we can sir.we have jf-17s that can fire anti ship missiles that's why they aren't coming closer to our coast.also pakistan have land based missiles to target aerial threat near coast.

Missile against moving target?
Don't our Navy can do this?

And btw, news about navy and Airforce are coming, but on army front, there is almost no news. So, is there something fishy going on, on some surprise front?
I am becoming of the view that Indian commandos are about to enter in Pakistan from at least three directions, right to target and then, back.
They should have sunk that piece of junk the moment they violated our borders.
I see no benefit in not doing so.
If i think hard only probability ii see is another argument, which Pakistani govt. may offer for peace prize nomination.
They will mostly target Punjab big cities with Nuclear bombs (for example Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Fasialabad, Multan, Bahawalpur). Nuclear bunkers should be built in these cities immediately.
Yes we need deep bunkers, Also survival training . We succeeded making tunnels per tunnels to safeguard nuclear assets but Now, it's right time to make seperate deep tunnels for civilians, & provide Survival tricks, & training to minimize nuclear effects.
I see no benefit in not doing so.
If i think hard only probability ii see is another argument, which Pakistani govt. may offer for peace prize nomination.
This entire retuning of piolt in haste and leaving the sub seem to render us weak instead of peace gesture for indians. They should have kept the mustaches to rub in the face of India in elections.
This entire retuning of piolt in haste and leaving the sub seem to render us weak instead of peace gesture for indians. They should have kept the mustaches to rub in the face of India in elections.

Yes it's clear. Now we have seen it very clearly.
PoW should only be returned once cease fire has been declared.
Let's hope next time our generals impose emergency immediately after India announce a war threat.
I clearly remember modi saying in his speech, days before Indian invasion, that he has given his permission to Indian army to go at war with Pakistan.
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we developed nuclear capable Babur-3 cruise missile for indian submarine, Nothing to worry
and what had that to do with what i was saying?

It's just another sub. Not a real threat.
i was questioning the news source... and then someone misread me and i was answering him.. am not one to tell you the threat or no threat of our navy, which gets caught snorkeling.. you souldn't worry much about us anyways.. all good :-)
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