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Indian Navy deployed INS Vikramaditya and nuclear submarines in North Arabian sea

Who on Pakistan side, withheld the permission to take shot at Indian submarine?
Why are they announcing everything like a reality show? Shouldn't all these be kept secret...the more they talk the weaker they sound. Once PLAN has a joint exercise with Pakistan Navy, they will keep quiet.

Because its a PR excercise to calm the tits of their humiliated public and fanboys

As you say what kind of idiot announces this crap

They have to sooth themselves somehow
There is much different between making a statement and act upon the statement .. Now your navy time to act... We are waiting and watching your every move... This time spanking will be non stop from our side

Tensions between the two nuclear-armed Asian powers escalated last month, after an incursion into Pakistani territory in Kashmir by Indian Air Force warplanes to strike at Jihadist militants led to skirmishes in the air and small arms and artillery fire along the shaky Line of Control border.

Major combat units of the Indian Navy including the INS Vikramaditya aircraft carrier-led battle group, nuclear submarines "and scores of other ships, submarines and aircraft" were quickly shifted from exercises to operational deployment as tensions between New Delhi and Islamabad escalated, India's Ministry of Defence said in a statement Sunday.

"A clear and resolute message regarding the operational posture of the Indian Navy to prevent, deter and defeat any misadventure by Pakistan in the maritime domain was also issued during the tri-services press conference" on February 28, the statement added.

The Defence Ministry did not clarify which "nuclear submarines" were deployed, although the Indian Navy presently has two kinds of nuclear-powered subs at its disposal, including a single Chakra (Akula II) class attack submarine leased from Russia, and the INS Arihant, an Indian-made ballistic missile submarine capable of firing up to 12 submarine-launched nuclear ballistic missiles. The Navy also has some 14 diesel-electric subs.

Indian warships were redeployed out of the Theatre Level Operation Readiness Exercise (TROPEX 19), an annual inter-service series of drills involving the Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force and Army, as tensions with Pakistan escalated after the February 14 terrorist attack on an Indian military convoy in Kashmir.

Earlier Sunday, sources speaking to Reuters reportedly said that India and Pakistan had threaten to lob nuclear missiles at each other during the crisis, and that only US officials' intervention helped to defuse what may have well turned into a much deadlier conflict.

In early March, the Pakistani Navy released video of what it alleged was an Indian submarine attempting to enter Pakistani waters as tensions between the two countries flared.

Tensions between India and Pakistan escalated in mid-February, after a Pakistan-based terrorist group affiliated with al-Qaeda* carried out a deadly car bombing attack against Indian security forces in Kashmir, killing at least 40 personnel. The Indian military responded by conducting airstrikes against a suspected terrorist training camp on the Pakistani side of the border on Tuesday, February 26. A day later, the Pakistani Air Force scrambled fighters to counter a second Indian incursion into Pakistani airspace, leading to a dogfight and the loss of at least one Indian MiG-21 and one Pakistani F-16. Tensions continue to smolder, with regular reports of airspace violations, military drills held in the sensitive border area, and back and forth allegations of ceasefire violations amid small arms and artillery fire along the Line of Control in Kashmir.

*A terrorist group outlawed in Russia and many other countries.

The leased nuclear sub from Russia can not and may not carry nukes as part of the agreement. It's there to train the IN only.
:-) it will still be a nuclear submarine, right? as the propulsion and energy system has nothing to do with missiles system?
:-) it will still be a nuclear submarine, right? as the propulsion and energy system has nothing to do with missiles system?
we developed nuclear capable Babur-3 cruise missile for indian submarine, Nothing to worry
they are specifying wrong positions just to misguide pakistan navy fleet.they want to infiltrate that's why giving wrong positions.

My question is : do we have options to sink this carrier?

yes we can sir.we have jf-17s that can fire anti ship missiles that's why they aren't coming closer to our coast.also pakistan have land based missiles to target aerial threat near coast.
There are going to do misadventure from rajasthan and kashmir side, Same time they want to pressurize us with their best assets from Sea & international water.
We should prepare ourself for war, as we have right to defend.
I don't think government have plans and programs, like how to save & minimize effects from nuclear bomb and what to do?? We don't have best planners. We will suffer heavily due to negligence on serious matters.
They will mostly target Punjab big cities with Nuclear bombs (for example Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Fasialabad, Multan, Bahawalpur). Nuclear bunkers should be built in these cities immediately.
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